Induced Alpha-lipoic acid Production (With Anthocyanins)

Then go back to the basics ;)

Eat more of the healthy stuff
Sleep better a good amount of hours
Take long baths while playing the ones on Energetic Alchemy like The air Revitalizer, Bergamot one etc

Simply drinking water + lemon that has been charged with Infrared Plasma Drink could restart you :relaxed:


That’s a good idea. To keep it more simple.:face_with_monocle:


I was feeling really awful this morning. I’m my on period, tired over worked little stressed.
I asuumed its a perfect condition to see if Field instantly makes You feel better. So i dropped my morning stack and tested only this one .

Effects are ok . It gave me minor energy boost. Like mental one as @Lunamoon22 .

This is my first day with this field . First impressions

Do You think it van help with skin care as strong antioxidant?


Uhm im not sure about that, i never noticed extra glow or something because of it. I mean it does say that it has powerful antioxidant properties, maybe it does help but i never noticed because i always play skin related fields, not just this one alone.

Add any blood related fields to this and youll get the overall energy boost enhanced

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Ok . I will drop all my skin fields for a month to test it😎

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It detoxes so fast. :open_mouth:
I had no idea i need a solid detox.
To be more specific after few lopps in the evening i was running,yes running to the toilet at 4 on the morning.
And it was definetly a detox thing. No details :face_with_hand_over_mouth: sorry.

I used detox some time ago this one is much better for me its more gentle but works intensive enough to get rid of unwanted stuff and im less bloated.

It was a great decision to buy it.



Does this balance blood sugar levels or lower then?



Ohh so thats why when i bought this one 3 years ago i bought also the Negative Ion Plasma Blood and just tested both back to back a few loops and i felt my blood completely purified, vibrating, in extasis i mean it was incredible lol

I think i combined them because whenever i played the Negative Ion one from Patreon The one that is 30 mins long, my head used to feel soo relaxed and cleaned, and since the reason why i bought this one was for the brain, i thought the brain would feel extra clean and energized since it was not just Negative Ions but IN the blood. And oh what a nice surprise i got when i felt my whole body’s blood like going crazy of joy and a big boost haha

Now it makes sense to me! Thank you!

I think ill play on Sundays which is the like purifying day, restart, organs waking etc

This one + negative ions plasma blood + 3 purifiers + BoL and advance healing+

Paging @Maoshan_Wanderer in case he wants to try that!


This field looks very modest but its a gem :slightly_smiling_face:

I remember i bough it after your reccomendation. Luna :slightly_smiling_face:
I use it quite regulary sometimes only this and other suplements.
Long term result are

  • more energy
  • less bloating
  • clear skin
  • overall better body functioning

Its perfect for gentle detox :green_heart:
Its helping to remove heavy metals from your system.

Its a very important supplement.



Ahh i like that

I havent noticed those effects from this field because i never use it consistently more like some loops every couple of weeks (now i was thinking of doing it every Sunday) my every day is soo full of audios i cant :sweat_smile:

But i will add even just one loop in the skin playlist and the digestive one!

Thank you x


:green_heart: Thank you too :innocent: