If you have difficulty with women, read this!

It’s an eternal debate, you may think it’s luck but I really HATE how people are treating me, friends, co workers, strangers, they don’t see me for what I am, all they see is how I look.

What I want is a deep connection with someone and they don’t understand, that I’m not superficial, too dumb, and don’t put all my chances on my look. Some women approached me just for ego boosting and treated me as a trophy, to be validated by other women as if I was an object you know.

The other side is other males that put themselves in competition against me. They often try to disrespect me in front of people, especially in front of women to assert “dominance”. It never happens in private.

When I try to interact with women, often they don’t believe how “someone like me is interested in them”, that I’m certainly trying to mock them or think they are easy girls. They think of a smart, arrogant guy that has no flaws, no insecurities, girls in abundance, no problems in life so they see me as a mastermind planning on something bad, when they don’t know me well.

We all have our problems, some are richer than some, some are more attractive or stronger in video games than some, life is complicating, not binary, having more money doesn’t necessarily mean you have a greater life, being attractive doesn’t mean you are happy.

Living through the eyes of others and waiting for their approval, is like living in automatic mode, missing your life and being in spectator mode. Your value is not based on your look, your value is based on what YOU value, if you base your value on your ability to attract women, it might create frustration even if you are attractive, as we age and EVERYONE take refusals.

All of this is not to s*ck myself nor to make people feel guilty. The goal is to make you realize, whatever you are, whatever you have, whatever everything in the world, if you don’t learn how to love yourself and it’s not easy indeed, you will always envy others, it’s an eternal cycle of fear and hatred.

There is good in each pills (blue, red and black) the solution is not only one pill, the nearest from the truth (for me) are the three TOGETHER, what differs from two pilled people is how they use the datas. They use them to make their lives better, taking account of everything we can’t change or they complain and start to hate women.

You can’t hate them for profiting a situation men created first and allow through decades, till today. I understand you may be frustrated, you may say “you are attractive, you are lucky”, It’s not as incredible as you think. Everyone poops the same way, everyone eats to survive, we all need water too, we all bleed the same way.

Why are you taking this so personally ? A “NO” from women, as if it was necessarily YOUR fault. There are plenty of reasons… Are you responsible for what she thinks at X moment ? Are you responsible if she has a bad day ? Are you responsible if you don’t correspond her criteria ? It’s a loss for her and she saves you a lot of time. Are you responsible if she is not currently emotionally available because her last boyfriend did something wrong ? Are you responsible if she is afraid of commitment ?

Are you responsible if she doesn’t want to be seen as an easy girl ? Are you responsible if she is focused on work instead of love ? And most IMPORTANT, are you responsible if it was a bad timing and you sadly were in a bad place in bad time ?

There is nothing wrong with rejection when you dont take it personally, when you go partying, don’t go saying “I NEED to f*ck tonight”, no, have fun, see your friends, laugh, and EVENTUALLY if the opportunity is presenting and you want to score, do it, and if it doesn’t happen, whatever, you had fun.

Life is much more than just pleasing people, as men we can have urge to inseminate women, it’s biological and natural, when it’s your 30th “NO”, you may be frustrated, angry and sad, there is nothing wrong with being human and feeling emotions, don’t worry. Don’t lose time on people that don’t value your person, friendship and attraction can’t be NEGOTIATED.

The most valuable thing is the soul. Like Jim Carrey said, “My soul is not contained within the limits of my body. My body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.” If you can think, you have everything, the only thing missing is taking action now and change your internal world.


Don’t hesitate to tell me if it was a bad idea to post this, if it’s not really encouraging or badly written, English is not my mother tongue !

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Na it was good. I used to be obsessed with getting better with women and approached everyday around 21. Now im 32 and am still single but stopped the cold approaches long time ago. Part is because I don’t really have the time to invest, other part is I chicken out.
I work in n a busy city and have had girls try to flirt with me like last month when I’m eating lunch a pretty girl sits right in front of me on my table of all places, she was attractive blonde but I litterly got freaked out and
walked out because of how nervous I was. I got a girl I met online that we’ve been talking for over 5 years but I do feel kinda lonely at times even though we’re all connected with the energetic web

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Between cities people behave differently, it’s something I talk about with friends, being in a tiny town doesn’t do justice to anyone, with social activity, often people have to move in the nearest big town to partying, seeing friends or even working…

Why were you nervous in front of this woman ? Is it because you were surprised ? Because you thought she was “too beautiful” ? Or maybe, you were afraid to say something wrong ?

It kinda sucks today man, some really attractive friends are having difficulty with dating, women seem to be very picky now, that’s why I generally say to not take it personally, you didn’t do anything wrong to be in this position, it’s society.

Some would really like not even the s*x, just having a bond with a woman, having a best friend, sharing life, having projects and kids.

Even if we are all connected via energy I don’t know how to help people with loneliness, saying to work on ourselves, to make priorities in life other than women, is a not a long term situation, frustration can become really bad at some point.

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. You’re responsible for your rose.

“You’re not at all like my rose. You’re nothing at all yet…No one has tamed you and you haven’t tamed anyone. You’re the way my fox was. He was just a fox like a hundred thousand others. But I’ve made him my friend, and now he’s the only fox in all the world…You are lovely, but you’re empty…One couldn’t die for you. Of course, an ordinary passerby would think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than all of you together, since she’s the one I’ve watered. Since she’s the one I put under glass. Since she’s the one I sheltered behind a screen. Since she’s the one for whom I killed the caterpillars (except the two or three for butterflies). Since she’s the one I listened to when she complained, or when she boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing at all. Since she’s my rose”, said the little prince to the roses.




Interesting, thanks for sharing !

What do you want to tell me ?

Shes wants to tell you that she’s just concerned but curious…


I’m straight forward so it might sound cold and maybe agressive but I really don’t understand what she is thinking

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This is what happens when one is disconnected from Love, they get hijacked and follow norms… Repeal Love and become structural. Please don’t blame them as most often they’ve been manipulated from little to feel guilty, shameful, and do things that a being made out of love wouldn’t do… You see once you were a child all you knew was love, All your interactions were of love till the world around you said “NO” you were young so you couldn’t understand next thing you know you are saying “MY toy” disconnecting yourself even further while putting yourself at risk of being controlled by hate, fear, sexual desire etc.


Actually, the really easy way is to just work on building your lower dan tien. Then you don’t have to think so much about all of that. It will naturally attract opposite sex energy. And, if you build your middle dantien as well, you can open up to love and compassion in a relationship.


U just need to get more comfortable talking in person to women.


If you read The Little Prince, you will notice very delicate secrets. For example during the actual taming, the fox wants the prince to avoid talking at all, because the fox believes “words are the source of misunderstandings.” Therefore, fox asks the little prince to meet him everyday. So everyday the prince sits a little closer to the fox in order to tame him. However one day fox reminds the little prince that "It would have been better to come back at the same hour…If, for example, you came at four o’clock in the afternoon, then at three o’clock I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances. At four o’clock, I shall already be worrying and jumping about. I shall show you how happy I am! But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you . . . One must observe the proper rites ". So if you want to have a good relation with someone you should spend time for that.
Also somewhere in this book a secret is revealed to you which is : "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Many years ago when I was younger, the boys cheated girls. Very few boys would have married their own girlfriends. Many of them would have taken the attention of girls and would have promised them to marry with them. But after the boys would have taken the girls’ virginity away they would have said “if those girls were pure, they would have never accepted to have sex with them!” (That’s why one of my best friends committed suicide. An unsuccessful suicide that caused her to become disabled) Also many families were so religious. Even there was a kind of competition among religious families in order to show who is more religious than whom! Girls like me who was neither religious nor non religious had no chance to marry their dream boys. Even the number of girls were much more than the boys, which this issue was a problem itself. At that time having a boyfriend was like a crime. (Now it’s not like that anymore.)
Even now that I myself have lost a part of my body for the disease that I had, it seems there’s another issue which makes a problem in my love life. Anyway, what is clear is that the person who loves me, will love me however I am. It doesn’t mean that for example “I” tell myself this is who I am, and I won’t change at all. No. If you like someone, there maybe a need that you change some aspects of yourself. But it is obvious that I can’t change some issues. (So, ask yourself what aspects you’d like to change/improve and what aspects you’re capable of changing them) .
Also mutual understanding is the basis of each relation. For having such a skill both parties should talk to each other, listen to each other, and hear the voice of each other. And there are 2 other points which are very important for making a long last relationship/friendship: 1) Let people have their own personal beliefs as long as their beliefs won’t affect the quality of your life. We are human beings not the bricks with the same shape and color which make a wall!
2) Accepting that there are always more to learn/discover. In our lives, we are more students than teachers. Even for taking the knives out of our chests, we need to learn how to do it on our own ways. This issue is not the same for all people.


Well, that can be the way you filter

The people who don’t see you for who you are, perhaps they’re not the people you want to spend the most time with.

There’s also the component of how much effort you make with people. It takes two to get close.

Give it time. Spend time with people one on one. Do fun things. Have conversations. Have deeper conversations. You spend enough time, enough thoughtful time with a person - if they’re willing, they start to understand you.

But both of you have to be willing to put in the effort


Shit, it was sent without finishing to write the answer so…

I’m not really confortable with receiving love, to be honest, not because people are not nice to me, I don’t know how to send love in return, not saying love is a trade, loving should be unconditional in my opinion, not a process of, someone gives something, someone receives it and must give in return.

English is not my mother tongue, so I might sound confusing sometimes, being hard to express my thoughts as clearly as wished.

The point of all of this wasn’t to shout at people who might already be suffering and acting normally in fact, as a response of sadness, it wasn’t to say something they’ve heard 50 times, “you don’t try hard enough”, it was an attempt to give maybe other keys to be happier. To have a different point of view to make them realize that, what is happening in life doesn’t always have anything to do with themselves as a person.

Concerning men, in the majority of cases, rejections from women have nothing to do with themselves personally, I’m quite confident about that. There is a lot of social conditioning that don’t benefit men at all. Education, justice system, porn, Only Fans, school, dating apps and social medias. Men are the greatest losers in all the equations.

Also women can work today, going to school, drive cars, they are independent, they don’t “need” men as much as before, they can give birth by themselves too now without a man at their sides.

Fear, inhibitions, ambition, friends, hobbies, they want to feel loved and bond with someone, it’s normal. I totally agree with all you’ve written, As a stoic, I do everything possible to not depend on things around me to be happy, loving myself is the most important even if the whole world hates me.

If people understood this as a frustrated message, it wasn’t, I’m happy ! Only wondering by curiosity why people are always acting differently with me.

I really think there is way more than that, we are literally living a change of era and society !

I think you got varying answers to your post because there’s not one central message. It starts with how you’re actually good with women but you’re not good with them, you want a deep connection but some use you as a trophy and men compete with you, and then it goes into a part where you’re telling men a “no” isn’t their fault…

All valid messages, but I think we don’t know which one to respond to


Sorry, I’m not organized at all as you see :joy: