If you have difficulty with women, read this!

There are many fields for you to heal the stuff that’s causing you to choose the behaviors you’re calling “people pleasing.” It depends on what you need to heal.


Basically, improve your personality, flaws you do know about and flaws you dont even know about.

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Knight/Warrior Mindset and the self respect field


No, that’s not what I said.

I know im just blabbering.

My dad has the people-pleasing syndrome, and his problem is very serious. If you have such a syndrome, the fact that you’re going to do something for solving this problem is a very positive point. Because you’re aware that something is wrong and it needs to be fixed. The root of this syndrome majorly goes back to your childhood. You should see what happened to you at that time. Usually, those who couldn’t satisfy their parents in their childhood struggle with this syndrome. Many of those who struggle with this syndrome have depression, lack of confidence, etc. You yourself should research this issue and choose the related fields/audios.
The archetype of parental love, self-love, self-confidence, depression begone, etc.
You should practice saying “no”. For your own sake, you should avoid suggesting others to help. Good luck.

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Yes its because of my dad, i felt i was never good enough. Thank you


(So, you do know what it’s about. Good for you. Start there.)

Marjan made me realize it. I got memories popping up when he talked about parents and not satisfying them


You could also try to reduce cortisol levels by having a good sleep, fasting and exercise.

Valeriana is organic and good too.

People pleasing syndrome is always linked to high levels of anxiety and stress.

My father is a people pleaser too and lives a very stressful life. And I was a people please for a very big part of my life.

Once you reduce your cortisol levels and anxiety/stress from your life and your social contexts, you will stop to reproduce these habits and women will become more attracted to you, because you have a calm and carefree with no strings or attachments vibe.

People pleasing is an slave mentality that’s supported on seeing others as a continious threat, because you put them as masters to avoid being attacked/hurt.

And most women don’t want to have a slave with ulterior motives in their life as a sexual partner.


There you go! That’s how healing journeys unfold. You can do this!

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High levels of anxiety, stress, overthinking and body tension.

Maitreya has a field ive been using called:

Let go of fear overthinking and worries which helps alot.

Maybe the root should be the parental love from sapien tho and self love stuff.

And maybe i should look into the emotional/mental supporter.

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Maitreya has some audios that summarizes many audios, like:

  • Trauma, Incident & Limiting Belief Clearing

  • Emotional Perfection

  • Eternal Cleaner

Each one of these audios reach many topics at once.

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Im emotionally unavailable as well, gosh.

But doesn’t that make sense? Isn’t that you, being wise?

I’m being honest and straight-forward with you. When someone has punched you hard enough in your arm that you’ve got a nasty bruise, don’t you make that part of your arm “unavailable”? Don’t you sort of hold it aware from all perceived dangers and are careful with its movements, because you know contact with that part of your arm is going to hurt? You want that part of your body to heal and–in holding it away from all dangers and being gentle with it–you’re doing what you can to heal that part of your body to heal, right? That’s normal. Even our 4-legged friends do this.

It’s the same thing with this behavior that you’re calling “emotionally unavailable.” You’re sort of saying (to yourself, to us, to those you meet–maybe not consciously, but certainly unconsciously) “I have this wound and I’m holding it away from all the dangers I perceive until it’s healed.” And that’s smart!

Up until now, you’ve been doing the best you know how to heal this wound. And that’s a good thing. From the sounds of it, it probably hasn’t been enough but it’s still a good thing. You’ve been doing good! And now, things have changed. You know more things and you have more tools for you to use towards your healing. So, your experience can be different than it had been.

Which brings me to my next point:

No, that’s how you had been and, even then, you were so much more than that statement says. What’s all the things are you that you hadn’t been then, when you weren’t being emotionally unavailable? Think about all that for a moment.

And this next part is going to sound like I’m splitting hairs but it’s really important. “Emotionally unavailable” is a series of behaviors. They are something you do. They are never who you are.

So, feel the difference between these two statements (ignore the clunkiness of the grammar):

  • I am emotionally unavailable.
  • I do some things that I call emotionally unavailable.

When it’s something you “are,” it’s harder to change. (Plus there’s that whole “ego death” thing which get “the ego” involved because “the ego” is a collection of all our "I am"s. And changing our "I am"s makes “the ego” think it’s going to die. So it fights back. So, now it gets even harder to change, you see?)

But when we look at it as something that you do, well, you have lots of experience of doing things differently. You’ve changed lots of things you’ve done over the years. Changing what you do is something that’s also normal, you see?


It has been a coping mechanism "the emotionally unavailable " part. Its not how i am its something i do to heal. It has been a protective trait, protection for my heart… As people have tried to hurt me.

Hmm, im changing what i do now because of something…

Im also thinking maybe all these emotions and symptoms im having right now is actually a candida die off, as im really irritable.

And that’s a good thing! Good for you!

So, if you want to use an “I am,” then you can honestly say “I am a good coper” or “I am someone who takes real good care of myself.”

…because I’ve learned new things–new things about me, about my life, new skills, and because I’m learning I have more abilities within me than I’ve ever noticed before, so…because I am more capable than I’ve ever realized before.

…because I’ve come to new realizations and new preferences from those new realizations. I’ve realized that, while that old set of skills (of “emotionally unavailable”) had been helpful, like everything else in this world, my old set of skills had pluses and minuses. And now I’ve got more tools and more skills so that I can see more for myself and I’m willing to explore that more I can see for myself.

That’s a possibility. Are you supplementing with molybdenum? That’s supposed to help with the symptoms and toxicity of candida die off.

ETA: Or you could just be (understandably) grumpy because some tool on the Interwebz is pushing you harder than you want to go and putting all sorts of crazy words in your mouth. :wink:

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I just got meself some molybdenum in a form of a multivitamin. And ill make some beef liver tonight because im a BEAST.

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Molybdenum works !

Well, do you have a stack your using for attraction ?

So, listen to what you just said there:
“Can you suggest to me fields to bring to me this thing I’m not yet available for?”

Don’t you want to say, “Really?!” :confounded:

Here’s a different take. Take a look at what you’ve been telling us about yourself on here. That’s the vibrational “dating profile” you’re projecting out into the world. And maybe fields might be able to mask some of that at first. But after a very short while, they’re going to figure out what’s going on for you.

As I told you when you first asked this question (and I’ve been very consistent in my messaging with you), “Heal your stuff” and you won’t need more fields to address a number of these “downstream” problems you’re seeing for yourself.