I think I’ve been cursed

Ok you might mention my comments are growing in vibrancy. This is how I am feeling now. I took work off today since I was deep in the trenches. I thought, one, there was no way I could go back to that environment, I actually felt queasy considering it, and two, no way I could expose these children to the nastiness that was purging from me. They would be safe, but I was not capable of managing so many little bodies while I tried to manage me.

So today I had a woman who has been trying to find a way for me to leave my situation reach out to me again to urge me to apply. I wouldn’t be leaving the work place entirely, with this position, but I would be completely out of the program. The only issue with that is that I have to bear 2.5 more months in this work environment. I don’t know if I can do that.

But, I applied and I applied to that other position I came across yesterday. All of the murky sensations went away after I submitted this resume.

Today was actually a really good day. The first truly good day I’ve had in at least a year. Once I got outside, I actually could focus on the beauty around me. I picked strawberries in the garden and made a strawberry smoothie and could actually enjoy the taste. I listened to that poem on repeat, what a nice thing to hear and remember.

I tried to replace my bike brakes and wasn’t afflicted with any energies — in fact right as I hit an issue trying to replace the brake pads, our newer, more stable roommate came home and gave me exactly what I needed then later came back to replace them for me. We sat and chatted for a while which was really nice.

The ice cream truck came right up to our driveway as I was attempting the brake pad and I had just enough to buy an ice cream… my bank account is just about down to pennies now but I felt enough flow to go for it anyways. I ate the ice cream in the garage and was so present that I automatically paused to enjoy the flavor.

I can’t remember the last time I had a day of flow that felt like things were happening with ease.

I am so grateful and will keep on applying all of these suggestions. I will keep the stacks on loop tonight at bedtime and I’m considering taking tomorrow off too.


they feed off the energy of your feelings of fear and sufference, that’s why they wanted to keep you blocked and not able to action to take your life in your hands. As soon as you made that extra effort and submitted that resume that can change your life and your mood to happiness , they gave up.

I agree with the user above that recommended Shielding 3.0 , it is the most effective shield that i know of.


Sapienshop will be closing

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Oh, shoot. Thanks for sharing this with me. I’ve got to get that shield somehow.

Funny thing, I was listening to Ozymandias poem yesterday and this got recommended. Good poem to lift the mood

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There are other premium shields available which work in different ways:

The Empathic Smart Armor

The Shield of Compassion

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Thanks, it’s helpful to know there are also other good options.

Positive update… woke up feeling peaceful. Then I found out this I will receive an update on if I was accepted for food stamps next week. That would help tremendously.

Side note I need to get out of this job now… this morning I contemplated going in or staying home, and my body shook in fear and my stomach turned. This place is literal and clear abuse. I’ve overcome a lot in life including chronic ten year ptsd… and I am not willing to backtrack all of my hard earned wins of solidly ending that ptsd for this job! I spent every day of those ten years focusing on healing.

I sent an email to inform them I was extending my sick day and the supervisor said, “thank you. see you Monday.” The fear says that’s a sign that she’s coming to the site to meet me on Monday. Either that or she’s saying in plain terms she expects me to be in on Monday.

Who knows. What I don’t like is this feeling of intimidation and spiral about returning. I wonder if it’s better to just quit and screw it, if I don’t have next months rent, move states to stay with family again. I don’t want that and that’s not ideal.

Plus I moved to this state because the environment healed my health problems.

But this work environment needs to end.

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I think you’ve nailed it. I am so glad I pushed through and kept listening to the audios. They created enough space for me to follow through

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I apologize for all the heavy paragraph updates. I don’t usually share my personal experiences with others. I’ve been dealing with this for a long time, doing my best to overcome, put my head down until I found a new place of employment. Haven’t really had much help around this and receiving support just made it all pour out. And I thought it might be helpful for others who are going through this to also be able to follow along. :orange_heart:


no need to appologise for anything, we’re happy to help when possible. So many of us, probably all, have had similar problems in one way or another, and we’re sharing our findings cause we don’t like to see others suffering.
we’re happy to have you here :herb:


Thank you white rose :rose: :rosette: :relaxed:


Sharing an update…

Since looping the videos and stacks I’ve experienced a mixture of things.

One, I notice an aversion to sharing my updates here. On one hand I will improve my condensing :) on the other hand the resistance feels crafted. It’s providing a statement of “not saying too much,” but also, “not saying anything at all.” a feeling that people will respond negatively to me or my information can be used against me. It’s teetering a fine line of it being influenced, as I am very happy to be able to finally talk about this with lovely people who understand. I think it is an attempt at stopping me from gathering support. Would appreciate thoughts on this.

Two, I can see entities around other people very clearly at this time. I kept Repel Negativity on my bus rides yesterday since I’m in a sensitive state. Oh boy it made me angry to see how these entities are affecting some of us. I switched to exorcism a few times for anyone in the vicinity who needed the help.

Three, this morning a massive thing happened. Had a major energetic turning point with the individual I mentioned above who did the astral work. Past actions coming to light, not just with me but the other people he drew astray. Judgment Time.

The protections and shields are working. I’m trying to build them further out. There are some influences inside that have confused me on how they are getting back in.

More positivity

Kind people have been smiling at me, striking conversation, sitting next to me just to talk about simple things. I chatted with someone as we waited for our buses. We noticed our similarities and shared things we appreciated about the others’ outfits. It was very pleasant and sweet. This person got on their bus and as they drove away, stuck their head out the window, yelled “Goodbye!!!” and waved emphatically at me while I shouted goodbye and waved back :relaxed: .

I ended up on a bus too early because I misunderstood the route. I was the only passenger. The energy on this bus was so vibrant it struck me… it’s been so long since I’ve been in an energetically vibrant environment, I just soaked it up. Clearly was no mistake :-)

I’m very low on funds but ran out of water yesterday. I went to the store, realized I had a voucher for a free water, so I decided to buy 2 and get 1 free.

Well, the guy gave me 2 free and I paid for one.

I also had the energy to focus my energy on an endeavor that if I take initiative in, could help someone build their business while growing my career! But it takes initiative on my end. I spent two hours before bedtime organizing everything I needed to start.

I also have an idea of what I will do regarding the current place I work once I am hired at another. Clarity has been given there :pray: in terms of how I might leave, to make it clear the issues in the workplace to whom it matters, and help those who would still be working there.

Gratitude… :rose:


Hey, noname, do you know if the Psychic Mental Shield works if I draw the sigil and place a item on it as a proxy? I’m sure the sigil is imbued, I don’t know if a proxy is allowed to work… reposted because it appeared I didn’t reply to you properly

It’s actually an item maker. I don’t know if the sigil even works by itself.

You can print it, use a tablet or smth like that (as long as the screen won’t turn off for the three hours the field is being made).

As for drawing it…I guess it depends on your skills. Maybe if you trace it perfectly. But I’d rather print it and not be left with doubts.

But the light of screens is really good for tracing xD

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Good to know! I won’t risk it.

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I am good today. I have my strength and my faith in me.

Today was the best day I’ve had at this position… I think, ever. No, the supervisor did not visit me. Somehow, the two leads who share my classroom forgot who I was over my leave. It sounds crazy. But I did pray and intend while listening to the audios that I would be out of the spotlight at work… to the point that they forget my name. One of the leads actually asked me which class I had. Confused at first, I said, “it’s flutterfly. Im in this room with the kids.” The other lead asked me to go support another room, mistaking me for a floater. I told her… “this is my classroom.” She started reacting to my statement so I went anyways. When I came back, I heard the other lead informing her this was indeed my class and she needs to send the floater. !!!

I felt so strong coming to work. There was murkiness once I settled in. I realized the jurisdiction of that land there was the reason. There have been too many entities running rampant. So I kept audios on loop and kept praying through the day.

The children were happy all day, I had support through coworkers. We combined classes, which we’ve never done. This made the day smoother. The leads were quiet and to themselves. Only once was there a questionable moment — one lead pointed out the other teacher’s child had a dirty item in her hand. I looked at her, looked at the child while the teacher spoke up and told the child to drop it. Perhaps she didn’t hear the teacher and assumed I did nothing in response, because when I looked up at the lead again she gave me an evil looking scowl and then walked away.

I am so thankful. :tada:


Proving to be a bit frustrating. It’s currently 4 am. I’ve woken up and begun my playlist.

Yesterday after the videos I was strong and clear enough to detect the levels the woven curse was at, and managed to dislodge it and remove quietly. I immediately felt freedom in my field. I spent time praying before bed. Cleaned my room, threw away anything not in direct use. Prayed for protection, prayed for peace. Played videos.

Around 1 am I felt unrelenting entities pop into my space as I was going to bed. I played the audios and prayed for shielding covering while I slept but got sleepy midway and fell asleep. Had a nightmare (haven’t had one in a long time) that reflected someone tagged me in their books. Then I forcibly woke up.

Wee bit of a rollercoaster. I am staying firm.

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Maybe have Plasma Beach playing 24/7 on a device. It is the one that can infuse into the environment the best (probably some servitor or field could help too…as in playing it before love graviton or Uplift yourself and others), and would either depattern or banish highly entropic beings…dunno if it would work on the ones you have, the curses and all, but it would help anyway.

Ofc the energy accumulator if you can keep for a while would help (also depatterns the energy in the environment), followed by environment vibration raiser.

Also as long as you’re not in a room, you can use the eviction card. It would pull out many little nasty things too.


How to work with card ? Is possible to print out and just keep it in the room while sleeping?


It doesn’t work like that, not at first. I guess over time people can learn to use them in creative ways.

But what it does is create a vortex that sucks all entities, like a vaccuum. It is strong so it can drain your energy too. So it isn’t a good idea to use when you are present in the room you activate it in.

Well, first you’d have to use the Attunement card and wait 24 hours. Then you print the card, activate it and leave the room. I always put the card right in the middle of the room.

It’s really all explained by Dream:
