I got Corona. Here's what helped

So, I am officially infected with the virus the whole world is going crazy about right now.
In this topic I want to document and collect everything that has helped me and still helps me recover, so anyone who gets infected can use this as a valuable resource from someone who has experienced it first-hand. So don’t freak out if you got it. Fear weakens you. Knowledge empowers you.

First of all, it might surprise you that my body is keeping the virus in check this much this whole time (Going into the third week now). The reason for that is that I am practicing a very simple, basic breathing-technique called the Wim Hof method.

This is the basis for everything I am doing. Why? Because it is very simple and highly effective, aswell as holistic, meaning that it helps with a whole lot of issues and it strengthens your system on many levels at the same time. In fact, this technique alone is the reason why I barely feel any flu-symptoms, except for a burning sensation in my lungs and fever from time to time. I know without this method, it would be far worse. It’s 10 minutes a day, so no excuses for that.

Now let’s get to the audios:

You may notice that the first two videos are uploaded on my channel. This is because Sapien allowed me to do so after he took them down from Sapien Medicine, so people on YT can still access them.

I think the selection is pretty obvious so far, so I will go ahead and comment on the last three videos.
It is very important that you don’t shut off your internet connection at night.
Usually this is what I do but in this case I knew it was important to have access so I could use some audios when the fever got worse or the headache bothered me too much, etc.
This is what I recommend you do aswell. Use the Wim Hof breathing technique as a foundation, then build on this foundation with the lung restoration and immune system audios, then add the rest.

What I am also experimenting with right now is this audio:

I started using it based on the assumption that there is a direct correlation between inflammation and body ph, and so far this seems to be the case. My lungs stopped hurting after using this audio for 1-2 times, so I will continue doing so.

What is really important right now is to keep the overview, so I am going to leave it with that as I don’t want to flood people who caught covid with hundreds of audios.

I am going to update this topic whenever I think I should update it.


Get better man.


Thank you

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Also these fields


Take care bro

With dream’s audios you will definitely fuck the virus up.


If you’ve got Patreon, try Pleurisy, which is the updated version of Lung Restoration and Strengthening and specifically addresses inflammation in the lungs (of the pleurae), which often causes the pain in the lungs you’re experiencing.

Also, Water Charger for liquids can help speed healing and alkalise your body, which will help with neutralising waste products in the body (many of which tend to be acidic).

From the description:

Place any drink containing water (or just plain water) and play this video, it will make the fluid high energy charged by the end of the video, you should have something that makes you feel really good when you consume it and alkalize your body, use for any situation you need extra energy in. This will also speed up any healing you need done. Also great for watering plants with after or for your pets or loved ones.

Vitamin C (a few listens every one or two weeks, or more often if you find it helpful), Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor Production, Sirt 3 and 6 Activation and Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant will counteract inflammation and help maintain endothelial junction integrity, which is often disrupted.

You may also find The Politics of the Body Album, Liver Cirrhosis Treatment, BDNF and Brain Regeneration of help with primary affected systems.

Edit to add from post below:

Edit to add:

The Photosynthesis field can also be of help, as it allows the body to function with less oxygen and nutrients.

From the old Teespring description:

This basically causes you to absorb light and use it as a direct energy source for normal functions.

Its even possible to find you use a lot less oxygen and food. You even feel strongly energized, all natural capabilities also seem to grow.

This can be a bit intense for some.


Highly appreciated!
Yes, I do have the Patreon, will look into the Pleurisy-field.
Water Charger also sounds very interesting.

I have also thought about Brain Damage but I don’t think my brain is affected by it, since I don’t have any problem with breathing. But I will use the brain regeneration field anyway, once I got rid of Corona.

I also created a painkiller audio for myself a few weeks ago when the first symptoms started which I also keep using. I don’t think it actually battles the virus directly, but it just feels good to have this amount of control over the pain and it is enough to have quality meditation sessions.

Started listening to Pleurisy just now, I will report when the file finished


No worries, glad to be of help.

The brain related fields and Liver Cirrhosis Treatment are not necessarily recommendations only for brain damage symptoms as such, but rather for disruption of the blood brain barrier (and other endothelial junctions in the body), which is caused during infection.

(and its downstream effects)


I am 4 minutes into the audio now and it feels like my lungs got a bit lighter…


@SovereignSubliminals So you have flu (the mighty and scarry corona virus). Start preparing your coffin :sweat_smile:

My girlfriend also has corona shit and she had the same symptoms. It lasted for about 3 weeks. It’s just a more insistent flu. Unless you don’t have at least 4-5 serious illnesses like 3 types of cancer and one missing kidney, the “killer” corona virus won’t do anything serious to you.

You don’t need to make a post about it. It’s reinforcing the seriousness of this propaganda of enslaving people with fear.

Just eat lemon, drink water and sleep well. Or just stay in the sun. You don’t even need fields, just let your body detox and do its process. You’ll be fine.

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That’s great!


Yes, it definitely feels easier breathing now and the burning seemed to have stopped or at least dropped significantly. Thank you so much for letting me know there was a field for that!


You’re very welcome.

Very glad to hear that! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am more afraid of getting bitten by an ant than getting “corona virus”.


As much as I appreciate the message of your post, I would still consider myself one of the lucky ones.
I have friends whose parents died from this and who themselves suffered in the hospital because they couldn’t breath anymore. So I do take it serious. Serious, but not afraid.
I feel like this information should be collected and brought together, because there is too much information scattered all over the place out there.
And people can’t rely on anyone to help them, so they have to help themselves, which is why I created this topic.

It actually does feel like a flu tbh, one that is more persistent and attacking the body on more fronts simultaneously. Well, it technically is a flue, so that’s not a surprise actually


Get well soon man. Stay positive


@SovereignSubliminals Aha, yeah, sure. And those parents who died in the hospital, could you provide this information about them before they “died of corona”?

  • What other disorders or illnesses did they have before corona (illnesses that they were aware of or not)
  • What was they diet all their life before Corona?
  • How where they doing emotionally in their relationships?
  • What was their overall lifestyle?
  • What was their age? 109?
  • Did you take into consideration 5G towers that might have been installed near those parents? (5G removes your breathing capacity very fast, even 4G radiation and many wifi signals affect your breathe, I’ve done tests on myself with that in order to created a Radiation Protection frequency)
  • How do you know that this corona virus was the one to end life in their bodies? did you do their autopsy or you just heard from someone? I am asking because if you get hit by a helicopter in full speed, they will say that you died because of corona virus.

My point: if you “die from corona” you were already a zombie in your life. The corona flu only adds up to the sick lifestyle that you already had, it doesn’t end your life, it adds up.

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Tbh, I am just tired of this kind of bs, so I don’t bother answering it.
It’s just disrespectful.
Be grateful that you and your relatives don’t suffer from it like some other people do and that’s it.
This topic is a collection of helpful resources, and nothing else, so please consider that.


I thought you have learned something from your last post under one of my topics


Of course, only those who have a bad diet and do not do physical activity should worry, as if super pumped guys were not taking this shit and drying.