Idea for skin audio?

I’m not sure whether this is possible but I noticed in the prince nft one of the benefits lists the smart skin colour changer, I was wondering if it might be possible for an audio to give even skin tone all over to get rid of any hyperpigmentation, moles freckles etc. “The airbrushed skin” maybe a legendary item haha

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Hi, welcome!

I know you’re still learning your way around here. If you’re making a suggestion for a new field, you might want to post your suggestion in our The Requests and Fields thread. That’s where your suggestions are most likely to catch the busy eyes of the guy who makes these fields for us.

Whilst you’re waiting for that specific field, you might want to consider options to heal what might be causing your condition. For example, some forms of redness might be caused by inflammation (and we have fields for that, yay!) or by circulation issues (and we have fields for that too, yay!).

You might also find other suggestions you can use in some of the “spa” and beauty threads (just some suggestions):


apologies, Just put it in there thanks


Don’t worry about it. No need for any apologies; you didn’t do anything wrong. I just made my comment so that your suggestion has the best chance to be seen. :slightly_smiling_face: