I want to open my root chakra

I’m new to meditation. How do I open my root chakra? Has anyone bought the root chakra of the Mandelbrot Symphony? What was your experience? Is that single audio enough along with meditation? Or do i have to follow sth more. I’m willing to do Kundalini Yoga too(specifically for root chakra). I am in no rush, i will follow everything step by step. Is there a guide for this? If yes, please share. Thanks.

Also, how long does it usually takes?


Walk more on grass. Eat more veggies. It naturally will open up. The energy blockage removal audio good enough to stimulate the Chakra.


You can also activate Chakra stimulation using the ‘Book of Cards.’ It works first on the root Chakra, and you can feel it even more if you do it before bed.The book of cards


i only have access to the patreon. And theres a “Dreamweaver Card System”. is it the same? looks a lot confusing. might have to study a lot on how to actually use it.

Yes, the cards are the same. The book has more items, for servitors creation.

I’d say read all about it, about all of them, they are fantastic :blush: and it’s not that much…

If you are eager to use it, you can start by reading the lines about the attunement process. After that, you can use as much as you want.

But read about all of them, probably you’ll want to use others

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