Intelligence improvement experiment

Also, some people told you to listen less even though you barely listened. I didnā€™t comment on that, but seriously ?
If you canā€™t hear your tv do you lower the volume ?
If your car doesnā€™t start do you remove some gas form the tank ?
If youā€™re still hungry do you eat less ?
Less is not moreā€¦ itā€™s less lol. It isā€¦

If you canā€™t feel jack, use more. Blast superhuman genius for 10h one time and tell me you didnā€™t feel anythingā€¦ Iā€™m sure you wonā€™t do it twice.

How do you know you havenā€™t been listening enough, you canā€™t feel jack and you donā€™t see results.
How do you know youā€™d been listening too much, your brain is gonna hurt and your gonna have too much focus, but youā€™ll feel it.


For the results I expected, it was a reasonable gain in intelligence, to where I could remember better, have better reasoning skills and spatial ability, basically I wanted a moderate increase in these areas, not an unrealistic increase which is impossible in that timeframe, I just wanted to be able to notice some decent improvement. Btw when blasting the brain fields, is fine if I only do it on the weekends?

Yeah, I stopped using cognitive enhancement, as brain growth work was a substitute for it.

@Dr_Manhattan @Troglodyte369
Sorry for pushing through, but I believe you can take this experiment to the next level.

For instance, when I started, I kept it simple. I had a round of stimulation, such as yourself. For the first fieldsā€¦
It didnā€™t take long to figure that I needed more, not less.

Iā€™d go as :

  • enpp
  • nerve growth
  • Superhuman
  • Add ahd
  • cognitive enhancement
  • creativity
  • Brain work

After a while, the list was long and boring. So I started to improve it :

Round 1

  • Mstates
  • Well of Creativity
    -Brain work

Round 2
-Superhuman (30min
-Brainwork (30min)
-alpha wave

And so onā€¦ You see the difference from 1 to 2? And I kept bettering it in time.

I even had a genius idea to loop the Superhuman and such. Just to notice when I reached overstimulation.

Iā€™m a brain enthusiast, and I love results. The brain fields provide tangible results. Such as very high focus, short powerful naps, spatial and visual ability (I could visualize in depth)ā€¦etcā€¦

To run an actual experiment you should have more testing other than the fields and the results. Thatā€™s just lazy cause-effect.
You should set some parameters and triggers to understand whatā€™s happening. Because if your one and only test is the actual result from the IQ test, that could change simply because youā€™re calmer, or happier, or sad, orā€¦ What if you do the test on a off day?

Now things are even better, you have for example the Alchemical MStates Audio (this should be quite interesting - one day I will get it too ), Conceptual Realizations ā€¦

Just push it really. Work. Youā€™ve practiced, but I believe it is time to put in the work.

And most importantly, albeit I donā€™t use at the moment a brain stack, the results have stuck with me, oddly enough.

Iā€™m sure Phillip can vouch for this : the brain stack can be quite addicting. If you do it right, you go from reading a book to master a subject pretty quickly. You sort of develop an addiction to thingsā€¦ Really.


Philip can vouch for this and everything else you said :+1:t2:
(So far :wink:)


And this :slight_smile:

Mine is now based on this more or less - I donā€™t have some of the fields yet. Also my listening times are shorter because I wear the cognitive tag while I listen and Iā€™ve noticed that everything brain related feels a MUCH more intense with that tag.


Great, how is the tag going btw, is it working well with the brain?

Yeah if I stop focusing on work and focus on myself/the tag a bit while I wear it, I can feel it physically working which is a really strange feeling :laughing:
But itā€™s not like the brain pump Philip talks about, itā€™s more gentle

I donā€™t have an intelligence improvement experiment though :)


Yeah, I am sure that the tag is doing itā€™s work with making you smarter either way, itā€™s pretty powerful.

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I didnā€™t know you also had the tag :hugs:
We need to make a CE Gang around here :blush:


Almost month five of using the new and updated stack, and nothing much except for slightly better visualization when doing mental arithmetic. I will take that as something; however, my actual working memory capacity has remained sedentary throughout this period, and the 5 months of listening. I am unsure why this is, it could be as it is already high, and cannot go much higher. Just as a note, I am going to stop fields by July (for real) if nothing much has improved in that time frame from now to then. I wouldnā€™t mind it tbh (slightly disappointed) everyone is different, maybe fields are not my thing.

You can also try Confidence field after SLR.


I will try that, I am currently working with spirituality zone to fix these problems I have with little results, he thinks it is an energy blockage or some karma from previous lives which makes me not able to get an effect.

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what does enhanced visual do?

Enhanced Visual Processing: New Release

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whatā€™s isirb? any link?

and btw did you have the right routine? like everyday enough sleep, meditation, healthy diet, mental exercise, etc.?


Thank you, and what is RBM3? What does it have to do with cancer?

New Release: Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3)

Read all about them here

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