Interesting thought/idea for subliminals usage

So guys, I have thought of something which I think is interesting, if in subliminal imprinting affirmations in our subconsciousness will make changes in our body or behavior, how about putting a certain knowledge of field, like for example we will put thousands of mathematics knowledge in the subliminal, isnt that interesting? Even though it wont magically turn you into a math wizard, it will make you learn math easily, because even though your conscious mind does not have it, the subconscious mind have it and it will be your buddy to help you understand, memorize, comprehend math.

I am not a brain specialist, I just thought of this, what do you guys think?

I did not put this in r/subliminal because I dont have a good impression of the users there, I put it here because I know some or most of you have general understanding of how fields, subliminals, frequency, or our brain works. So anyone wanma give advice?


That is a good idea (I have not created a Subliminal ever), but I’ll leave this subject to others who know it better.
In some sense, it is already done, since there are subs for pretty much everything, at least the existing subs already touch(ed) many subjects, but Idk how many creations offer deep and specific knowledge.

Anyway, this might be moved to discussion for other channels thread (maybe).

Maybe @Atreides can offer an answer (hope you don’t mind the tag)?

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I’ve seen “unconscious” learning happens better when the knowledge is transfered from conscious to unconscious. I mean, directly putting things in the subconscious (or putting them there first) doesn’t seem to help much.

Sleep deprivation can increase learning wildly. The brain stops many functions and simply absorbs the knowledge.

Listening to stuff you’ve studied while sleeping has also been observed in some studies to be effective. The brain sort of consolidates memories when sleeping, so it seems repeating the input makes those memories better.

And most learning tricks I’ve seen out there are a matter of pre-conscious processing (like reading the first and last word of every paragraph in a page before reading/studying normally).

Taking mini-breaks (like closing eyes for 10 seconds) here and there seems it can accelerate learning too.

So for me, it is those “transfers” that allow information to be stored more effectively.

Some people do great with photo-reading too. Putting info in the unconscious seems easy. The problem is retrieving it.

On the other hand, I’ve also done this in the past. Can’t say it helps or doesn’t but I like to make subliminals of information I’m learning…maybe I can become “unconsciously competent” more easily. Also, it embodies the spirit of “manifesting”. Someone that knows the knowledge doesn’t laser-focus on it. So the more open-focus methods, and the more passive and pre-conscious learning you do, the more you are “being” the person that already knows that.

Also, in early sleep programming and subliminal studies they did an interesting experiment.

They used the message “maths and I are one”. And it improved people’s results in some maths tests.

But another group using “my mother and I are one” got even better results. “My mother and I are one” isn’t helpful only to people with mommy issues. For your unconscious, your mother is God (your creator), and that’s the reason I think why they picked such statement.

So it seems transcending the ego or being at peace with God, gives better results than focusing on something specific.

Maybe the best field for learning is ego dissolution and we don’t know it xD

Anyways, from my experience, subliminals with info don’t do much. Subliminals priming you to learn are somewhat better. There are subliminals to learn X all over youtube and they seem to work. Same with fields.

But I think those combine the knowledge, and a learning potential/momentum/programming.

I don’t discourage you to do it though…people work differently and you could just unlock super-learning this way.

Good luck ^^