I feel a tingling sensation that sticks to my body when I am around certain people

Hi guys, I really don’t know exactly how to describe this but I’ll try to explain it as clearly as I can.

For about 2 years when the pandemic was at its peak, I began to notice that many people were sick everywhere, even around me, I did not leave the house much but sometimes relatives came to visit and apparently those people were sick or they carried something negative in their aura, because after being with them I had a tingling sensation attached to my skin or above my skin for days, sometimes it was on one of my shoulders and other times on one of my legs.

I think it was something more energetic than physical, but I’m not sure, it’s a feeling like a chill but it doesn’t spread throughout the body, only in a small area. It used to desappear only if I stopped interacting with those people after 3 or 4 days, but if I had them around again it would happen again. even once about a year ago my mom and brother got infected with covid (mild symptoms), I was like 2 weeks feeling that tingling around my leg, and I tried not to get too close to them in the house, until they fully recovered I stopped feeling it.

After that more similar cases happened, I have the idea that maybe people who are sick transmit negative energies as their mood is very low or maybe the cause of illnesses are negative entities that penetrate the aura of people, I have read something about that but I don’t know if this is the case. It can also be an unconscious reaction of my body to avoid infections or while defending itself from threats.

this has also happened to me after going to a crowded place, it has happened to me when going to the theater and once I went to a convention.

although I think it is something energetic because lately it has happened to me about 2 times this month but I have managed to quickly dissipate that feeling by listening to the Dream seeds field: Angelic vibrations, I did not know that this existed until a few months ago, but listening to it dissipates that weird tingling right after just one listen.

My question is why this happens? what is it really? and how can I avoid it? If anyone has experience and knowledge on this subject I would be very grateful to know more about it.

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Following cause same.

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There will be many more who will give better advice than I can, but from reading what you have mentioned, it sounds like you are an empath. You take on others energies and it can be quite frustrating and at times, even debilitating.
Some people think being an empath is just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo made up by people, but until the day they get hit by 10, 20, 50 peoples different energies all at once and try to deal with it, it’s best for others to not give their say on it. I’m so sensitive that almost everything affects me. People, smells, weather, times of year, heat, cold, night, day, you name it, it affects me and it sucks. People’s energies can hit you before you even see them, I’ve felt the negativity hit me from it being exuded from people in different rooms on a building and they walk out of that room and you see them and just notice and feel that exact energy that you have been feeling but more intensified. An empath is like a sponge that absorbes absolutely everything from everyone, it would be great if everyone was so happy and in a great mood all the time but unfortunately that’s not the case on this beautiful earth.

Try the Empathic Shielding field and see how you get on, hopefully it will be of some help for you. I think there is a mandala on Instagram as well, I’ll have a look now for it.


thanks for your answer @ComfortablyNumb i know what you say, is interesting, I don’t know if I’m an empath since what happens to me began to happen occasionally since 2 years ago, I thought that if I were an empath that would have happened to me since I was a child. well, it has always happened to me that after some social event and interacting with many people I felt physically exhausted and needed at least one day alone to recover but I have always assumed that it was just because I was an introvert, but nothing like what I describe of having a weird energetic feeling attached to me, that just started happening recently. Maybe if I’m a little empath, I hadn’t considered it. Anyway, thanks for that interesting perspective.

I’ll take a look at your recommendations.

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Thats called your penis

Did you have any type of change in your life 2 years ago when you noticed it started happening? Sorry forgot to say besides the Pandemic happening.
Any trauma, spiritual awakening, any type of change really?
Something that might have changed you to be able to feel these sensations?
From what I understand being an Empath does not have to be from birth. Many people do have it all their lives but it can come on at any stage also.
Try and think back to what was happening around the time you first started noticing these things happening. It would be interesting to see if a certain memory pops up.

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This may explain it.

And here is a playlist / stack that compiles everything i’ve researched in the forum

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Well I remember that at that time I had a lot of free time due to Lockdown and I started to research spiritual issues, meditate a lot, almost every day sometimes an hour or more, and I also started practicing yoga, some time later I stopped listening to music with lyrics I realized that almost all music implants ideas, thoughts and feelings of others in us and I did not want to continue being influenced, I think those were the biggest changes at that time. Well I also remember listening to audios to align the 7 chakras regularly.



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Um lets keep the discussion civil…

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  1. relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.

  2. courteous and polite.

What is that not courteous and not polite about a penis?

Penis is a male body part developed for reproduction purposes.
Nipples are a female body part developed for feeding purposes.
Legs are a both gender body part developed for moving purposes.

The difference between the former and the latter is that the former are gender-assigned for reproductive purposes.
Do you find the segregation of a portion of the parental body by a sexual or an asexual process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individual rude?

Only joking
Just trying to be funny lol

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Works so far :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Hi @Jay it appears your energy body might need some upgrades. Have you tried aura and energy body repair? Also use the energy body Clearing audio before any other (the one that’s about 30 minutes long).

Also do you use any shields? As mentioned above, empathic shielding is good. Or consider one of my personal favorites the black mirror stone shield, or even the latest version shielding 3.0.

Eventually your inner being ness is gonna be so robust that you’ll barely notice these entities


Hi @nice2know, I think you are right, sometimes I feel like my aura is strong, I can feel the density and warmth of the chi in my hands but other times the energy feels weak and cold. I think it’s due to stress, I’m working on my university thesis and I think that has worn me out quite mentally and energetically. Although in recent months I have noticed a great improvement by listening to the fields of the ancient arts, I believe without a doubt that my aura is more robust than a year ago, but I still believe that I still need to continue improving. Regarding the shields, I don’t use any, I really didn’t know that there were so many until now. I did know about the aura repair field, I’m interested in trying it one day, but since it’s a paid field I haven’t been able to, as I’m a student I can’t spend as much as I can hahah but soon I think I can improve my finances.

I have heard the aura clearing field several times but I don’t feel that it strengthens my aura but it does clean and expand it, I have used it only when I feel negative external emotions invade me, it is not something very frequent.

Well, thank you very much for your answer, it has clarified my doubts about how to avoid this kind of thing.

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I believe the entity theory is correct. These people who’ve “contracted” a disease have agreed with the things an entity has taught. And there is this principle “can two walk together and they be not in agreement?”. If you are voluntarily spending time with someone(s) then the entities invited into those people are looking at you like you have more or less agreed to believe the same things that they have and invite them in as well. An unconscious invitation most likely but that doesn’t matter to them. Agreeing with a teaching by your behavior invites the teacher of that teaching into you. You’re like a date rape victim watching your friends get date raped, sipping from their roofied glasses yourself but then thinking “no I don’t want to get raped” and then downing some redbull when you listen to angelic vibration and take a step into a behavior out of sync with those entities. You are irritating them for sure and possibly pissing them off or even confusing them.


In the middle of the Covid pandemic, I had a sense of tension on what felt like the left side of my lung.

I don’t know if I caught the “virus”. I probably did. I was still in a retail setting before any precautions were suggested and I recall waking up with a sense of not having enough oxygen on a few nights.

But, regardless, I never had covid in the way that the symptoms were described. But I did have a sense of tension that followed the left side of my neck and into the lung region. It would last for a few hours after being around people who (probably) had covid. It also showed up again when most of my new coworkers were mandated to get the vaccine. It seems to have stuck around in a mild form until I’ve used some new fields.

I don’t know if entities are involved but there has always been an energetic shift involved with things since covid showed up. I wasn’t certain if it was just the fear in the air or something else. But, at this point, It seems that the virus, the nano-tech, and the vaccine all had a similar effect that transmitted in the way you were describing… :man_shrugging:


thanks for your contribution atreides, your analogy is very precise. It is a new way of seeing things for me.

wow what you say also happened to me exactly the same, it was at the beginning of 2020 the virus had little time and there were not even 100 cases in my city nor did I know anyone infected, I don’t even know what it was but the same thing happened to 2 friends at that time and we were not in personal contact because they live in different countries, we met playing video games and we have a whatsapp group, it happened to all of us that we woke up some nights as if we were short of breath and sometimes pressure behind a lung was something Strangely, we came to the conclusion that it was collective anxiety, as we were all being bombarded with the same scary information through the media. Who knows how many other people the same thing happened to.

Then I got the virus 2 times in 2021 and in 2022 at least the times I noticed it, I think that by the middle of 2022 very few people in the world are already clean without ever having been infected, and the worst was post covid, fatigue, damage to the nerves, mood swings.

I had to spend a lot of time doing internal work and listening to the sapien fields to be able to cleanse myself of all that shit and I thought there are still traces. This virus is not something normal, I am not surprised that it could be nanotechnology or some programmed genetic manipulation, although I try not to think too much about it because I do not want to get into the world of conspiracies that does not serve us anything more than reinforce the idea of being a victim and paranoia.

As you say, there was an energy change when the virus appeared, I remember seeing that the shcuman frequency was more than 100 hz almost every day of a month in 2020 and that is not normal at all and nobody knew how to explain why it happened.


Here is a post with a video and links that explains in relation to what Atreides said


Thanks for the kind receptions of what I had to say. I know it’s off the center aisle. Explaining how and why I’ve come to see things this way would take a long time and I’m not up for writing that much. But I didn’t get it out of thin air. It’s me piecing together a lot of details from over a long period of time. And I respect those leaning towards the energetic phenomena idea because I’m sure they’re doing much the same.