I want to do a 40 day fast but I keep failing

A lot of you probably think that is unhealthy, but I am going to do it anyway. These last 5 days I did a 3 day water fast and a 2 day water fast, but unfortunately after my 3 day fast, my mom bought my favorite food and I could not resist. After my 2 day fast, I opened the fridge and I had a grilled cheese sandwich, cup ramen and piece of cake (along with some fruit but all the other stuff cancels that out). I am going straight back into this 40 day fast and want to make sure that I do not relapse this time.

I want to go fully into the fast not only to lose some weight, but to answer some spiritual questions. Lately, I have been pondering my ancestry and although I come from a muslim background, I suspect my ancestors way far back were jainists. I believe that it is in my blood to fast for longer periods of time and I actually feel very healthy during my fasts. Its only when I crave certain foods after seeing them that I cave in.

I have already been listening to several audios on self-improvement, but is there an audio by Sapien about maintaining a healthy body during a fast? Or an audio to reduce cravings?




1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt once or twice a day is common, in 8 to 16 ounces of pure water. The above article recommends more and it’s up to you. A lot of food cravings are really just cravings for minerals, which have zero calories and will not break a fast or restart the digestion process.


Bless you bro. I am going to take this fast very seriously. Thank you for answering my post with sincerity. Sodium and photosynthesis sound like great supplements to my fast.

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I’m excited for you. Please share how well it goes. Fasting has done great things for me but I’ve never used photosynthesis with it. I can only imagine how it might change things. Especially if you have a nice secluded outdoor spot.


On my 3 day fast and 2 day fast that I just did, the results were nothing short of amazing. In fact I had increased energy and was much much happier. I also feel that fasting boosts your results from subliminals. Its a bit like your body absorbs the frequencies on the audios much better and they become part of your aura. That’s just my theory, but the results speak for themselves.

If I could do 40 days of fasting, I know that my life would completely change for the better and that by the 40th day something amazing will happen. Just a gut feeling of mine, but trusting your instincts gets you very far.


Photosynthesis, as @Atreides suggested, is a great audio. I’ve found that it significantly reduces cravings and helps maintain health during fasts.

Vitamin C on Patreon allows the body to produce vitamin C by itself. It can increase energy and reduce cravings, and only requires a few listens every one to two weeks.

In general, raising your energy levels might reduce cravings and maintain a healthy body. Here is a list of audios which might help maintain energy levels or a healthy body during a fast:

These audios can work well together synergistically with fasting:

Self-Realisation series: