Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

maybe we met the same energy?

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :dancer:


Maybe it was your mom :slight_smile:.

I havenā€™t been consistent at all with this one, maybe Iā€™ll experience that if I do play it consistently


I think this has to be the most important field Iā€™ve never listened to until today. I am in awe.


Whyā€™s that?


Funny this thread is being bumpedā€¦ Iā€™ve taken a break from all my overnight audious and Iā€™m looking to improve my intuition by using this audio.

New night stack in looking at is

This audio
Higher self connection
Conceptual realization
Blueprint of Life
Millionaire mindset
Unbreakable mindset

(Before bed enhanced visualization)


Listen to it :slight_smile:

Synchronicities. :heart_eyes:


I haveā€¦ didnā€™t feel that way so Iā€™m just curious about your experience

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My first listen through, I played it on speakers from my iPad while playing Higher-Self Connection 4 times on my computer speakers. As it began, I felt extremely calm and present. As Imaginarium Divine continued, I felt very relaxed in my body in the now. It was almost the opposite of astral travel if youā€™ve ever experienced that. Near the end of the first listen through I started to get strong ā€œmessagesā€ (sort of a knowing). I was eating food that was a delicious vegan vegetable dish, and I was told to stop (I had eaten enough). The impulse to stop was stronger than the enjoyment of the food, so I put it back in the fridge. Iā€™ve had almost a compulsive overeating for the past few months due to my ā€œenjoymentā€ of food (I think I overeat during times of boredom as a form of procrastination), but this audio reversed that in one listen.

I gave it a second listen and meditated a bit on some questions I wanted answered. I was given answers in a way that wasnā€™t pushy as you would imagine, but just fact. I can only describe it as a deep knowing, not a suggestion.

I am very interested in daily listening, and seeing what those will bring. :slight_smile:


LOL :rofl:


Today I have decided to only wear the BPIL around my neck. A few minutes later, I was directed to this audio. Itā€™s like I ā€œknowā€ that I need to listen to itā€¦Strange.

PS : My brain is tingling, yet I did not listen Superhuman Genius lol


this audio works a lot on the brain


Hello everybody

Do you listen this audio until finish? Or some of you only listen just 20 or 30 minute. This audio quite long, 1hours plus.

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When Dream makes a long audio it means as the time goes by the energy in the audio reaches deeper and deeper levels, so if you cut it half way the results wont be as deep or itll take longer (in days, weeks etc) to reach the intended level of depth to gather the information it wants to bring up to your awareness. Or to settle the changes it is for.

Its like watching a movie that lasts 90 minutes. If you only watch 20, you can get the idea but not the full story :blush:


Thank you @anon46520955. I understand now.


No problem.

How i feel this particular audio, its like when you are getting a past life regression therapy, or when the psychologist wants to reach very deep in your subconscious to find information through hypnosis but the brain needs to be in a resting state tho still vigilant.

Thats how i feel every time, so i def see a difference when i listen to this to sleep or meditating than when i am wide awake doing other stuff.

I used to do an exercise once in bed and it was like waiting until i was just about to sleep like starting to feel fading away and id talk to my higher self something or ask whatever then fall asleep, next day when the transition from deep asleep to waking id ā€œhearā€ the answer. Pretty cool and very efficient, but it needed a lot of practice and patience, besides the ability to be in that state without waking up trying to understand your question with logic and not falling asleep while talking to your higher self either.

This audio does that :smirk:

Totally underrated. I love it very much


All right Iā€™ll loop this tonight.


whoops this is the forum not my intuition im posting on


The uhā€¦ interactive visuals were cool, i guess.

Also pleasant smell came 2 minutes earlier


This can also work as a communication bridge between you and other entities?

Because after playing it at night I fell into a vivid dream where some entity harassed me, it seems that it had some unfinished business with me, from another past life maybe?

We sort of came to an understanding, and it eventually let me go. I woke up, and my energetic body was spazzing out like crazy

That never happened to me before, in this lifetime anyway, and it kind of freak me out.


Anyone have any results on this?


Yeah Iā€™ve been recommending it to everyone :sweat_smile:

But itā€™s a bit personal - for me itā€™s a strong intuition, a feeling of certainty and a gentle push (in line with the feeling of certainty) towards certain decisions/path.