Intention Repeater Thread

I currently listening to “4th density love contact” along with Vibrstion of Divine love from your truly Daream. and now I feel a massive pressure at my heart!

The healing affects seem real. I can’t say a strong yes to that because I’m not trying to get out of a hospital bed or anything.

On the other hand, there is a part of it I can strongly say tells me it’s working. If you download it and it gives you the 2 questions, each time it will warn you that answering yes could exhaust you. I answered yes both times and it completely kicked my ass. After trying to sleep with it on Yes Yes please Exhaust me mode, woke up the next morning like I hadn’t slept at all. Or maybe I had even run a marathon in the place of sleeping.


It’s only on the downloadable Python version. One question says to answer yes if you want it to create Mind-Heart Coherence. And the other is to clear you of anything that might stop the intention from getting through.


I think he means this.
I am trying to experiment with various things and it seems to be working

Edit: Right click link and click save link as


Hahaha. You are willing to sacrifice your energy for the lap top fan being quiet. I have to respect that.


Just a fun trial :rofl:. My laptop has a soft droning noise when I over use the RAM. It was actually quiet for the duration the program was running. But within 2 seconds of closing the program, the sounds came back


That is mind blowing. Lol. Yes, laugh at my over-reaction but that is freaking amazing to me. I should think of something physical to aim it at. I’ve been working on my body and soul a bit with it. It does seem to improve my health. The soul part, well, I picked the hardest thing imaginable to aim it at so I can’t say much on that for now except that it did seem to be bringing in some change.


Yesterday’s run. Going to have this running in the background while I play my Sport playlist before today’s run.


You guys are really getting to me. I’m glad I’m in a laughing mood. You have a genie and one wish:
Genie “quiet this fan would you”
Noah “this CPU is a little warm, could you see to that”
Me “Think you could fix my inner being?”


@El_Capitan_Nemo @SammyG input? Maybe a tool to help with creations? Or any other idea yah might have.

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Jokes apart I still wanna understand how this works. Can anyone elaborate?

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What do you mean by “a tool to help with creations” ?

He says it “programs the quantum field”. I don’t know how though. I’ll edit this post if I find something.


This might answer that question but I don’t want to give my gmail contact list to in order to find out.

Ok. I found a different paper by him. He created a servitor that the program talks to.



There is nothing here though


Check out the link I added on my last post.

Thanks for this file!

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I would think so. He recommends using it for chakra work so that’s not far from it.

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Like all radionics/psionics, it will capture your own intent.

Servitors will provide some of their own consciousness to go with it. But if you can focus on it and type something that correctly identifies it (and makes sense to you) it will work.


1000 interwebz points if you can point to a source…
Thank you kindly in advance.