If you could live forever, would you?

Your body is a mere accumulation of food, your mind is mere accumulation of memories. No flesh defines ‘you’, nor any structure of your mind, u yourself can change entirely.

I am this or that is a self-identification. U don’t need to think about other incarnations, the rest of you that is not accessible to you at the moment in your everyday life, therefore I am this human structure is sort of an approximation. Just bcs some parts of u may not be accessible to you atm doesn’t mean that it isn’t you.

We just are. We are beings and human form are our characters, our chapters. Your human you is not the absolute you.

After death, you lose your discriminatory mind, you lose your sense of who you are, and will just merge with the rest of you, but you ultimately stay you.


Interconnection of everything could maybe help you to get a different viewpoint. If you want.
You’re just as precious as any other incarnation.


Im Not 100% sure, but I think it was Metal Gear Solid 2 near the end of the game, pretty trippy, the game probably read your save data points and then told you to get a life outside of the game lol, and deduced you played all night.

In Metal Gear Solid 1 you could outsmart Psycho Mantis by plugging the controller into a different port, so he couldn’t “read your mind”

And in 3, the boss battle with The End, you could win the battle by waiting for two weeks and then loading your game as usual.

Soon they’re sentient and control the world :grinning:

Anyways sorry for off topic



As Poweren says, your patterns aggregate in your soul. I mentioned the metadata in the gamer tag. Same thing.

The rest of my post can easily be misinterpreted, but I’ll leave it there. Anyway, the soul could feel it doesn’t matter at its level. The cells that make your body could feel that they don’t matter.

But if you release the need to be important and the center of the universe (which we all have to some degree) you’ll have a better life. Not everything and everyone is the sht and that’s ok. It is. You are whatever you are and rolling with this.

In the end you are a piece of the source which is everything. Enjoy the freedom and experience of having flesh.

A little bit of humility and awe at how big things are.


Consumption/Desire has, as you suggest, a marginal utility problem. So what, if anything, doesn’t have this problem—knowledge acquisition, spiritual development, being of service to others? Maybe. I’m not sure if those require the death of the ego, but there might have to be a fading of it—so immorality would carry a cost to our false beliefs.

On the other hand, if life extension becomes a thing, then everything will just recalibrate and everyone gets their 1500 years of fame.

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I never understood this search or desire for immortality.

It always reminds me of how every villain in Dragon ball wants the crystal ball to wish for immortality. It’s a villain thing lol

Death is beautiful, everyone has to deal with it and come to terms with it. It’s a universal experience. Not having done everything and been everywhere, kinda makes it even more special, more precious.

I’ll let others share their thoughts on this though


I do think there’s a big difference from seeking your immortality at the expense of others and just being immortal and finding something worthwhile to do with the time. Are there aliens who live a long time that have a more or less human form.

I’m less interested in how we have wrestled with the thought experiment of immortality in the past. This is going to be an actual experiment. Absent a civilizational collapse, the first “immortals” might well have been born already. Death will still occur for them, but it won’t be a fixed certainty. Something else will have to give their lives meaning.

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Idk if to post this in JAAJ thread since it is off-topic but since you mentioned death and all.

In all accounts I’ve read, everyone stays the same after death. Same appearance, same personality.

It doesn’t banish (until one reincarnates, I guess). But they don’t become the aggregate either. They mostly stay their earthly self.

So how do these two things get reconciled? I mean it is a matter of belief for some. My belief is one stays the same, uses their name and stuff.

Aren’t we supposed to keep progressing with the same character but on another level? Idk…life game 2.0: Death.


you aren’t losing your earthly self until the astral body dies too.

To the villain thing I say:


nah our current personality ego will be gone after death

except some condition like Dream said

about the afterlife topic I only trust Dream and JAAJ’s words

I think, as somebody quoted earlier from a famous person, that having the power to die whenever you want is the ultimate gift, not immorality. You wouldn’t want immorality if your life was going to be bad eternally, or for a long time even. Although, if you’re enjoying life and want to continue on living, why end it just yet?

Me personally, I like the idea of living for a long time just to see the advancements of technology, world changes and humanities evolution through time. Imagine reaching a remarkable point within the far future, where you will get to experience space travel to other planet colonies or advanced civilisation’s, alongside alien encounters, like in Star Wars. Not to mention, the epic space battles! Well, I assume the world will be like that in far future lol

Just saying but, imagine living up to around the 2990’s period and living in a world like this. I’d feel like that character ‘Fry’ from the TV show ‘Futurama’… you might even meet an AI like Bender, along the way :laughing:

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I´d pick 50 years being rich and healthy over 500 years without it.

If I can have both, sure why not.

But quality of life would be the factor I´d look at first.


No, your personality and ego is still with you.
Physical death = death of the physical body.
Which is just a layer/tool that you are using to operate within the physical dimension.
Everything else stays the same until you develop and change it.

I have linked so many sources (in the life is eternal thread) for what I am saying, yet it seems people are too lazy to actually read stuff and watch videos… :man_shrugging:


Oh I see, I misunderstood

and yeah looks like I need to spend more time reading your thread


I’d rather live 500 and not be perfectly healthy.

Of course, I would like perfect health too.

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JAAJ will I get all my memories back after death?
this is one of the question I always want to ask you

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Should we really be worrying about that if medical science is always advancing anyways?

Not to mention, improvements in standards of living. Think about the things the ruling class elites had in the past, that the average person has access to now.

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Indeed. :grinning:
We shouldn’t worry.

I mean, Science and Tech, including Medical Tech And Morphic Fields, Subs and Other Tools for Healing and Self Improvement, with Access to These, We Shouldn’t Worry, and Living a VERY LONG LIFE (for a human), would be A PURE BLESSING! :star_struck:

Now, imagine the things You Can Achieve in 200 years of life, or 500 or 1000, or even if you don’t invent anything, you can explore Life So Much and so In Depth.

I would Personally Focus on Living a PLEASURABLE And Fantastic Life, rather than thinking about others lol - I mean, I might do some good, from time to time, but not my Main Objective.

Or maybe I would dedicate 50 years to some good causes, also constantly (forgot word for visiting places, for walking) the World, maybe I would even dabble into creating Morphic Fields, anyway, I could do lots of things, so yeah, A LONG LIFE = EXCITEMENT!!


That’s the Dragon granting my wish for Eternal Life :grinning:

Also, if I don’t get this (the rich life; for reference, I posted 2 gifs lol) in 200-500 years, damn, that’s a failure lol:

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Yes, and from what I know so far this will happen gradually and in stages. Not all at once in an instant so that your individual consciousness is not overwhelmed.

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