Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter



In the stack better to listen to this before or after outlook retrainer?

I don’t know if it matters maybe before



Last night before going to sleep, I listened to this in the stack with Outlook Retrainer; I slept well and this morning I was in a great mood and ready for the new working day. Thanks Jen for tips.


Been using this twice per day and noticed my thoughts & mood have been calm and uplifting especially while interacting with others. It has been easier to stay in the present moment never realized how much I was either thinking of past stuff or stuff that hasn’t happened yet. Also feels like I am more aware of my inner voice as separate from my true self like the real me is quiet while my inner voice feels like a collection of memory and stored up emotions. don’t know if this even makes sense to me but overall I feel I have a new personality that is compassionate instead of analytical.


As the past few days have been nothing but challenge after challenge, dissapintment after dissapointment and harsh lessons, my Ego gave me permission to go for this field.

After first loop I literally felt like my mind has been raised to new level, a sort of high and a simple but powerful thought was integrated within me that is slowly changing my perception:

Future may be uncertain as hell, so you may as well enjoy the present :man_shrugging:

Second thing was a concept that came, whose closest interpretation was:

Lets work together to help you out from now :hugs:

What followed was emotional release…

2 loops are all I can handle as it seems, be careful everyone, this might be too potent.

Captain you beautiful man :heart:


i dont know what you are using…try the suggested stack for better results from Sammy from 2016:

subc blockadges,energy blockages,love gratitute appreciation.

one loop each is okay. do it as a first stack. you will be surprised. good luck!

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While a lot of mind fields have not been 100% effective for me, this one has been.

Results were fast and the layer of peace it brought back is highly appreciated.

Thanks Dream :slight_smile:


This field had me thinking “Woah, how did Captain do that?!”.

A noticeable change in my inner dialogue much for the better.

I recommend this to everyone.



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Listening to this field helped me to shut down the inner dialogue that hurts my self ability. I plan on doing DoorDash and Ubereats for extra income but that voice that tells me you can’t do it, you’ll get this wrong or you may crash was completely shut down. I think out of all the paid and free fields, this is one of the most important field when it comes to self confidence and believing your abilities to accomplish something.


Was guided to play blueprint of life again haven’t used in awhile due to prioritizing other fields but this morning did a couple rounds of blueprint and felt alive and awesome forgot what that felt like but towards the evening a lot of mental chatter hit me out of nowhere and was feeling hella bipolar like my thoughts were starting to criticize everything I was doing lol luckily I remembered this field and instantly during the first listen silence settled in and now I feel whole again.


As my peeps who always get nervous whenever they are about to do something like an interview or giving a public speech, you should use this one hour before you do it. Think of this as giving you a pep talk and support on maximum levels of steroids. It’s not just some person saying you can do this, it’s the field going straight to your subconscious mind and giving you that inner power and support you need on a deep level.


This is such a gem.

I’ve been listening to this a couple times for a few days now and I’ve been treating myself so much better.


I know it’s been a while since anyone talked about this one, but I was sitting here replaying a work conversation over and over in my head, mentally beating myself up. Then I thought about this and played it. And while playing it, and even right after, I still can’t for the life of me remember what the conversation was about that had me being so critical of myself. It’s funny because I wasn’t sure what to search for, but I have been looking for this exact thing for months! I have been needing it desperately lately (especially since the pandemic), and now I will. Thank you!