I'd like to try something different regarding psychic readings

I’m literally lost. Lol. Whether I’m good or not at knowing things others don’t, I’m definitely good at not knowing things everyone else does.


Oh, you’re good. You probably notice stuff others don’t, maybe that’s why you feel you miss.

On all the things you’ve said. The only time you weren’t 100% on the money is because you said (literal or metaphorical) or last year you said this or that but it was both :joy:

But I got the answer to be like wow, you’re doubting on the subjects I’m doubting a little


Haha. Yeah that’s me trying too hard to be precise. I’m glad to hear you’re truly happy though. Very very cool.

Now that’s a mind bender


I look forward to tomorrow’s eventual reading!


I am interested if available

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I guess I’ll have to call these Timeline readings, not future readings. Might contribute some perspective to people though and be of some value. I thought if I envisioned the person standing on a time line I could look right behind them for the past and forward of them for the future. But it seems to be all past or nearly all.

When I get to where I thought I was seeing their future and try to look further ahead, there’s an impenetrable wall of black right there. I guess their future is on the other side of that wall. Or maybe it truly doesn’t exist yet even on any other plane where one could see it. That would contradict a lot of thought on the subject.

There could be some other reason I couldn’t see beyond it. Who knows. For now, something has been learned. But more feedback to come hopefully.

Domestic life failed you. Things that tried to look proper ended up being broken. Looks more like they were thrown at the ground than that they fell from a shelf.

You became someone who could really enjoy the present moment. Living in “the now”. Appreciating small things in life as gifts.

Then… Spiritual messengers cover you. You become a carrier for them. I’m not seeing this as a channeler but something akin to it. A carrier. Maybe that part will make sense to you because it doesn’t to me. They are the sort whose messages seem depressing to others but you don’t see them that way. Eventually they carry you.

Your humble enjoyment of life becomes something closer to thrilling, exhilarating.

Then they take you into a state of being that is like nothing you’ve ever seen yourself as. You become someone who exhibits or lives out more courage, diligence and hard work than ordinary people by far. And that gets you to heights ordinary people don’t get to. Even so, you love it the whole time.

Nothing failed you. You started this life in perfect order. You began as a master of time and order. There was no struggle. But hardly any sooner than you had become self-aware, you left that far behind because you knew who and what you were, something meant to be greater than that realm of time and order.

Then you played in the realm of gods. You were playful there. The spirit realm, no warfare there either.

Then you went straight to the lowest plane. To find something worth fighting. Something to be indignant at and courageous against. Something truly evil. To show who and what you really are.

I thought you were a regular guy.


Ho-ly shit.


Lol. Now you see why I say reporting is half the battle. Seeing something and typing it up is one thing. Hitting that enter key is like wtf sometimes.


I want to say that this is accurate, but I’m not too sure. The first thing that came to my mind when I read this part is how I used to be super into entrepreneurship/Tai Lopez but not anymore.

It’s accurate because I have decided to take the stable business job route.

Accurate. I am trying to reach my fullest potential with the help of Sapien Medicine’s and other creators’ tools. In doing so, I just don’t care about some of the things that I think society expects from me anymore.

Thanks @Atreides. Good work!


My love, it is amazing, :kissing_heart:
Thank you very much, Appreciate your time and energy.
I believe in your ability and capability.
Much LOVE :hugs:


I’ll volunteer also! Loved your last readings

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Why not.


Last time I thought you were brave for doing these readings publicly & unfiltered, and I was impressed that you seemed to only be interested in practicing and improving your talent. Seems you’ve stepped things up a bit now, much respect.

If you’re willing, I’d be honored to submit myself this time. I don’t normally open myself to others to this extent, but I think you’ve earned such trust.


I dunno What to say, several times I shared my feedbacks, but sth is telling me to delete it.
2 times I have deleted my posts. Honestly, I have so much to say …But I can not
My love, You are right about what you have said about me… :slightly_smiling_face:
Much love my dear


I’ll volunteer


guess I’ll volunteer too


We’re past this volunteer timing and it’s real job now! :)

Count me in! :)


It may just be an illusion but I find that the more “close” in time the “future” is the more accurate the reading is.
I think you have enough already but I’ll volunteer too :sweat_smile:


I would love to join, if you don’t mind having more volunteers @Atreides :grin:

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If you got any time to spare you can try it on me as well. ^^

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