Introducing the Virtus Victoriam Legion

Isn’t that awesome to experience the field in action…



You know the Pierrot Clown from the Italian story ?

He represents duality.

But also I had designed a darker field originally and then I was like “ok, that’s too much ! Let’s go for wholesome !” lol

I like the cover though.
Dark cover, wholesome field

Duality in action


What is the purpose of Animus Luminis Radiantem (Via Arcana Cognitionis) ? Can someone explain in simpler language please?

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It’s an awareness field, it pushes you to another level, far beyond just thinking about yourself and what you want.

If there is a specific point you didn’t understand, let me know


Does this help in decision making in our daily life?


I had this field since yesterday, I would say it triple expanded my awareness on how my past decisions altered my life. I am feeling more inclined to make better decisions.

Only played this for about 3 hours with booster included. It’s an amazing field.


@JHALAK1989 of course


I am Italian :smirk:


This is my second day listening to Logos Mathematikos, about 30 minutes of listening each day. I’m already noticing the “heightened perception of the three-dimensional world, enabling you to visualize and manipulate spatial forms with ease.”


@Dr_Manhattan from what i understand vox tenebris is an advanced version or somewhat based on the corpus callosum/brain hemisphere audio?


It’s not like a corpus callosum stimulation, that has already been made a long time ago.

Here we’re only concerned with stimulating new neural pathways throughout your whole brain to give you the abilities in the descriptions.


Would it be safe to say the vast majority of the Legion’s fields are Tier 3 with the originals (free releases) being Tier 1, and 2nd tier being “by Manhattan” releases and a smattering of NFTs?


Yes, it’s a good way to put it.


I am looking to target quick decision making with precision and adding intuition to it , would this be superior to the hemisphere connectivity field? Sorry if this is a stupid question the description is too complex

Seeing the big picture while also being very precise etc

I mean, that sounds like Wholistic Thinking.

P.S, Animus is a very overpowered brain field.

If you thought CC was overpowered, then just know this one is right there.

Animus is sensational.


Had very similar experiences myself. The clarity found from chopping through egoistic desire (to find better decisions) is a permanent, and exponential gain that can’t be overlooked.


Now on day 3 of listening to Logos Mathematikos, about 30 minutes of listening a day. The improvements to my visualization abilities are so great that I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve visualization abilities, even if they have no interest in any of the other aspects of the field.


It’ll have to wait, but yeah, it looks awesome. The completionist side of me wants to put some time in on MMM before I go to LogMath. From CC I get the impression that a jump from Realizations to CC might have been much easier than straight into CC, just personally at least.

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Now, that seems beyond impressive and limitless. Are we humans going back to times when we were mentally active?

Just how far is Dream trying to push us?