An individualized smart field & alchemy +++ with unrestricted potential that aims to create an all devouring indestructible immortal physique on all levels and works synergistically together with all our health, physical & energy related nft’s & audios. All main & subfields are interwoven. The project will be topped by Dream’s Magic. He can improve or remove to make this a crazy transcendental project.
My intention is to create an immortal indestructible physique mostly scientific based but also an inner & eternal power source will be at our disposal. I’m also checking if there are extremely powerfull outer energy sources that could be included. Don’t want to include fantasy stuff at this moment unless you can persuade me…
We will also be looking for ways to unlock unlimited amounts of physical energy so the user can use this for whatever he wants related to an immortal indestructible physique. It will not only be a bulking muscle field so you know. I intend to explore a lot also flexibility & mobility, stamina, endurance, strength etc. It adapts to the user’s needs. That’s also why it will be a 6 main field project so everything’s covered.
I’m playing with the idea of including everyone who voted, but I’d love for each of you to create a concept based on the main titles that already exist. Perhaps many different and innovative ideas will emerge in this way. Once the group is formed, we can share and discuss and explore them with the group. I don’t do this to annoy you or impose rules. My intention is to create an in-depth project. I’ll let you know…
If this idea goes through, take your time. It is not a battle to see who comes up with the best ideas. There is already enough competition in the world. Just relax and let the concepts flow…
Also there might be 6 main fields instead of 5. It would be a shame if certain fields had to lose strength because we crammed some subfields together. In this case the original price will be 575$
Immortal Physique
I’m still interested even if the project will cost 575$
Thank you very much for coming up with this draft.
If I may make a suggestion, can we come up with and include the definition of “Immortal” in the draft? I believe that will help dream understand what exactly we are trying to accomplish with this project.
To avoid misunderstandings, I will try to clarify what this project is about. Immortal physique is basically a workout field for athletes of all stripes. It addresses all structures (muscles, bones, tendons, etc.) to obtain the most powerful and aesthetic body possible, which can be used, among other things, to facilitate enormous physical activities. A clearer project title would be immortal workout or immortal athlete but I really like immortal physique. If we really want to include also other structures (organs, blood, skin etc) then we will have to include at least one immortal health main field. I didn’t because then the price will go up again and also because it might become too complicated for Dream to make.
To make this project as powerful as possible through experiences I have found that muscle workouts in combination with chi & source energy is the most powerful so far, which is why I created a separate field for it cause you will have an eternal internal and external energy source to draw energy from. Read that again! It basically makes use of your own essence it should do wonders. I have also experienced that the recovery and rejuvenation aspect as well as proper nutrition etc. are extremely important in muscle building which is why two separate fields are also devoted to this.
For those who really want to become immortal on all levels, I suggest delving into spiritual and energetic dimensions just saying. There has never been a true immortal with huge muscle mass. These yogis live of pure prana and are very rare and kept themselves away from societies and were absorbed in meditation and spiritual practice 24/7 to achieve this state. I have a custom draft called immortal that aims for something similar. I aspire to have robust health on all levels but not to live forever.