Inspirational pictures

Gallery in my home town in Poland.









Although art, it represents the microbots that could clean our oceans.

This art is by a synaesthette and her work is truly amazing.


@Rosechalice @Nice2knowU @AkiraTheWild


Very inspirational :slight_smile:


Im so happy you accepted Beatrisuu :purple_heart:



Wow, where’s that from?
Great Image.

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You think it’s hate (on the creator’s part)? – when I discovered the images a year ago, I was extraordinarily compelled by them – I had found similar imagery ‘within’, and along the way, changing. I thought of them as ‘mirrors’, descriptions, story points, representations… But now, I feel like asking if you’re sensing any kind of energy behind them.

Hm, that’s another way of looking at it that I hadn’t noticed. Thank you.

Occam’s Razor - the simplest explanation is often the most correct one. Don’t get lost in the details - the Devil lies there.

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I’m glad I was reminded of this and brought this up.

Everything that exists in this world has energy behind it … what should peak your interest is particularly strong “fields” - those are what V. Zealand refers to as Pendulums. These are living conscious thought-forms, some of which can be vampiric and draining, while others can be nourishing and constructive.

Feeding energy or becoming an adherent of a field/pendulum feeds it power, and confers unto the adherent whatever benefits it has to offer. However, to trans-surf/be in flow, you have to be aware of these fields, their benefits, and their disadvantages, and navigate your way around them like water. That’s why it’s the icosahedron that represents universal unity and flow.


In this scene:

He is trapped in the icosahedron - “perhaps what I am is not as important as what I can offer you for coming all this way”.

You break flow when you adhere to a pendulum fully for benefits or perks. That’s basically it.

The G-Man is an egregore, sure, that’s why he refers to himself as “what”. He was once a human concept - now he is something different.

Always remember that there is a fine line between this dimension and others. Don’t let the allure of power lead you astray. You will unlock powers in the nick of time, when you need them. When divine order ordains it is right for you to obtain a certain power. Moses did not part the sea on his own… The limit? that depends on what “the powers” that be decide… noting of course, that you are a part of that collective as well.

Everything is echoing back at you what is flowing in our collective consciousness … we are creating it ffs, where do people expect it’s rooted from? Of course everything can be paralleled to everything else. Likewise, we are the waves of the universal ocean, of course everything happening within it is tied to us as well.


Interesting to apply this idea to ‘people’ (or perhaps it is their energy, or ‘concept’ that attracts?)

Yet they can lead to attachment (?)

Ok, let me arrange the words according to how I’ve been processing them (hence my conundrum):

The egregore is trapped in the icosahedron / flow / unity (1)
You break the icosahedron / flow / unity when you adhere to a pendulum fully for benefits or perks
Alyx arrives at the structure and breaks it in search for Gordon.
Upon breaking the structure, the egregore (G-Man) ‘rewards’ Alyx – and then, according to how I see it, ‘enslaves’ her (puts her in a ‘job’ without her having had the chance to properly consider it – decides her ‘fate’)

Was the egregore (G-Man) supposed to be ‘released’?
What does G-Man represent? (you may have mentioned it elsewhere, but)
Was the ‘structure’ supposed to be broken?

This would be akin to The Ring or the Behelith analogies?

Breaking the Icosahedron represents breaking the flow - he is not trapped there per se - but when you’re in flow, he - representing pendulums - cannot affect you.

Alyx broke the flow because she followed false hope/false light “finding Gordon”.

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