Humble Suggestion

Well, let’s start with this: these fields that Captain creates are very advanced and complex creations, so when we have a description, it’s either a simplified one for people like me who have no idea what it is Or it maintains terms and ideas/explanations that are either Scientific(al) or Spiritual, yet very advanced, so some fields (not all) are really complex creations which actually requires knowledge and research - Sometimes, we can’t just buy a product, we need to know (about) the product.

And all this time, I thought @WellBeing was a dude. :sweat_smile:
Now that I think about it, why did I assume that?
Anyway, Wellbeing, if you are reading this, thank you for all your help on this forum, you are awesome. :pray:

Edit: they are all complex creations, I mean some are more complex.

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It is a dude, i forgot,


Wait what? :sweat_smile:
Nevermind… I’ll leave that comment lol.

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Maybe you can kindly ask someone here on the forum who has the ability to feel what fields are needed for you to help you with this. Maybe there’s someone here who can work with a pendulum for this or even a psychic.

It was very difficult for me in the beginning and even now to feel what audio or nft is needed for me at this moment in time.

You can go with basic fields like plasma flaunt, soul core restoration etc. Although plasma flaunt is mainly a physical field it 's very important to create a strong physical body and have a good health if one aspires to do spiritual practices. I myself only buy nft’s so i can resell or trade them if they doesn’t resonate or not needed for me etc or it must be that i’m quite sure about a audio field.
All subjective of course.

It could help if you explain a bit about your physical, mental, emotional and energetic health situation so they can advice you more efficiently. First you want to build a strong foundation a kind of stable platform where you can perform your spiritual practices on.

Lately there are a lot of bargains on buy/selling nft thread

I hope this helped :dizzy:


He is a dude. I just checked. :laughing:

As for the topic of this conversation, I’m not really sure what’s wanted. “Spiritual” is such a general term. It’s one of those terms where I know what I mean when I say it but it’s not likely to be what other people mean when they say it.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s so broad a term that I could make a plausible case that almost every field that Sapien has released is somewhat “spiritual.”

This would be one of those times where I’d ask our new friend, @anon19857035 (welcome!), to help me understand what you wanting your spiritual fields to do for you. And how will you know when they’ve done it successfully for you?


You both raise good points. As you all can see, me and Dream are terrible salesmen lol. We make what we make but aren’t trying to over promise or anything. Just let results speak for themselves. And if people don’t trust or know enough to purchase something, that never bothers us. We’ve taken a passive approach in allowing people to find gems for themselves. (There is also paypal and many sites now getting rid of audios or things of this nature so we try to be careful)

But, I know that money is limited for many people and with that money, people would like to have a better gauge on what to purchase. Many of our audios have minimal description so the benefits… can be vague. I’m sure having better descriptions that at least let people know the possible benefits will help. I think speaking of possible benefits rather than guaranteed benefits may be all right with site regulations.

But yeah, it’s going to take me quite some time but I’ll try to update the descriptions on as many of our things as possible.


Their are only like a few people who make audios, how does paypal even know.

Or are u talking about paypal cracking down on those scam promises website, and they just assume u guys are too, because the audios


Yeah. It’s that. It’s not just audios. Just things of a pseudoscientific nature.


This was a good point for new users, it takes time to immerse oneself into all the jargon and reach the level of the target audience.
I don’t think you should have deleted :man_shrugging:

As we all evolve and invest our time, effort and money in this journey over the years, there is little shared reality with completely new users.

The community is the solution to help get everyone up to speed.

Edit: Oh, didn’t see the whole fall out lol

Not picking sides


Thank you for listening , Sammy.

I did stress before, especially if it is not a primarily physical audio. It is not my intention to get any of you in trouble for over promising.

But with audios that are not primarily physical, more explanation would not hurt anyone and Indra’s Jewelled net is a perfect example.

The major thing that was communicated or is communicated was that this audio gives you a sense of interconnectedness. That’s extremely vague, and it doesn’t answer the question of “how is this different from some of your other products?”

One could say, well the interconnectedness of everything or yes, conceptual realizations could do the same thing or similar.

I think telling people who would be confused that they’re “just not spiritual enough yet” so they naturally don’t understand is weird. It suggests there’s a hierarchy which is not what i understand to be spiritual.

But who knows…


Fair enough. I aim to fix that for you guys.

I don’t think newcomers need a 1 Year Bachelors Degree in EnlightenedStates forum to gain a basic understanding of some of our products. We shouldn’t just expect people to know what benefits ‘Lead Oil of Saturn’ will have for their mind or body lol. There isn’t a description there. So that’s on us eh.


Agreed! That also opens up a can of worms, in some cases, where we guess wrongly at times (I am guilty of it myself often)…

Every field description can follow a standard template:

  • A paragraph or two introducing the concept and the possibilities with the field. This can cater to the hardcore users to convey possibilities with the field, etc.
  • A section that lists some of the intended benefits of the field, in simple words. This caters to new/evolving users.
  • Details if the field combines and/or replaces one or more existing fields and/or is an upgrade for existing fields
  • A section on recommended usage (use X, Y, Z times, do not use with X, Y, Z fields, etc.)

Sometimes, it is not easy to describe a highly advanced field, in such cases, it is fine to leave the description open-ended.


Can you help us with Indra’s jeweled net!?!?! I like it soooo much and I am so happy the creator tell us it is not same as indrajala. (Wikipedia say that). So the clarifying helped me big time it was awesome! I am going to get it on Christmas

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@anon19857035 revolution



Hehe what?

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only making a joke

nothing serious

Is that a boy or girl

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I like jokes

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His haircut looks like Dora :stuck_out_tongue:

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