Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

In all of your experiences, is this audio better with headphones or speakers? After all, this targets a part of the brain.

Also do you guys feel anything physically when using this audio or no?

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I like to use speaker and I don’t think you need headphones. Phone speaker works 100%

I was so into the zone with this field that the sound of the thunder keeps scaring me :rofl:

Lmao youll get used to it


How many times a day do you use this field?

Once in the morning. Or sometimes I loop it for hours

Ok. I am actually a little terrified now. I cannot tell if it’s from this audio or not but here is what happened. So I was with my brother in law in the car. He went to the bank to withdraw money and I was thinking to myself “It would be so nice if he gave me some money right now”

He ended up giving me $20 for gas money. I was surprised.


I wouldn’t be terrified :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: id be super excited !!

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Are you sure you’re not listening to coincidence and synchronicity? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Not at all. The audios in that channel seem to not work for me. Except for like dopamine redux.

That’s a bummer. A cleansing marathon would definitely help with that.

I have been noticing for the past week I would sleep for like 9 hours. Despite that, I would still feel so groggy waking up. Why is this the case? Don’t get me wrong. I can feel the energy working from this audio but I just feel so tired even with that much sleep.

Can someone tell me what’s going on and how I can fix this?


Sleep is not enough to keep the brain up for the challenge lol

U need to feed it otherwise

One or two or all of these lol :

Neg jing, neg shen, fission, alchemical mind blend, brain regeneration etc


Would brain regeneration be enough? I feel the effects from that audio to. How does twice a day sound?

All the others I don’t really understand what it does.

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Play Mstate gold and silver a few times.


Then add the permanent brain enhancement x 3 or super human genius x 1 a day

Brain massage as well

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The struggle is real now. I’m trying to use as little audios as possible lol.


Super human genius + jing

Gotta be at least those 2


According to Dan Winter highly psychokenetic species dont have the capacity for spiritual development (empathie…) because of their psychic abilities. Does anybody experienced a lesser ability for empathie and love?


60 mins meditation today morning listening to this track.
I really like the soft music that plays.

Felt some pin prick sensation in my right palm.
Later some cold breeze over my left palm.

No visions or anything yet.
Let’s see how this works over the next few days and weeks