Energy to Study After Work

I feel too tired, or lack motivation to study and do what I need to do after working a full day. I’m not sure what it is, but I know that I can’t complete what I want to.

I’m thinking of Willpower and the New Dopamine and other Mood Tracks in Energetic Alchemy. Any other ideas? I always think I have all the right videos, and then I come on here and someone suggests something I didn’t think of.


You could try Pranic Swirls, Photosynthesis (on Patreon) and the 4 tracks from Sapien’s new Ancient Arts album on Energetic Alchemy (The Chi Elixir, The Flow of Jing, Shen Yang, Transmutation and Microcosmic Orbit). You may find those give you more energy after working a full day.

Stop Procrastinating might help you feel motivated as well.

I’ve found these tracks helpful for motivation and accomplishing things (including learning new things or reading papers) when I’m tired after a full day. I haven’t listened very much to The Chi Elixir and Shen Yang yet but I feel like they could help.

Edit: Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life) and Induce Creativity and Superhuman Genius (may help with motivation and tiredness by creating a state of a lot of growth potential in your brain) could help too.


Thank you! The Stop Procrastination audio does nothing for me. I even have the Procrastination/Efficiency and I have been wearing it since December.


I actually wanted to return it. I did reach out to Dreamweaver and Sam but I didn’t hear anything back. I’m not sure what I need. I boosted the Field, meditated with it, slept with it under me, charged water with it, and carried it all day. It’s the reason why I was feeling despondent about Sapien Medicine for a few months. I saw results with the Chakra tag, but not the Glory, the old Psychic one, and Gambling Luck. I don’t know what’s wrong with me!

I wonder if my problem is not procrastination, but I feel like it is.

Photosynthesis! See, I never would have thought of that and the other ones. I’ll give those a try.

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Well that’s odd… I just listened to Stop Procrastination because you suggested it and I’m having a racy heart beat and a lot of pressure in my chest. That’s never happened before. And that still isn’t really helping me… I’m assuming this does something with Dopamine

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And I just saw your Edit. I’ll those today

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I just started listening to that one again yesterday, and I did listen to it a few times today. I think I’m going to loop it overnight tonight, especially since the effect is compounded.

Thank you :) and yes, you are very qualified


I think I need to get back on The Sedona Method.

You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the feeling of procrastination is an experience that could be created by many things. I wonder whether the Procrastination audio and tag may not address some of the possible physical body or energy body causes. (such as neurotransmitters, hormones, energy blockages, many possible causes for lower energy levels)

As you were thinking of Mood tracks, I wonder whether something like Endocrine System Rejuvenation might help you as well.

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Thank you for sharing your results. You and @3Tulsi have encouraged me to listen to Willpower more often!

We are all qualified to give advice, as we all have unique experiences to share and learn from. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s always great to learn from everyone in this forum!


Same here! There are so many audios to choose from haha!

And now Dream added a ton of them to Patreon!! But I should listen to the Will Power one too… After the two Vibrations came out, I’ve been neglecting everything else :D


Wait until you get the 3rd!


Same here! :grinning: I’ve been looping Vibration of Creation, had not seen the audios added to Patreon!

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There are some Patreon only releases!! I am particularly looking at the one named Body Nerve Healing!! There is a Longevity series one too…


I THOUGHT that’s what Pleurisy is… Pretty sure I didn’t see that in YouTube

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Those look great! :smile:

Body Nerve Healing looks very interesting! We all develop scar tissue in many places internally as we age, so I imagine it can do quite a bit. I’ve also got some loss of nerve sensation in deep external scars which Eternity and Advanced Healing have been helping heal surprisingly quickly. The sensation hasn’t come back fully yet so I’m excited to see what Body Nerve Healing can do in addition to these!

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@uial Body Nerve Healing… Do you think that could be used for Herpes? The Herpes virus lives at the base of the spine in nerve endings. There was someone on here who was asking for relief. I posted in the suggestions thread as a precautionary measure and to help others.

I think Emotional Release is what I need. Childhood brainwashing and manipulation.

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Also, I think Crystal Cave is also Patreon only. I’m going to play that one later.

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He just released an Attention and Focus audio!! WtTDFFFFFFD

@uial @Maoshan_Wanderer @Racem


I’m not sure whether it would help with herpes viruses. It’s possible. It would depend upon how the virus survives in the nerve endings and whether Body Nerve healing targets those areas.

It sounds like Emotional Release has been quite effective for you! :smile:

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I got the notification for that audio I was typing here. Like WHAAAAAT