Immutable Happiness 🕊️ - Community NFT testimonials

It’s hard to track the effects of some NFTs, but the thoughts that weren’t there but have started to occur are probably a strong indicator of the effect itself

Larousse’s famous French dictionary states: happiness is a state of complete satisfaction (bonheur - état de satisfaction complete). I noticed that the origin of the word “happiness” in French is very humble: bonheur is just bon heur, that is, a good hour. Apparently, people used to be more modest and didn’t demand much from life.

It seems to me - happiness is about being generally satisfied with life and taking chronic pleasure in it. To me, there are two main components to this definition: overall satisfaction and its duration. I guess general satisfaction does not imply that one has absolutely everything life can provide, but one has something essential to happiness. And happiness is a lasting state (a happy childhood, a happy old age, a happy life) rather than a short-term reaction, which we would rather call joy.

I know that Freud did not believe that psychotherapy could make a person happy. He doubted the possibility of happiness and said that the task of psychoanalysis was only to replace neurotic suffering with ordinary human pain. “Happiness by its very nature is possible only as an episodic phenomenon,” he wrote. lol

But! I like the wise statement attributed to Freud that a happy person happily goes to work in the morning and happily goes home from work in the evening. I modify this definition a bit for myself: a happy person understands in the morning that there is no need to go to work, and in the evening understands that there is no need to go tomorrow either (but that’s a joke).

Like many people on this Earth, I have always been interested in the question of whether happiness is achievable in principle, that is, whether it is possible to be happy based on the definition of happiness for a long time, ideally for a lifetime. Second: if it is possible in principle, what do I have to do to achieve it?

Happiness of life, which does not depend on time or place of life, nor on gender, nor on age, nor on culture, nor on the current situation in the country or in the world. As Professor Dumbledore said in Harry Potter: “Happiness can be found even in the hardest of times, you just have to strive for the light.”

A person who enjoys going to work, but tries to stay there as long as possible because he doesn’t feel like going home, cannot be called happy. A person who does not want to wake up in the morning and go to work cannot be called happy either. A happy person is happy from morning till night and, most importantly, from evening till morning. Happiness is a chronic condition.

By the way, theologians for the most part believed that happiness on earth (paradise on earth) is unattainable, that our earthly and physical life is a kind of punishment for our sins, and that happiness is attainable only on the other side of life. This is the version I have heard many times from different cultures.

Other people have argued that life is happiness.
But along this line of reasoning, if life itself is designed in such a way that it can and should bring us chronic pleasure, why doesn’t this often happen? For myself personally, I’ve begun to realize that the most important thing to enjoy life is to get just two basic processes right: getting everything you need to live, and getting rid of everything you don’t need and get in the way of life…

What is the benchmark of a happy person for me? For example, if I have problems (and healthy people have problems too), I should not put them off, I should solve them

I think the big problem with a person who doesn’t know how to live happily?
It’s the inability to say “no”.
and I used to have a problem saying no to someone, refusing them.

Some studies show that at the end of life, many people worry because they have had too little time with their loved ones, too little travel, that this was not enough for their happiness.

But I once came across a paper by other scientists who write that these conclusions don’t really apply to reality. Many people worry at the end of their lives, not that they didn’t travel enough with their loved ones, but that they endured too much, waited too long to be understood, appreciated, thanked.

you know what I mean? :)

Life isn’t supposed to be hard. It’s supposed to be happy.
thank you all for this gift. :sparkling_heart:


I have been weary about giving a testimonial to our beautiful creation, because the number of copies released is pretty limited and most of it went to our close ones.

Hence offering not much opportunity to grab one of those :point_down:

Capture d’écran 2022-02-14 à 21.15.41
(no more copies available)

Though, I must say if I should keep only one field from Dream this would be this one.

It does exactly what has been shared above, along with appreciated manifestations and a powerful alignment towards making the right choices towards happiness.

Thank you @El_Capitan_Nemo and team for that amazing creation :pray::heart:


Thank you all who were involved for creating this masterpiece! Grateful to be part of The Immutable Happiness team now :slight_smile:

Today will be my first day getting to explore it!

Edit: Beautiful start so far :smiley:


My most sincere congratulations because yeah.

Best thing ever.


Ahh this field…

Its so weird and cute lol just to put it somehow.

Ive been having my ego triggered with a couple of stuff the past 2 days.

I know its ego, i recognize it, i am working on it, however part of my frustration is that even if my ego was the sweetes kitten, there are other parts involved (people) that are just there not doing their own job. Still ego… i must let go of control, do my thing and go with the flow.

Thing is ive been UPSET. Literally upset, really upset. Lets be clear lol however i at the same time am in a good mood haha i know… im making no sense.

Its like regardless of what is going on im smiling, joking, positive, just cooked lunch a while ago dancing etc…

But i am upset.

Am i lying to myself and being a hypocrite? Noo.

I feel both things just as much, however i think in the recognition of what i need to do to stop being upset, in the process of doing what i need to do… this field is holding me high, as if it was doing this:


All comfortable and everything :relaxed:

Or if i had the ability to just do this


And i think thats beautiful!!!

Because the hardest thing to overcome something is having to also deal with the emotional or mental state dropping to the floor because of whatever situation we are going through, and the more difficult the more the constant battles we have to fight to keep the spirit high and with hope so we can get through.

Life and the world will always throw fkery at Us, because we cannot control everything and everybody, having this on my side is like having Timon on my shoulder telling Me when I need it:


:heart::heart::heart::heart: so grateful for this!!


I think i must say… because i know theres so many people wanting and looking for this NFT and there are no more copies available. Forgive me if i upset you with my review

But i tell you one thing.

What i am feeling reminds me a lot

Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence: New Release

So if you are looking for IH dont stop your healing waiting on a miracle to happen or thinking is not gonna happen for you if you dont have this. Loop this PMHC with New Perspective or Oulook retrainer + Powerful Positive Weaves. do it daily. Like one mini stack that you cant forget or stop.

And soon enough you will feel and witness how the heart is held content while understanding and working on issues, connected to the brain for rational, clear answers on what to do next should problems arise.



Beautiful, adding this at the top. Thanks for this sharing Luna :slight_smile:


Pleaseee tell more


Sooooo hard to find in trades!!! Rarey


I’ve been pairing this rare little gem with a few loops of The Exalted State the past week. The bliss & detachment levels experienced from said combo are off the charts. If you see this one floating around in trades or on Venly I highly suggest you grab it :grin:


Can’t add your testimonial to the comment up there as now this is not editable anymore, but happy you got it man :pray::grin:


For those of you that still seek this gem, I highly recommend this paid field: New Release: Woven Worlds - Contentment

50% of Immutable Happiness is about Contentment / Having it all :muscle:


Is anyone be able to give an update on their thoughts of this one after a few weeks?

This one is the strongest blockage removal in my experience.
You know the circular movement after you meditate for several minutes, back and forth, right and left?
I’ve read somewhere that that kind of movement is a natural mechanism of the body in the meditating state, to shake off energetic and physical blockages.
I experience that movement when mediating without and with fields, especially blueprint of life and light & vibrational guidance.
This audio, whenever I meditate with it, feels much more potent.
The implosion and explosion effects are literal, and I find it comes from the lower background music in the audio, something very similar to the ego dissolution audio. I find myself freely swinging back and forth, right and left, with an overflown fountain around the solar plexus chakra that keeps boiling.
Just a physical observation that you might wanna try and see, besides other benefits that other testimonials have mentioned.
This one really is a gem, I’ve parted way with it and have united with it here and there. And I think this time I’ll keep it for good :grin:


Fell back in love with this field today. It’s so comprehensive and makes me feel so complete that I could be content with using no other fields for the day. Will I follow through? Nah…but I could.


Edit Oct 2023: Sorry I’ve misspoken a few times on here / provided misinformation. I was recently corrected (I went to like 5 different scholars/historians/ and then a giyanij to confirm) and it was yogi bhajan who coined the “ek onkar sat gurprasad sat gurprasad ek onkar”… no guru shabad holds it/ no guru uttered it; it’s simply “Ek Onkar Sat Gurprasad”.
Sincere apologies. Thank you


Just an Opinion: when searching or wanting to learn the essence of Gurbani, I highly recommend avoiding Yogi Bhajan’s analysis of it- he’s been inaccurate for asserting multiple claims on gurbani.
Another thing; don’t take English translations to heart if it sounds fatalistic…none of it in it’s original form is/are


Sweet, thanks for this sharing Violet.

What you would like me to change in the body of text?


It is the essence of reading the entire Guru Grant Sahib Ji :)

There may be better ones in explaining, but this is the shortest one I can think of; perhaps the link?


Do you think you could rewrite it nicely, so I make the edit :slight_smile:

Then I’ll leave the night (so people here can react), and post a comment about this lil update

