Is it safe to take MDMA while listening to audios?

Hello, Im new to the forum but not new to sapien medicine. I have a lot of nfts and audios, and have been listening for 2 years now. Is it safe to take drugs with audios ?

I will be taking MDMA for the first time in 5 years with my friends because in my opnion Psychedelics aren’t harmful at all if done properly and safely and can actually expand consciousness. What audios should I avoid and what audios would compliment this experience?

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Hi HiMynameIs! Someone will be along soon to assist you.

Welcome Aine and Magician 2

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Don’t do it.

I completely disagree.

Those chemicals have ZERO to do with consciousness expansion. Neither are they a shortcut to anything.

Stop fooling yourself. You are about to dig your own grave in a way that you don’t understand yet. I can tell from your writing that you don’t know what you are doing. You and your “friends” should get professional help asap.


Thats actually really close minded, MDMA is proven not to be harmful if done in low dosages and if you supplement properly before hand and after and if you take it infrequently, its not even addictive as well so I don’t know why you’re saying we should get professional help.

I’d say alcohol and drugs like crack and cocaine are 1000 times worse than the occasional LSD trip or MDMA roll.


There is no benefits of MDMA it will just make you feel ecstatic due to releasing a very high amount of life force, vital energies, to feel that high, its like a candle, where the flame gets over heated and burned dry.
MDMA will drain you from your energies, while also pouring holes on your auric field and weakening, giving access, to not so positive influence, from beings.
There is a reason why you feel artificial happy on MDMA because it burns your energy system from your own energy to feel that high so all that happens, is feeling ecstatic for a few hours from burning your own hard worked energy.
Ectasy is an euphoric artificial substance not anything like psychedelics that break the boundaries, and expand you energy senses which can be beneficial for sacred usage. However eventually you don’t need that stuff, anymore, its more like a door, for beginners.
Psychedelics in the other hand doesn’t drain any where near as much as mdma, but it def, uses up your energy and Shen in order to experience does states, so it can be draining, and it can also opens, cause, auric tears.


Any spiritual fields and consciousness expanding fields.
Like Way of Integrity, Higher being Experience, Star Being experience, Raise your vibration, Taste of Vaikuntha Loka, Higher Self connection, Ego Dissolution.
Fields like that. Idk what nfts or paid fields you have but something geared like that.


At the end of the day MDMA will use quite a bit of your energy so it it will drain you long term more then uplift you, and its proven not to be harmful through science, which only measure the physical body, but spiritually and aura wise, it can tear and wear down your energy system. Its your choice, but mdma will drain you to what ever decree that is.


You are comparing shit with other shit. This comparison is of no use because at the end of the day it will still be shit.


Hello JAAJ I have seen you everywhere in this forum but not conversed lol.

I´ll throw in some things, not just in response to the OP but other potential users and lurkers.

@Luminous makes some good points, tho nothing that couldn´t be alleviated by safer use (proper set/setting etc) and fields.


  1. Just because it promotes a feeling of freedom and euphoria doesn´t make it the same as a psychedelic. MDMAs chemical structure is close to the one from meth, so be aware that it´s more of a very powerful stimulant and not in the same category like LSD, DMT etc.
    Safer use includes doing research and knowing what you´re actually taking, what it does and which negative effects it can have too.

Big “can”. Depends on the user and other factors, especially on how much he is willing to work with and integrate the experience. If you have hidden trauma (spoiler: most humans have) and are unable to deal with it in a constructive manner should it come up during your trip, you´re in for a hard ride.
This risk is relatively close to zero on MDMA tho, due to its mechanism, just adding this here since you mentioned psychedelics.

  1. After a certain treshhold MDMA gets converted to MDA, which is alot more hallucinogenic than MDMA but also alot more neurotoxic, up to 5x.

  2. In what form is it? Pills, powder, caps, crystals, liquid? What dosis? Who says it´s actual MDMA that you´re taking and not some derivat or analoga? Your friends? Your dealer? It´s always “clean”, “the best” whatever.
    Having some research chemcial or just a plain overdose can fuck up your day, at best, alot of substance work in the microgram!-range!

  3. From my own first time I know the profound effect it can have, especially on traumatized people.
    However, this is usually fleeting. It can open your eyes to how it feels without negative emotions, which can either help you heal from trauma and negative emotions, or (which is more likely for most) can lead down to a path of addiction torwards it.

Personally I´ve reached with fields, pranayama and meditation alot more, deeper and lasting breakthroughs and expansion, that I ever did with substances.

To be honest, you look to me like somebody who is fairly inexperienced/lacks the proper preparation to handle it safely. If you do continue make sure to do proper research, practice safer use, ideally get your pills whatever tested or buy a test kit, hydrate, electrolytes, proper set etc. etc.

@Owl gave some good recommendations.

I won´t advise for or against it, just a few things to think about.


I never took it so no idea but +1 to your opinion. I would suggest doing without any audio so that your experience stays unique, intimate and you can look back to and learn from it.


This is bullshit, I am sorry man. MDMA is a Schedule I Drug with no apparent benefits or even any kinds of benefits but just more psychological issues, and you might not realize this now but you will realize it soon, its got heavy potential abuse and is linked to be the same as heroin, please stop yourself from using this, you don’t need it buddy.


Reminds of the people who do cocaine in party settings but think they are better than people who do it in more ‘degenerate’ places. Either way it’s still cocaine :rofl:


There’s nothing wrong with an adult using MDMA responsibly and in moderation. You do sacrifice energy but if you take care of yourself and are doing it for an experience, then that’s a person’s prerogative.

You should be careful about mixing fields with certain substances, as they can cause additional spikes in a variety of things that’s could disturb your trip. There are some that would pair well but that’s up to your discretion and interpretation. Nobody can guarantee what will happen when you mix both, but if you go with something like SLR 3.0 you should be good to go. Ask your intuition/higher self to guide you and it will.


Test your stuff, safe environment and I can imagine plasma brain would help afterwards and enjoy what ever experience you have!

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MDMA is not a psychedelic, it is a stimulant and nootropic. The most you are going to get is damage your dopamine and serotonin receptors. Of course, when you use it you feel incredible, but the subsequent hangover and other consequences are not worth it. Although perhaps at very low doses there is a control point where there are no negative effects. I once read about some experiments with mdma that helped people deal with emotional problems, trauma and sadness but that is different from recreational use.

If you want psychedelics, better experiment with LSD or mushrooms.

Also be careful which fields you listen to, because if you listen to a serotonin boost and also use some drug it would be a big problem, common sense please.

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There’s things MDMA and other psychedelics can do that no other standard medical treatment can, when taken in a controlled manner.
(the above also discusses dosage, protocols, and the way it acts)

To answer your question @HiMynameIs, as @Jay said, I would avoid messing with my chemistry further, as MDMA would already be doing that (you don’t want an ‘overdose’ or a clash) – so I wouldn’t go for hormonal fields or fields that might simulate other substances, or that might overstimulate you. Since it’s your first time in years, why not see how it is ‘clean’?
Though the nice things knowing about fields is that you always have intercessions available for peace of mind ;)

Usually yes but my only concern would be if people not gonna notice their own self-defense mechanism regarding warning your nervous system is being overstimulated.

So i would play fields which don’t overstimulate me too much.

These might be suitable before doing MDMA:

1x ego dissolution


(dependant on your env. situation of course)


normal or smart stem cells
brain regeneration or plasma brain of youth
detox fields

Good luck!


When I did MDMA and I enjoyed listening to fields with good music. So I recommend listening to those audios that have music you enjoy.

Please don’t listen to the people that say MDMA is all bad. Just make sure you know the right thing to do and follow through:

  • Test your substance and do not re-dose.
  • Wait at least 3 months before doing it again.
  • My brain was fine, yours should be fine
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Oh and I forgot to say, if you don’t have good self-control, don’t do it :yum:

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