I have never gotten results from subs and fields (anything) nor do i feel anything? What could be the potential issue?

Hey. I’ve been using Subliminals and Morphic fields for some time now (1.5+ years) and for some reason every audio I use just doesn’t work nor induce any effect in me. Literally 0. I’m talking physical fields and subs as well as mental and spiritual. Every audio just doesn’t work whether it be Subliminals or Morphic fields. I’ve tried dark circles from Sapien, the height booster, HGH, testosterone even mental and spiritual ones like SLR 3.0 the deep clearing, mana circuits and ego dissolution, energy blockage removal for a good amount of time (a few months) and never felt or received any effects. i am extremely confused. I am always positive, detached and I actually do love myself to be honest so I know that the issue isn’t related to me hating myself or being too obsessed. I am wondering what could potentially be the underlying issue. It’s like something in my body is stopping me from feeling the effects of subliminals and fields. I’ve also tried other creators like MEF, Maitreya and Quadible in the past but no one works at all. Please DO NOT suggest advice like take breaks, use the PONR stack, use energy course, meditate etc. because I have tried every single one of them perfectly with confidence and positivity that its working but I still end up with nothing working.


So… you’re saying you joined 17 minutes ago but you’ve actually bought and used the entirety of the Energy Awareness Course? So then of course you did the exercises as well? For how long?


I created the account just now because I wanted to ask about my issue. I did the exercises as recommended but have forgotten the duration as it was back then. Still after everything I am unable to feel anything from both fields and subs and do not know why despite trying everything.

I get that. And I’m not trying to start something here. What I’m trying to determine is how you would spend hundreds of dollars of your own currency, wait a year and a half, and now come to ask “um, wth?”

Fact of the matter is, those things are recommended because they work. You can love yourself, and self-love can still work. You can not be at the bottom of the barrel, and PONR can still work.

So, have you actually tried them? Or do you feel like it’s BS advice and don’t want to hear it? Again, not trying to start something, but we have to all be on the same objectively true page to even try to help.

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Hey I do understand where you’re coming from and I know it may seem weird but I always like to try everything suggested to me before ranting on a forumn so that I don’t waste people’s time by them reading my complaint and suggesting me something that I haven’t done. Yes, even though it seems weird, I spent some money on it and continued looking at advice on other threads where people didn’t get results and tried every single one of them and I still never benefited of them


Fair enough. Thanks for the open discussion. Beyond fields/subs, are you taking any action steps to get things moving in your world? Are the people you trust to be around you and be sharing energy with actively working against what you’re trying to do? Are you/do you feel anchored to how things are for better or worse?

The advice thing is gonna have to come from within if nothing else is working. So consider these questions like minor shadow work. Some part of you is most likely holding you back. After all, that’s really just life, we either get in our own way or orchestrate things so they’ll be in our way, knowingly or not.

Now you need to probe around until you find a thread you can pull.

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Thankyou very much for the advice. I will carry on looking for advice on the thread then.

Time to start with Brain Stack and spam SuperHuman Genius.

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How come those and can you link me them?

What are some of your core beliefs? Do you think these subliminals, morphic fields actually work or is it all made up by people and the creators ripping off the users?

Do you have strong religious beliefs which conflict with science?

Add a bit of acetylcholine field and he will know for good the effects are there.

Not at all. I am not really religious anyway. I truly believe subliminals and morphic fields work, honestly. not saying this just to try convince myself. I literally know that they work but for some reason they don’t affect me at all

They usually improve your experience and ability to understand fields. Start here Big results - 2 years of using (Brain Stack) - #175 by Dr_Manhattan

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In that case your body must be repelling the fields and behind that there must be some belief which says it is for your good the body is doing that, for example technology is destroying the planet, wifi can cause cancer etc.

And also read this Superhuman genius users read this!

I see where you’re coming from to be honest. I’ve always felt like the subconcious may be thinking that way but still can’t pinpoint whether it’s the exact issue or not.

try the for the skeptics field

and do u not feel energy audios like jing and superhuman mutant ? Also what about raise your vibrational state?

Singularity should be tried first https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpAZAK0SNvs

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Tomorrow morning after you wake up you play this field at least 3 to 6 times and see what changes you notice. Be very open and make an effort to feel how the body responds, change in mood or some nice sensations.

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And of course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B60HReA2k60