Increasing interest?

Hi ! I’ve been studying accounting for 5 years and with each year I lose more interest in it to the point where I get bored to death whenever I start studying. My grades have worsened as a result. I am already using the willpower audio from dreamseeds and it has helped me to study more during the day. But i believe the key to acing my tests is to become interested in the material.
Can you recommed audios to listen to while studying that would increase my interest ?


Why are you studying something you’re not interested in?


CPA close enough to a Casper job/ghost writer/high danger zone to authentic self.
and the ability to teach accounting is high up on the crap shoot pole. I am sure these days its even worse than the idiotic college accounting course i took so many years ago. it is a Uni class where students literally check out of all the time.


How much longer do you have left before you get your degree?


Try these:

And dopamine redux while studying.

For upcoming exam use Superhuman genius. And then can try other audios.

And there are some stacks made.


Totally forgot about childlike wonders, thanks for bringing up!


You can pass it man. And getting a degree doesn’t determine your fate, but it does open a lot of opportunities.

You could always get a job in your field while you prepare to pursue something else. Often times the job is a lot different and engaging than school; who knows, maybe you’ll end up liking it. And I can imagine that many years of schooling being boring for anyone, even if you liked the subject.

I’m an example of someone who finished my degree and got a job in a completely non-related field. A degree doesn’t define you.

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In addition to the excellent posts in this thread, these threads might be of interest:

Dopamine Redux and Acetylcholine Production (Patreon) can increase feelings of interest and memory retention.

Regain your innocence and Youth Recapture may help with feelings of boredom and lack of interest as well.

The Flow of Jing, Pranic Swirls, For the Skeptics and Pranayama Training can increase energy levels when tired, which may increase feelings of interest.

These fields may be of help with learning and memory retention as well:


Mmmmm not so much. Some people previously lived on their own land and made their own food. It’s quite a complex conversation to go over what several societies did, but no, the system we have now is not how things have been before capitalism, and that’s not really the focus of my post. Some societies, such as India, had an extremely rigid caste system - it’s very complex and I’m not going into that.

What my focus is, is that many people are doing work that they would rather not be doing - because they have to pay bills.

Keep in mind that dopamine has a lot do with this aswell.

Someone living in his own land without tv or internet is gonna be happier than me and you on our fancy cell phones destroying our dopamine receptors.

It’s just that most “farmers” now also have internet and technology therefore they’re not really as “natural” as many of them claim to be.

But good points otherwise.


Ohh you mean that kind of life, no bro fuukk that LOL.

I was talking about having a house in the middle of nowhere, growing vegetables and fruit and hunting for meat etc.

Modern day farming is disgusting as fuk bro, most animals are pumped with fuk knows what chemicals, and the funny thing is most of these farmers go around claiming they’re natural and city people are not.


Hows the aliens going btw?


Yeah but I’ve been doing it wrong lol.

I realized that fields change your minds “priority”, so for example if you listen higher self 10x then listen to confidence, the main priority will be confidence, and higher self will be like a background process.

It works ridiculously better when you listen to the higher self one a few times then simply don’t use any other field so connecting with your higher self becomes your minds “'main priority”.