I have never gotten results from subs and fields (anything) nor do i feel anything? What could be the potential issue?

Yeh i think so also.
some are quite fast with next day results sometimes


I know that I’ve given this advice countless times, but repeating an information is part of Nature and I’m All for Nature lol:

have you tried to directly feel, clear, stimulate, etc. Your energy and Chakras?

If you do want to try some things which might help your chakras (you did mentioned meditation, but what have you tried?) and which should bring energy sensitivity into your life, and as a result of that, you’ll see results from fields too, just tell me in a reply and I’ll P. M. you the details lol.

Also, have you tried the sun Tanner field?

Just search for it on Sapien Medicine channel and try it.
If you see results from that in let’s say half an hour of listening, then you can already see some results, at least from some fields.
Well, you got nothing to lose lol.

And lastly (those chakras exercises always helped me, they even boosted my fields results some time ago), there are a few fields (or more than a few) which can help you see results,and I can only recommend what I bought lol - Kinetic Quasi Crystal.

And there are a few free fields from other Creators, which might help you as well.


Sometimes results before the release :grin:.



I think it is a deep subconscious self love issue here.

This sentence here raised many red flags within me.

Whenever someone uses the wording “to be honest” in one of their sentences, it implies that the other things that they have said are “not honest”.
It is an indicator of someone lying to themselves on some level.

Now, if there would be a completely congruent and aligned narrative behind your words, there would be no need to use the “to be honest” in some of the selected sentences.

Speaking from experience, this is a very strong indicator that the person is telling different stories at the same time to themselves.

And then especially, if this “to be honest” is used in a sentece, related to the topic of self love!
This is a very strong indicator of some parts of you not believing that you really love yourself.

Further indicators:

  • Used the word “actually” before “do love myself”, another incongruence indicator, implying that parts of you do not deep down believe this as being true.
  • “to me hating myself or being too obsessed” → Used a negative wording for something that should be formulated positively.


One indicator alone does not proof anything, but here we have at least four indicators coming together all in one sentece! That’s why I am writing you this.

Also, speaking from my own experience, my results improve the more I love myself on a deep subconscious level.

In the end, this is the only level that matters and it almost does not matter what you tell yourself with your waking consciousness and what affirmations you use etc.
What you consciously believe barely matters.
The power to receive and manifest is within the Subconscious Mind and it is the Subconscious Mind that has to believe that you deserve results.

Check out “JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack”.


Thankyou very much. I never had thought of this.


I honestly didn’t expect to receive this much advice and support. Thank you Sapien forum members.


I didn’t get many results but using the PONR Stack twice daily has made a palpable difference after some time. I wish you luck and success on your journey :four_leaf_clover::bouquet:🫂


When I look back to when I started all this. Abundance field and skin regeneration was my first. That was 2016, maybe. Abundance is STILL something I’m working on. Skin, well I’m moving through time- I have to stay on top of it and I will age if I like it or not :laughing: but I can still have good skin!

Since then I have surely seen results and have gone on many wild journeys, so for me I can see it and it’s very real but if I were to use the lens of 2016 I wouldn’t know how to objectively consider my situation. I could only see so much. You need time and training to really understand what you’re doing and the ability to even see it, which is really how your brain is wired. Which parts are predominantly used beyond what is essential. 1.5 years is a drop in the ocean. You’re in this for life no?

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If I’ve signed up for a 4 year degree and 1.5 years into it and I’m not qualified yet? But the degree here can’t be measured.

Or I’m a little child, still growing “mum I want to be as tall as the sky! I want to run faster than my friends! I want to be an astronaut” same principle. You work away at it day by day until you make your breakthrough.

This technology provided is such a privilege :pray: such a tool to make life easier but you still have to work in the 3D to make what you’re working towards your reality. Yes you’ll get quantum leaps. Instantaneous results. That’s not for every circumstance. We’re all growing. Things have to fall into place in your life in ways you can’t possibly comprehend from this moment in time.

Want to be a surgeon but don’t want to do the schooling? These tools won’t help you.

I want to be able to do amazing stuff but I’m not “there” yet. There’s so much to learn about yourself and the world and everything in between.

If we were given everything we thought we’d wanted, it wouldn’t be for our best. The things I wanted in my early years, trauma induced ones really. I’m lucky the powers that be/God didn’t give them to me but that the passage of time gave me experiences to better understand why patience is so important in this game of life.


Maybe loop Brown noise of celebration for an hour hahaha :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Get Brain fields, fry yourself until your body shakes like a Daiquiri, from all the sudden fasciculations

Or maybe not

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:teddy_bear: :teddy_bear: :teddy_bear:

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Just want to chime in here that I hope the above comment doesn’t dissuade anyone from trying Guided Path To Wholeness. It’s an important protocol that can create profound change in even the most stubborn cases. It does require some work (which is part of why its so effective), but from my perspective it’s easy to follow/practice.

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I mean if one can formulate what they think they want to actionably change in the given format. For me it’s not at all obvious how and what to say or how it can be related to whatever I would like to achieve.

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That program isn’t really a direct manifestation tool, if that’s what you’re implying. It works closer to the root to help you to foster acceptance of your life/behavior/self, to learn to love your whole being (every part of it) and to move forward with confidence in your being. At a depth and level that no other field/program - in my case - had hit before.

To take the position that you don’t see how those tools could help you achieve something seems a little shortsighted. Maybe worth looking at the program again and getting deeper into it if you’ve already bought it.


:sweat_smile: this would def do


Yes or loop the Advanced Detox field a few times, that’ll do it too lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth: