Im in a really bad way guys. Please help

I will try spamming the depression field. I am a purist and never believed in pharmaceuticals to be honest. My mum has taken them and found relief but they also come with a bunch of side effects such as impotence/ED, indigestion, loss of appetite, feeling sick and anxious. Which all leads to me saying no thankyou lol. I also feel like they numb you down. i understand people have found relief with them but I am personally very wary of them.

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I talk from experience, since I had depression for years…
Try to focus only on what helps you and don’t focus at all on what drains your energy, focus on these (sort of) things: your goals (mine were/are to be healthy, wealthy, full of peace and joy, plus other goals) and the actions that you need to accomplish them + whatever helps you (for many years, even now, for me it was playing games, watching movies, listening to whatever makes me feel good, etc.) + try to detach from (mental/emotional) suffering with activities/be active (you decide which activities you have/do, of course; for me it was/it’s Yoga and cycling) + watch out for the physical needs, like NUTRIENTS, Vitamins, Minerals, etc. (I take supplements A-Z and whenever I don’t take them, after a few days, little by little, my mood isn’t good, I’m starting to think negatively, mind is more foggy, I don’t feel that relaxed or that well, I don’t have that much clarity, etc. - you can try supplements IF you want and if you do, try it for at least a couple weeks to see how you feel; one thing is certain: We DO Need the material stuff, we Do need to have our biological/physical needs met/solved, otherwise we lack very important stuff, since we can’t rely only on fields or spiritual or energetic help)…

Depression is not something that is permanently defeated, it can appear whenever the circumstances are not good for us, so we have to do all that is necessary to avoid that spiraling down.

Also, in conclusion, don’t allow negativity to grow, as soon as you have/feel negative thinking or negative emotions, “CHANGE THE CHANNEL”, CHOOSE SOMETHING (ANYTHING, any activity or even relaxation, yoga, perhaps a video game, whatever helps you, etc.,) POSITIVE!

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Hey man, maybe this can help.


if you can avoid them better for sure.

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Thanks so much for your input my friend.

Goals is something I’ve never really had. I’ve always been a bit of a drifter I guess you could say. It’s not that I don’t want to have goals, It’s just that I’ve never really known what I want from life. I really love tennis, but at age 34, it’s probably unrealistic that I would become professional, although never say never lol. But I’m very passionate about it and obviously want to get better so I guess that is a goal I actually have.

My diet is really good, lots of fruit and veg and I supplement zinc, magnesium, iodine, mucuna, tongkat ali (great for raising testosterone naturally) omega 3 and b12. I don’t eat dairy or gluten (rarely anyway, obviously treat myself sometimes lol) and really trying to cut down meat to once or twice a week.

Career is a big thing for me that I would like to change. I would love to do something I’m passionate about, being a health coach is actually something I think I would really enjoy. At the moment I’m a delivery driver which I’m starting to resent and also I’m in a lot of debt and always skint so that definitely doesn’t help.

But yeah it’s just like there is apart of my soul missing or something. Its the strangest feeling… almost like I am dead inside. Like I still have a laugh when I am with a friend or something but there’s just something not right you know? Like I’m not in alignment with myself. I’m sure you can relate. Is that what depression was like for you?

I was actually doing what you suggested today. usually I let the depression take over me and I spiral into bad habits - eating unhealthy, missing gym sessions etc. but today I was telling myself that it is just emotion coming to the surface to be released, and that it shall pass and I stuck to eating healthy and went gym so that’s a step in the right direction I guess. a friend actually told me the other day that when the depression hits, that’s when its most important to double down on your good habits and not give in.

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I’m going to try this right now. Thankyou!

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@Unbreakable Well I spammed depression field a few times and definitely feeling better. Also hit my weed vape so not sure which one it is lol could be both

I think
You have a few options:
Ego dissolution (x1)
New Perspectives (x2)
Entwining Worlds of Beauty (x1-3)
May very well be your best bet and a replacement to many of those you’d written.
Alongside Blueprint of the Past, Emotional Mastering, SmartCord Cutter, Shamanic Medicine Blend, Tower of Power, Emotional Alchemy NFT, and Conceptual Realizations but the first three mentioned is a great way to kick off

I tried attempting few days back but fairly certain those fields are what helped me out. Greatful.
These are paid. But if you are seeking free ill write another

But know you’re really strong. It takes strength everyday to get out of bed. It takes strength to not give up and be here another day.

A therapist once told me, you are you. You are not your depression. You are beautiful and you are depressed. Its etched to you now, sure, but this struggle will not define you; it is not part of your true essence, not part of your soul.
It’s an additional to us, not our composition

Also i dont think it has anything to do with an entity. I mean not diagnosing you but psychiatrists call this phenomenon double depression . You have continual depression gad, but then moments in time when you fall into a deep pit for months. I’d know because I have it, and there is nothing wrong with it. Its just understanding and making peace there are going to be some days and chapters must bleaker than the others, but yhen again, it’s always darkest before dawn.

More on why I encourage you to consider New Perspectives

At only 77 dollars, New perspectives is perhaps the most life changing. Its very efficient, very targeted.
Two years before SapienMedicine’s NP release, I tried TMS for this double depression (the gad but with mdd bouts as well), and TMS isn’t cheap; back then, it was $13,000 out of pocket.
It didnt even help me in the slightest lmao.

Two years later for 77 dollars I am introducted to New Perspectives and many other audios (which i can list but it would take a long time because the stacks i used were vigorous).

Today, I am so much better with combating my MDD than ever before. Really.
So if you can find a way to set aside 77, please do.

Sam, part of the duo, once suggested on here ego dissolution x two plays of NP every morning
I did that for a few months and absolutely breathtaking. Honestly I myself need to go back to it


I definitely wasn’t in alignment with myself, that’s for sure; there were better days and terrible days - my depression was due to various causes, including some events from my childhood and teenage years and because of health problems, which started when I was around 14 years old and my health actually was better for a few years, then after 20 it got worse (allergies, asthma, etc.), only by 25 I actually beat depression, not entirely, but for the most part; I wasn’t in the mood for anything (sometimes), I too felt that I was alone, I couldn’t fit in society, I started to communicate less with others, I developed insomnia, I despised life itself, because of the bad stuff that happened to me and because of all the negative things that happen in the world; 2 times I actually had suicidal thoughts, but I blocked them as soon as I was aware that that’s the limit, that I had to do something, to change my life for the better; then, I started to find my motivation, I started to take supplements on a daily basis, studied ways to heal myself, including “alternative” solutions, then I found someone, a healer, an energy healer and from then my life, including my health started to improve, except for/since the last year, but depression is an old and kind of defeated enemy of mine.

I got a little sidetracked, but that was how I experienced depression; I also went to a doctor/medic, took some meds, with little success, mostly so I could sleep.
Anyway, I’m so glad that I got over that and now, since finding Captain’s work, I have/found such great help (this time not for depression but for other health issues).

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Thanks so much for reaching out and the kind words. It really means a lot. Big hug

Yes I got diagnosed with GAD a few years back which eventually turned into depression too, and yes the few months where you fall into the real darkness/deep pit, that definitely happens to me too, usually during winter actually. the weathers just starting to turn here in the UK and I’m definitely not looking forward to it

New perspectives was one I was really interested in actually but totally forgot about. I’ve got it written down on my wish list though. It’s just I am in a lot of debt at the moment, financial situation is really bad, always has been tbh. It’s really something I need to get on top of, so paid fields have to go on the backburner for the moment.

Thankyou so much for your support.

I will add in Ego dissolution and get New Perspectives asap

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I’m glad you’ve found the answers to your health issues!

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Add to your list Woven worlds millions too in that case.

Anyways, I hope this works:

Following Stack for StayHard, Everyday for 21 Days:

(1) Ego dissolution
(2) The alchemical revision of trauma
(3) The alchemical revision of childhood
(4) Alchemical revision of inner self love

(either add here a grounding audio ie schumann resonance, or take a deep breath, or play ego dissolution (because the next part is just as intense if not more), or just carry on and ignore the pause lol)

(5) Gratitude and blessings
(6) Outlook retrainer
(7) Positive power waves
(8) Grace
(9) Cellular Regeneration

If it resonates, I’ll hope you’ll consider the above stack.

Work with the newer ones, old is gold but i just personally have this feeling you will see a difference with that stack
It’s worth a shot.


Problem is i cant tell if gratitude and blessings should be placed where it’s currently at or go:
right before ego dissolution, right after ego dissolution, or switch places with outlook re-trainer

I just think it’s good to have it right before outlook because it is a good transitional piece. Its the juncture or the “thing” or the “light” that changes dark to dawn if that makes sense. Like the first few are pretty intense,
that is like a literal ointment for it-
Oh wait! So maybe anatoining holy oil from dreamseeds too then
that could also be part of the “(6)”
So like

(6A) Anointing holy oil
(6B) Gratitude and blessings
(7) Outlook retrainer
(8) Positive power waves
(9) Grace
(10) Cellular regeneration

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Just say out loud, “I accept the Sei Hei Ki for me prepared by Nathan Gundlach”.

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Whats that mean

Sei Hei Ki is Reiki emotional healing and balancing energy. I have prepared some for them.

Honestly at that point I was thinking of ending it all lol. But before I did that I just stopped putting in effort into everything, stopped studying shit that I had no interest in, stopped putting up with ppl’s bs and shit personalities, did whatever I wanted whenever. The near decision to log out from the matrix was what made me decide to stop giving a f. If U’ve had depression for 10 years obviously your current lifestyle and way of thinking about the world isn’t helping. You need to stop giving a fk about others and start living true to yourself.

If you’ve had it for 10 years and am still persisting, I assume that your case is one of persistent mild depression rather than major depressive disorder, nonetheless if you don’t change anything about the way you live your depression won’t just “magically disappear”.

Oh like you mean the emotional alchemy nft thing?

No, this is totally its’ own thing. I cannot recommend the practice of Reiki enough.