I need your help against Spells and Witchcraft

@anon25711007, throughout the years, many times, perhaps not every night, but anyway, many nights it happened that something came in my yard and began to do some sounds like an animal, I can’t actually describe it, …, anyway, I actually went outside and checked and checked, you couldn’t see anything but something was there, plus my dog didn’t want to sleep, he was scared of that thing; ONCE, JUST ONCE I ACTUALLY SAW A SHADOWY FIGURE, IT LOOKED LIKE A SHADOW OR SOMETHING (PITCH BLACK), IT GOT OUT FROM MY ROOM (SWEET GOD, I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES) anyway, I tried to pray and That Worked but I also tried some mantras, I tried calling Kali and Guess What, That Thing Was Gone for the entire night after I called her, sometimes even the next few nights, so I know how powerful She is …

I should ask her for help with this problem as well, She Knows Better how to help him/what to do and also what is just(ice).

EDIT: also, regarding the stuff with that being, once I started to listen to Captain’s field it only happened like twice now, at the most (as soon as I noticed the being doing it’s stuff outside, I played Exorcism and Clear all Negative … and it was GONE), but it looks like my yard and My House is Clean now!
Many Thank Captain!

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Play the de inhibitor. It should help you and your family

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Can you send me a link, please?


Before asking I tried a combo, Heal those around you + Exorcism and then Heal … + Clear all Negative (I thought about his name from time to time and I SAW/IMAGINED HIS FACE while listening to these and I asked for him to be himself, to be free, I asked for his GREATER GOOD) AND THIS HAPPENED, For the First time in his life he actually said that he doesn’t mind if I want to help him, but he doesn’t want to do anything, he just allows me to help him …
UNBELIEVABLE, Guys, Unbelievable!

EDIT: Many Thanks, Captain, for these amazing tools that you offer us and many thanks guys for your answers and for your help and suggestions! :smiley: :pray:

EDIT: Guys, let me tell you how I view this situation; let’s imagine that someone is a hostage and you can help (to) free that hostage; now, do you help the hostage get free or do you think that his Higher Self is doing that for his own good and the hostage actually NEEDS That Sh**; It’s obvious, right? You release or try to release the hostage; it’s the same situation, just that the hostage is his will, his power, his mind and as long as I can do something to help that dear relative, I will do it (considering my intention, which I already mentioned)!
And if you want to continue the Game of free will + higher self, let’s imagine that His Higher Self and My Higher Self wanted to teach us all this lesson, that we should help, when we can. :smiley:


The problem with love spell. It tend to make a person unable to think whether he/she got casted on themselves.

My uncle is a shaman. He delth with these issue. A lot. Most of the time when he tried to help someone who got a spell on them. You must engage with them and begin to ask these questions. Like you aware that these behavior is not normal.

Then you ask the individual whether he/she want a help from you or not. If the answer is yes. That’s already enough.

Now I don’t know how my uncle did with spell removal stuff. Btw he is died long time ago ( bless his soul)

But I think with sapien field. My recommendation is to use that field ( curse removal) Using your servitor to engage with the curse removal energy. Then ask your fae remove the spell in that individual energetic body.


All friends recommendation here are perfect to follow. Perhaps your relative just has to be patient. Because it is sometimes not instant.
Give about a month to do clearing.


Anyway, you are such a good person.

I recommend you make a sigil item for you and him too. So you both are protected from future magic problems.



@anon25711007 For now, he answered that it’s ok if I want to help him, he is not against, again, it REALLY surprised me, in a good way, he told me that if I can help someone, first I should help myself, which was a good advice :smiley:, but he is not against me praying or trying fields for him, at least he agrees with that part for now.
@Sunflawy Well, the thing is that he is not against fields helping him (hence why he is not really waiting for a solution) but is not really interested either, so for now, he does not want to actively do something to help himself, including listening to fields.

Thank you, Sunflawy, for your kind words and Thank you for that link/sigil!

Anyway, I need to sleep, I’ll check this thread tomorrow.
Good night (to) you two and also good night to anyone reading this (well, here is night time, 3:18 A.M. currently) :pray:

EDIT: Thank You, @Violet!


Invoke St Michael



Allow me to go on record and say do what you gotta do.

Anakin is now 14. Palpatine REALLY likes the kid. You are Mace Windu. You have a strong feeling the guy’s a Sith. Anakin is oblivious.

What do you do?

Do nothing, and see the eradication of the Jedi and the Sith alike?

Stab the bitch with a lightsaber and end the threat once and for all?

We ARE the Jedi and Sith of this world. Help your friend. It is the Will of The Force.


Is that a harry potter reference or something


Hi George, how is he doing now?

I wish that everything is going well.

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No, it’s from a very obscure sci-fi that teaches the secrets of the universe and true power.

I’m sure you wouldn’t have heard of it, especially if you live in a first-world country.

The original works of Alfonso Brescia, of course.

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Well, in the last few days I had to focus on my health/on my breathing problems, as my phlegm is horrible (if only I could listen to restoration from the long haul more often than 3 times a day - I’ll read more about that field and also about others) , especially at night and I have to listen to fields to ease my problems, so right now, I’m not focusing on helping him…

After I get better, I’ll try again, plus he does not want to listen to fields…
This guy helped me alot, that’s why I want to help him too…

As soon as I’m better, I’ll help him again.
I just have to get rid of this health problem (phlegm) which apparently refuses to go…

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Focus on your health first,

you are trying to help him but if he doesn’t accept to listen to you, give him time maybe one day he will ask for your help himself.

I see that you are not replying with CAPITAL LETTERS anymore, that’s nice :slightly_smiling_face:
Means you are more calm now… Just kidding :wink::grin:

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Yes that’s a good recommendation,

if you help your mother heal then show him that things can change etc. Leading with a paradigm it’s better than leading with words


So it’s a real thing??


Star Wars.

The inspired works of St Lucas the Divine. That’s real though.

Idk how many of you remember this case, but I will tell you some news, I will provide an update.

Recently, I asked for Justice against this woman and the witches she works with (her strength over this guy grew tremendously, especially since I didn’t focus on him, his case and I didn’t ask for Divine help in a long time …) and hours later, that night, a chair was hit and it moved on its own, in my room, at a certain distance from me; it wasn’t my cat, nor anything else, it was violent, a violent hit, bam, like when you hit with a certain force…

I didn’t realize it, until the next day, why did that happen, since I got other stuff on my mind.

OK. This is War!

Mfs think they are strong because they are witches, I AM NOT Scared, I WILL CRUSH THEM ALL!!!

Beings of unmeasurable power have always helped me, that’s all I got to say, plus, now, I can ask for New Powerful Help in this Fight.
Now it’s Personal.