Intelligence improvement experiment

Hello everybody, myself and a user named Marauder are interested in improving our fluid intelligence/cognitive capacity. Both of us are listening to basically the same fields (Maitreya morphic fields booster , subconscious limits removal 1x, superhuman genius 1x, permanent brain enhancement 2x, enpp6 2x, brain hemisphere connectivity 2x, BDNF audio 1x, quadible nzt formula 2x, only subconscious, ego and superhuman genius before the permanent brain enhancement and the rest, also 10-30 minutes of gamma in the morning). We will be listening for at least 3 months, and will wait to see any results, we are doing intelligence tests to measure if we improve or not (Cambridge brain sciences 3 trials per test, and human benchmark for memory as well 3 times). We took the tests shortly after the experiment had started, and we will retake them of course at the end of the experiment. This way we will reduce the chance of it being a Placebo effect, as it can’t significantly influence cognition, in terms of testimonials/anecdotal evidence having the chance of potentially being a placebo. Of course we will also look into improvement in life in general, such as better reasoning, memory, processing speed and more. If our results are null by the end of the experiment, then we will give it a week’s break, and do it for another 2 weeks to see if anything has changed, as someone said if the audio’s don’t work, give them a break, and it worked for him. If you want to join us, feel free to do so, but if you start now, you will have to do it for an extra week, because we started properly doing it a week ago, listen everyday for best results (drink water). If you want to see my results, go to permanent brain enhancement video, my name is neurotic alien.

Edit: We decided to use Maitreya’s booster, we hear it was very powerful, and hence we got rid off ego dissolution; however feel free to use, as similar results would be expected.

If any of you advanced listeners would like to give us advice, go ahead, we will need it. Good luck to you all who want results, also feel free to talk about your experiences listening to these fields

EDIT: We decided to get our iq tested by a practice Mensa test Norway, now iq is a broad measure of cognitive capacity and isn’t a very good measure of intelligence, as scores can change very frequently, and how can 1 specific number judge how intelligent we are? This may hamper our results, but just as a fun activity we want to see if our iq increases after 4 months of listening to the fields, if iq tests are reliable and the audio’s work, then we expect a minimum of 5 iq points increased, and a maximum 15; however, we all know 15 isn’t possible in just 4 months, so 5-10 at most. Rest assured we will also do the proper cognitive tests from Cambridge, and that will be the highest factor to see if our intellect has increased. Current score (125, 115) expected 130-135, 120-125.


Nice idea :+1:


The list doesn’t look optimal to me. You can add BDNF, Creativity, Autism, Acetylcholine etc. for better and well-rounded effect. You can increase the number of times you do listen the fields, such as SHG 2x and PBE 4x and others.


Thanks for the suggestions, but the playlist would be long 1hr and 30+ minutes.

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Yes, thanks for the advice, but I want to make the playlist feasible to listen to in a day; however I will add BDNF to this to increase neuroplasticity, brain hemisphere connectivity is already designed to improve creativity by thickening the corpus callosum, and I might listen to permanent brain enhancement 3 times max. It is also said the Quadible’s one is quite effective and does seem to have a similar effect (also morphic filed) someone asked him “Will this enhance the effect of other morphic fields, such as Sapien medicine”, and he replied with a yes. You give some great suggestions but an 1 1/2 seems to much, at least for me. I want to limit it to 1 hour. Btw Sapien mentioned that 2 times is good enough to obtain results in a few months, If I see noticeable results by the end of the experiment, I might to do it 4 times as you said, have you gotten any results from these fields?

Thanks, I thought through it a lot.

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Hello everyone, I would like to update on my results after 2 months of listening, I will update again in March, or if I see results. So far from the 29th of November, I have not seen any improvement in my intelligence, although according to a trusted pattern recognition iq test, I seemed to have improved about 4 iq points, although I do not feel any change. I have completed 2/3.5 months with little results, but I understand that there is more time needed, it is a slow process, I just felt the need to notify you all of how things are going.


Did you change the stack in the meantime according to what Philip advised?

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yeah, no brain regeneration though, I don’t have enough time, and I also use nootropic substances which have a similar effect, everything else is the same, I have other subliminals and energy fields as well. Btw the increase was 122-126, but I didn’t feel anything aforementioned, probably due to the miniscule increase.

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I don’t know how accurate these tests are. 4 point is not little, I don’t know how noticeable it is since your normal changed to that so anyway it would just feel like normal.

If/when you start scoring above 130 on those tests, you can take the test of Mensa, those measure quite accurately.
You can check what score you get here

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That test is not very accurate, it does not measure much of fluid intelligence, it measures more of general knowledge, and most of the questions are fairly basic, test is bs. The one I took was a pattern recognition from the Cambridge brain sciences website, in which I got the top 4% (126 iq). Yet I am not 100% sure. That mensa test is designed to be easy btw, just so you buy their practice test, if you want a decent measure of your fluid intelligence take a WAIS cognitive abilities test or the Raven’s progressive matrices which measures non-verbal intelligence. On that test I got 140 something, but I know that’s not true, it’s a scam, mensa is, to boost your ego. If I take a proper Iq test, I believe it would range from 120-127. 4 points isn’t much tbh, but you do have to start somewhere. I am trying to get to 4 standard deviation, 160iq.

Yeah is not an official IQ test, it’s called workout, it’s written there…
I also think Mesa is a bit of a scam in a way, at least I have aversion to this entire elitist point of view. Because of the elitism I don’t think they want a lot of members (then it’s not elite anymore), but I haven’t spent much time looking into it.

I think in the end you should just keep consistent because IQ is a made up think anyway to measure cognitive abilities, it’s not an objecting thing like body weight or height.

I will use separate cognitive tests from Cambridge brain sciences to measure individual cognitive abilities (processing speed, working memory, pattern recognition). This will give me an idea of how they improve, I will also take into account if my day to day life has improved, for example: Better maths and language fluency, better programming, better memory etc… I would like to know, what results have you obtained from the fields?

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I don’t measure intelligence with tests before after, though now I am a bit curious to take one :D I’ll have the tag soon.

My goal isn’t really this, it’s general improvement and rather to improve out of the box-type creative thinking.
I’m quite good at “mechanical” things like understand maths concept etc. easily, I played chess competitively from the age of 6 for about 8 years (not with too big effort though, nothing like queen’s gambit though because I lost real interest when I was about 12 and all the competition’s took away my weekends… some of my team members went on to play international).
What I am not naturally good at is being innovative and creative, so I focus on fields like synesthesia, creativity, animal telepathy, conceptual realizations - especially when I have the cognitive tag, I will mostly just use those fields.

I notice being a bit sharper and easier focus in general, i had been low on motivation for a while when I started my brain stack. I am also motivated to read and learn more, my language learning skills are back to what they were when I was a teenager (which is quite good, much better than average, sorry for the flex :D)

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cool, if u r interested go to cambridge brain sciences website, and do the test “the odd one out, check score against [opulation” You need to sign up though. I am a teenager and also want to become more creative but generally have more fluid intelligence as well, I am also good at topics like maths and science, but in time I want to get to genius level, and not even have to study much later on.

I’m late 20s now.

I’ll probably sign up out of curiousity!

If you’re interested I do recommend playing chess, it improves a lot of cognitive functions and a lot of aspects are used in other areas of life. E.g. I used to play another individual physical sport as well competitively as a young teen, and there my trainer told my parents he could see the effect of chess because I naturally played in a very strategic way.
I managed to win against some players who were more talented/technical than me, but I outsmarted them basically.

And good luck with your journey!
You have the advantage of being a teenager so your brain and nervous system are naturally developing still.

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I do play chess, but is there any evidence to show that it improves intelligence?

There is correlation/link between the two and there is a lot of proof of chess improving memory as well as cognitive ability. I’m sure if you look it up you’ll find a ton of studies.
I’m not sure about the type of research you’re looking for, which is probably something where they measure IQ like you’re doing yourself.

Quite a few studies report that chess doesn’t increase fluid intelligence.

But don’t worry, I am sure the fields will do their magic. If you listen for long enough like 3-4 months, and also removing subconscious limits, you will become smarter in no time. Good luck on your journey, thanks for talking