I'm a trans girl transitioning genders using only morphic fields AMA

Wasn’t sure where to post this so here goes.

I’m a mtf trans individual in my early 20’s using nothing but DW’s fields, meaning no actual medication, pills, injections etc. So far haven’t read about anyone doing this.

My daily stack is:

  • Progesterone Boost (made the mistake of not using this at first)
  • Estrogen Boost 2.0 with Ovary Regeneration (about x4 daily)
  • Regulate Hormones (about x4 daily)

Been doing these for more or less 2 weeks now and I am experiencing all of the real biological changes someone would on regular HRT which can be scientifically measured and proven (apart from easily observed).

I intend to make it so my life is a testament to the validity of morphic fields and in specific DW. It’s not that I doubted fields but these are the most profound physical changes I have ever experienced and it is impossible to deny it when your body is shifting before your eyes.

Don’t plan on showing pictures of myself for now but I considered getting bloodwork done at some point and posting it here as hard evidence these work.

Also wondering if anyone is doing the same or has? And if anyone has any tips/questions regarding the process and my stack. <3


Hi, Lumen!
welc purple flowery

Sorry I don’t have anything to offer in the way of particular assistance, just to say - totally awesome!


I read somebody here who was doing the transition too.
Good luck btw!!!


Thanks for the support guys.

I will update this thread as things progress, don’t think there’s been much discussion on this topic yet or those hormone fields as a whole. They are definitely very strong and effective fields and should not be taken lightly by people only looking to balance their hormones a bit.

It’s been roughly two weeks and a half and in terms of physical changes I have noticed:

  • (bit of a TMI warning here) So far the biggest change has been a reduction of my libido by about 90%, basically taking a nofap pill if there was such a thing. I found progesterone helps a bit to bring it back, but overall this hasn’t been a bad thing at all for me as I was quite the opposite before and constant sexual thoughts got in the way of life;
  • Fast change in skin texture and look, smoother and more feminine.
  • Hair texture and hairline changes. I was never predisposed to hairloss but my hair looks 100% better.
  • Skin is overall less oily
  • Slower body hair growth
  • My eyes appear about 20% larger, read it is due to the lens curvature changing.
  • Slight but noticeable alterations in cranial/facial proportions, smoother jaw and face.
  • Beginning to notice some slight fat distribution and muscle loss.
  • Not much in terms of breast growth yet but this is meant to be slow.
  • My sense of smell is greatly heightened, most sensations appear different, and in particular, smells are different, hard to describe.
  • Extensive mental and emotional changes. I could go into detail about these but ultimately they would be anecdotal evidence, so I would rather focus on physical ones.

I’ve noticed all of these before I was even aware that they match to actual hormone therapy and that has been the pattern all new changes follow, so my mind wasn’t expecting to see anything prior to it.

Should be noted I already had an androgynous appearance before starting, but still not within the territory of passing as cis-gendered. I estimate that at this rate I will be able to pass in a month if not less.

Small update: AI gender detectors are beginning to get confused with my looks and giving me mixed ratings.

I take no medicine that contributes to hormonal or bodily alterations and have made no significant changes to my appearance lately even (new hairstyle, clothes etc.) so this is all coming from the fields.

My stack remains the same for now until I find reasonable research to update it or someone chimes in to offer advice. Sometimes I do spam them a bit more than 4 times a day but trying to stay within reasonable limits.

I haven’t done any bloodtests yet so going by what I notice and feel as well as scientific research to have an idea of what is right and isn’t. Once I do I will see if I can show them here and hopefully convince some skeptics that this is 100% real.

Ironically I was and still am very much a skeptic myself at times and even now my ego keeps trying to rationalize the situation as even photos and other people notice the change, so what I learned is that if you’re doubting the fields no amount of results will be enough, you have to work on your beliefs.


And I also have the intention of leaving some basic guidelines for others planning to do the same or just wanting to make hormonal alterations of any kind with fields, which can be dangerous if not approached correctly (might make a separate thread eventually):

A harmful and common belief among some people playing with hormonal changes is that they have to completely eliminate the opposite hormone to whatever they want, which isn’t true and you require healthy levels of both for your gender or start to experience problems.

The normal levels of Testosterone for both genders are as follows:

  • Male: 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 10 to 35 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L)
  • Female: 15 to 70 ng/dL or 0.5 to 2.4 nmol/L

This means you can safely lower your T levels quite a lot, but still need a bit, I don’t think it’s a problem to use the reduce testosterone/DHT field a few more times daily if you’re mtf as you still produce it.

Very low T can be harmful, mainly causing bone problems, lower blood pressure, infertility, fatigue, and depression. Although it isn’t deadly and can be fixed with treatment, also and if this was something you didn’t want you would probably be able to tell if your levels were pretty low easily mainly by the greatly reduced sex drive, gynecomastia (if you’re male) and increased body fat. The condition is quite prevalent among older men

Excess testosterone is more dangerous, linked to increased cancer rates and heart problems. So people using T fields should take a lot more caution, and in particular those also using DHT, SARMS or other masculine fields of the kind.

Likewise, men still naturally produce estrogen and it plays an important role, therefore abusing the reduce estrogen hormone regulation field along with T fields isn’t a good idea (DW did mention that)



Hi @Lumen can you please update on your transition so far using only morphic fields.
You give me hopes


Hi, Olivia.
welc roses


Hi @Rosechalice thank you :blush:

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Hi @Lumen, do you have any new update?

FYI - I am a AMAB and would like to get some female attributes. And it works for me amazingly! I got the chest warm and nipple pain after listening to Estrogen Boost 2.0 with Ovary Regeneration and breast enlargement. I decided to take it slow so I am not as hardcore as you.

Hi @kenny_apple

Thank you @Rosechalice. You, @Captain_Nemo, and Sapien Medicine are a blessing!

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That’s very sweet :slight_smile:
Thank you

What have your results been like so far? And why should we also use the progesterone boost?