If we look at life like a type of dream and begin to interpret synchronicities the same way as we would the messages in our dreams, then I bet we can find some interesting things to share with one another.
For most of us, it’s not going to be everyday that we see a synchronicity. Have you ever noticed something happen in your day that almost never happens but then you see the same thing in a different place a little bit later the same day? And the two events aren’t connected in any way; at least not in any way you could attribute to a purely materialistic worldview.
Think on those events and wonder what the message might be if you were in a dream. Then, please feel free to share your interpretation of those events here.
Feel free also of course to share the events with the interpretation, or just the event if you’d like a community member to try to interpret. Or at times we may wish to share only an interpretation and keep some personal experiences to ourselves. Anything is welcome.