Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting sinus headaches over the last few days ever since I started listening to this track.


Def normal.

Play sinus x 1 lymphatic system one x 2

Or hakuin egg

And automated grounding.

Its just clearing all that area and filling it with this energy, itll settle eventually


Thanks for the info

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interesting experiences during meditation

In my mind’s eye I saw a human face with snake eyes.
Also, later I heard a female voice calling out my name

Some vibration in lower abdomen


13 days since I got this field

So far what I’ve experienced is that ideas are more clear to me. Ideas for my own work.

Also ideas for current business deals/relationships have more clarity. What to do with this guy. what to deal with this situation, etc

I also find myself aiming higher - financially and in general life. Not a bad side effect.

Images in my mind’s eye also seem clearer. During meditation today, I saw a bronze face/statue for a split second. Definitely more detail and clarity overall.

I need to add to to the torsion/plasma format. let’s see how that goes.


Yay. Must def i have those in my night stack and is a great combo

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Hmm probably 3 months?

Note that Ive worked for years on the third eye, and previous to this audio i listened to the third eye chakra for like 3 months also and it was prepared so when i listened to this one it was a very rapid expansion of it. Very clear visions, dreams, meditations, mental clarity, pushed manifestation, and something i wasnt expecting : extra super confidence to take decisions because i just got clear what would be the outcome. And the conceptual thinking was boosted big time.


I’ve been BRAINSTORMING more due to enhanced clarity on ideas for work and other issues

When I first got the field, I spent a morning just writing concepts that were in my head.

Even today morning I just sat at my laptop and sorted out a work problem I’ve been struggling with for a while. The answer was simple and right in front of me.

I’m also making notes of other inspired thinking.

Listened to voice of Gamayun today morning and will see how it all works with the IPF audio


Could you please tell us a little more?

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In this case that having a much clear visualization i had to be careful what i was thinking, i personally have a very vivid images when i think… anything.

My thought process is more of images + concepts and they are fast, i could be in my mind having like a computer many windows open with something going on, each window with images about whatever; but once i put my focus ( sight looking inwards my mind in simple words…) on a window then the images get clearer and clearer and if i put all emotions and intentions in those images then those images feel/look real like they become my reality (of course unfortunately that doesnt always happen just like that if there are blockages that step right in and cut short an idea from becoming reality)

But then what i noticed with the audio is that a simple thought without intention or focus on it, would happen just exactly sometimes as it was in my mind.
And very often.

Simple things which is why i said i had to pay attention and be careful what i was thinking because cool if i had thoughts of nice things but not so cool if they werent, and lets face it, negative and positive thoughts, images etc come in and out our mind all day long, just like constant positive and negative “what ifs” and because the way i think is in concepts and images which happens to be the biggest easiest way to manifest then of course i had to be aware of all my thoughts.

Lets say you want to talk to a special someone you havent in a while. Lets say you want to practice and try to manifest that person contacting you, thats the reality you want to manifest, what you normally do (or the way majority of people talk about) would feel that reality you want, feel all you would feel with that call, then you imagine all the things that person would say that you want etc etc and then you keep thinking and thinking about it, imagine that person thinking of you or missing you then grabbing the phone, then calling you etc etc (this is just a silly example just to explain the difference in the process) and then baam, lets say it finally happens.

My experience then was if you would just for a second think “what if this person calls me” “imagine if so and so would call me” and then go about your business not thinking about that person at all anymore, then that person calls you…

The thing is that because of the way i think is in images, even if just a short thought, by this audio increasing my ability to create and see images in my head so real and so clear, i kept bringing all kinds of short fast thoughts into reality. And those were just not a coincidence. I would have to mention all that happened since listening to this audio, and well thats irrelevant and too much to share.


Great experiences Luna


150 days so far with this field


Sometimes when im in a drowsing state and i close my eyes i still continue to see my room, until i realize it and it disappears. Also saw a spider in my room on a wall i was not facing while having my eyes closed. Perhaps some sort of accidental remote viewing?!

Happened twice so far since i started to listen to this audio every once in a while.


You’re seeing your surroundings with your third eye, your consciousness, instead of your physical eyes.
To me it usually happens when really relaxed almost about to fall asleep.
Or around having an OBE.

So the audio is working great for you! :slightly_smiling_face:


Okay, here’s a positive sign that this field is working: somehow I just knew that there would be another sale before too long, and voilà!


Haha been feeling the same but as usual I’m never really trusting of my sensations :smiley::sweat_smile:


Stop doubting yourself! :slightly_smiling_face:


ohh :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

Yeah so many times I really want to; I always read through, get things, to the point it scares me and I just start disbelieving. Like umm you cant be right all the time


thankyou Pia😘


Well 98% of the time is good enough, haha!

Thank you, honey! Always so helpful and kind. :kissing_heart:


I’m going to try listening to this before/during filling out a lottery ticket

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