Hello guys. So I’m a student doctor who is going to be on a hospital ward full of COVID patients and actually be very close to them, interacting with them (doing examinations and taking histories from them). Which audio do you recommend I use to keep myself safe and prevent myself from developing symptoms?
I’ll meditate every chance I get. I’m most worried about Corona. So if the corona audio targets it more strongly than the general virus disruption, I’d choose the corona one. If not, then just general virus disruption.
I use Virus Disruption 2, plus Solfeggio Frequency 741, has worked perfectly for me. With my job I have been exposed to some very sick covid patients, and by using the above I have managed to stay virus free.
I either loop the Virus Disruption for an hour or two, then play the Solfeggio 741 on very low volume while I sleep
Or I play both audios at the same time during the day for hours
The description says it can be used passively to develop your own healing power. I believe I saw some people saying here that it could also pick-up and transmit some of the benefit of other fields. So, assuming that info is correct, he could expose himself to the Corona healing fields and be able to transfer some of that benefit to the people he encounters.
You know that’s a great idea. Btw there’s two corona audios on gumroad. The files I’ve downloaded say Corona1 (the one with the piano) and Corona2UVC (the one with just the noise). Which one do I pick?
To be completely honest, I’ve got an hour to listen to the corona fields. Although I would also like to listen to my subconscious limits and ego dissolution (meditate to these) and the rest of my physical fields (I just play them without meditating).
Both Virus Disruption Ver 2.0 and the silent Corona2Silent field contain far UV-C light subfields.
Corona2Silent combines the Far UV-C Light and Coronavirus Disruption fields (and can be looped silently on your mobile as you work if you wish).
The far UV-C light subfields will help keep your environment more sterile, which will help lower the number of viral particles you’re exposed to over time and can also be of help to patients.
Both Virus Disruption Ver 2.0 and the older Corona2Silent field target coronaviruses.
Virus Disruption 2.0 is the newer field.
From another thread:
Also, you might find the post by @gpo below of help:
When I worked in a covid ICU I played corona2silent in the nurses’ station. No one on my shift got covid, but on other shifts a couple of nurses got it. Could be a coincidence, but still.
I also played it 2-3 times a day, on my days off.
The thing is, if you are well protected with filtering masks etc and are following proper hygiene routines, you are more likely to get infected by a coworker during lunch break, if you are sitting to close. But then again, I don’t know what resources you have.
But as a med student you already know that.