Is energy sensitivity permanent?

So I’ve been becoming more and more sensitive to energy it seems and personally I prefer not to. I was wondering if anyone knowledgeable might know how to become less affected by energies?

I wanted to stop using SM products for a while but I become depressed if I do…

I read somewhere that there are some special properties at this place called Sedona, there is a SM portal to Sedona, I wonder what that would do :thinking:

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sensitivity is a function of your nervous system.


I have been running your nerve growth field everyday for a year now. It has done wonders there.


Captain do you get that feeling like all nervous system get some sort buzzing and small pain when seeing someone hurt in tv real life and even movies.

i get that a lot it feels empathetic


Hey welcome to the club. Sometimes it’s too intense to be honest. Quite taxing on your body. I have to monitor what my ears hear, my eyes see, and what auras are coming in close contact with my aura. You will also feel those energy vampires and the ones that lift you up above the clouds very intensely. So it comes hand in hand.

You won’t really need to look at peoples actions and get to know them to make and assessment as your body will let you know right away from their energy interacting with yours of who they really are.


Removing energy blockages helps with this for me. The free flow of energy from one part of you to another is how you process and not get overwhelmed by feeling something too strongly in one part of you. Transmutation is a natural process or should be.


i prefer to be alone most of times, to be honest i feel not the best with new people around, im not shy, it is just exhausting i know my energy body will try to discover these new people lol, years ago i was excellent at reading body language thanks to brain enhancement, now i dont need to read body language anymore ‘i just know’


Exactly. Wait till you start seeing the colors in the aura too if you haven’t yet.


Get shielding tag and use shielding psychic card.


i haven’t yet hope see soon, but sometimes i see fine thin grey line over my skin when my energy is increased, absorbing the chi energy from around.

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It’s developing alright. I posted a video in that thread on the Psionics handbook. Maybe you saw it. If not check it out

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Here it is :wink:


yeah i’ll keep it in mind thank you

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Thank you!

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which one?


how did you become sensitive?

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I was always sensitive to a degree. But to further develope it. A huge number of things over the last 20 years. What are my opinions for somebody today from dreams work? Nerve growth factor, energy sensitivity course, do the exercises, chakra audios, energy blockage removal, subconcious limits, ego dissolution, vibration series. and don’t forget deep Aura energy body clearing field regularly.

Non dreams stuff…


To reduce energy sensitivity… Flouride. That’s exactly what it does… High fructose corn syrup, gmo foods. Artificial sweeteners. It’s a sad reality really.


Forgot about that field. I’ll have to add that after Energy Sensitivity.

“tDCS and NGF” off Album Two would also work.