Is it safe to take MDMA while listening to audios?

MDMA made me learn about spirituality and psychology.

It’s now being used on people with severe schizophrenia because the drug stimulates your sense of connection and belonging with others.

I felt like I had millions of brothers and sisters.

End of day it’s just a temporary thing the high that you get

MDMA isn’t really classed as a psychedelic; it’s just a really strong stimulant and the main active ingredient in ecstasy. Although it can have some mild hallucinogenic side effects in strong doses, like with any powerful stimulant drug.

I think the rumour you’ve been hearing is that certain drugs like magic mushrooms and ayahuasca providing a deep spiritual experience to users. Although, I don’t know if they can expand your consciousness. Ayahuasca opens up your ‘third eye’ and takes you to other dimensions or realities from what I’ve read about it from users who’ve had this experience. These drugs are potent hallucinogen’s, and not everyone can handle them… they make you go all nutty in the head :crazy_face::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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What’s that supposed to mean?

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Was aimed at this, I believe there’s much better ways to build a better mental health etc into your being more naturally then a temporary high.

When your high you have the feeling of it then after the high you only have the knowing that the drug was what caused this feeling which can also lead to chasing that feeling again through the same drug

Trying to find a permanent thing in something that is very very temporary is a foolish route to go down and may cause addiction

MDMA has a comedown for a reason…

Building proper self love and joy into your being doesn’t have a comedown for a reason…

have you personally tried it?

because that’s not always the case. You are perfectly able to set an intention beforehand. And if you want, which is recommended, you can reflect on negative stuff that weighs on your mind. You are able to look at it from a completely different perspective, while not being tormented by the pain which is usually being carried. And most importantly, it’s all through your own direct experience.

at least that has been my experience :slightly_smiling_face:

but still, that’s not all. You still gotta integrate the lessons learned. But it will certainly be easier knowing it’s possible to achieve some form of liberation.


Just ask yourself the first part of the question:
“Is it safe to take MDMA?”

You know…fields aside

How about try this instead:

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It is never “safe” to take any hard drugs


Of course, all that can be true, while still being quite false. It’s useful to have a healthy fear of psychoactive substances and doubt as to one’s abilities to handle them.

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Is it safe to take a hard drug manufactured by a mafia that employs violence, addiction, perversion, and corruption, all while advocating for its use under the guise of improvement, and using audio created by someone whose values are diametrically opposed to those of this mafia?

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Arguably the same could be said about our food, our clothes, and just about any material thing we use, in one way or another :no_mouth: (not to justify it)

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I see your point
Basically, you need clothes and food to live your life, not MDMA. Decent clothes and food exist; the choice is yours.

The fact is, everybody knows that MDMA is manufactured by a mafia.
But I’m not here to preach morality; everyone does what they want.

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Why risk it though? You could listen any time of the day that you aren’t taking.

True Self of others. Interconnection of everything. Love gravitation wave. Blessings of Aphrodite. Outlook Retrainer/New Perspectives. Love fields.

No detachment or similar fields, imo. Maybe ego dissolution, malleable ego, to integrate the “love” you will feel as much as possible. Or higher being experience.

Jing, orgone…for a purpose or after. Ojas probably would enhance it. I’d buff myself up with energy before, and then focus on love fields during the experience.

Malleable ego, new perspectives I think could be good. So you get some wiring instead of just a one time experience. Maybe DMT or lucid dreams (this can be done after) to connect with subconscious and same, get some learning from it. Of course, conceptual conglomerate would be fine as hell.

Use the intercessions and have angels be your sitters.

I think like most here…but if you’re going to do it anyway, you can either do it on its own or fields would definitely come in handy.

Just be prepared for everything, have a bunch of chill fields (like muscle massage or grounding) that can only help.

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Oof some of you can be really extreme on things.

@HiMynameIs , If you are taking mdma for the first time in 5 years then you are taking it the way it should be taken. Every once in a very blue moon. You’ll be fine and don’t listen to all this fear mongering about mdma tearing holes in your energy system. You only do that when you are taking these drugs on a daily basis.

Obviously, always test your batch and make sure its clean. And never make this a habit. It does drain your serotonin/dopamine but if you aren’t consistently using, your brain will recharge on all the dopamine and serotonin within a day or two.

While mdma isn’t considered a psychedelic… it does have similiar benefits. For one, for people stuck on certain patterns, it snaps you out of them and gives you a completely new more positive perspective for a few hours. Of course it doesn’t last but it doesn’t need to as the experience in itself mends the neural pathways needed to start pushing towards permanent positive change. This is well documented now as mdma is being successfully used for long lasting changes in therapy (here is one of many examples

And in general, that is why psychedelics have been transformative for people. It snaps you out of the patterns you are stuck on and allows you to see things from any perspective and then start creating a new positive pattern. That momentum is oftentimes all people need. I know a lot of people… like at least 12, whose lives have changed in a positive way due to psychedelics.

I don’t think its something people should seek for fun or to make a tool you use to get far in the spiritual path. You got to get there consciously and these drugs will not get there. But once in a blue moon with the right intention, the right people and right environment, it can certainly be transformative.

As for fields, honestly… any field. Mdma also opens the mind up to create new patterns and when listening to a field, if you keep it on the whole time, you’re likely to start more directly imprinting that field into your mind.

So think about what you are struggling with and use fields that focus on that and while listening to the field, think about the issue and accept all the negative aspects of it which should be easier under the influence. That will provide a great release and weight released from you. And then feel like you are the best version of yourself. ‘I love being me.’ Lol, that’s extra but just maybe keep these things in mind.
And have fun.


This isn’t an endorsement of psychs btw. They are not to be taken lightly and a good number of you are not in the mental state to do it. It can also be dangerous. If you have negative repressed enerigies, bad memories, or traumas and whatnot you are not directly facing… you will face them all the way. And if you fight the confrontation instead of surrendering to it (always cleanses it all if you do), you end up in a living nightmare.

Now, if psychedelic therapy is being offered somewhere around you… I would highly recommend it. They guide you in a way that ensures you have a good experience and also work through what you need to work through. I do think that psychs offer the kind of revolution that therapy needs right now.

Anyways, thats all. I said my piece on this cause I’d be lying if I said psychs hadn’t contributed to some of my growth over the years. Only once in a blue but those moments certainly sent me further in the trajectory I’ve been moving torwards. Reading this thread and letting all this negativity be the only perspective just felt wrong to me.


In my personal opinion, people don’t need any of those drugs and chemicals (except in those rare clearly diagnosed medical cases).

Instead, people should simply lay down on their beds and practise astral projection.

Once achieved, that experience alone is enough to pull out most people out of their existing thinking and belief patterns AND expanse their consciousness.

All is already inside you, no need to buy shady chemicals from unsavory sources.

It is also free, safe and can be done again and again, without any risk of becoming addicted or messing up your neurochemicals.

You do know MDMA used to be prescribed by doctors for a long time right?

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I heard it’s not recommended for people with unresolved trauma?