Is it safe to take MDMA while listening to audios?

Doctors diagnose and prescribe a ton of stuff. Doesn’t automatically mean that is the right solution or without side effects for your body.

Astral Projection is extremely difficult to accomplish for most of us. Could take someone years before they make any progress in it. I know a person that tried doing it daily for a whole year and didn’t get anywhere. In fact, years ago before sapienmed, I spent 6 months trying. I would get close sometimes and managed to leave my body 2 or 3 times but… always very temporarily. I’m sure if I kept trying, I’d maybe get somewhere. But an intuition I gathered over the years is that I just don’t think astral projection is for everyone. In the same way psychedelics are not for everyone.

That being said, we got a very, very serious mental health crisis in the world. People need help… now. They are already getting drugged with perspription pills that numb you out. Which sure, they help and it’s nice for people to get relief. But they do not solve the underlying problems. Psychedelics at the very least have the capacity to get to the core of your problem and help you solve process it and fully solve it. I am a genuine believer that psychs can revolutionize therapy in the way that it needs at this very moment.


I see, this is a valid point and personal work and dedication is definitely required with this. It is still the best long-term solution in my opinion. Comes only with benefits.

Otherwise, we can only hope that more people discover Sapien Med fields for help.

I don’t think this the case.
I would argue that humans in the past, that is before 1900, almost ALL where completely traumatized and psychicologically at the brink of breaking down 24/7.
Life was short and hard.
By the age of 15 half of your family would be dead by some random disease or tooth infection. The rest would starve, get eaten by wolves in the woods or freeze away without heating.
Traveling was almost impossible.
Most people couldn’t even read.
Most people had to enter marriages for the sake of survival.
Negative emotions and traumatizing experiences 24/7.
Not even to mention all the wars and the constant fight for survival and food on all levels 24/7.
Right now, we are living in a complete Snowflake Era compared to previous times.
There was never a time in the last 50,000 years where humans had it as mentally comfortable as they have today. All of our currently experienced traumas are nothing compared to what our ancestors went through.
Therefore, speaking about “crisis” is highly over exaggerated in my opinion.

Jaaj, I agree that the spiritual path is best. Astral projection, meditation, pranayama, ext… is far better than psychs. The issue is these things are very hard to do for people that are experiencing deep depression. I’ve been depressed before and meditating while depressed felt miserable lol. Astral projection sounds like something I’d give up trying after a week. Heck, I’d probably be horrified that maybe I’ll be ganged up by 12 demons or my worst nightmares the moment I leave my body into the unknown. People going through deep depression aren’t wishing to go into the unknown unless… well they want to die.

So, I’m with you on spirituality being the best route. But many people are hurting bad and some really don’t have the patience and willpower to do all it takes in this path. They need a push. They need some momentum. They need to snap out of whatever pattern they are in.

We aren’t going to convince them about astral projection or their energy system and all that esoteric jazz. They want things that are proven to work. Psych therapy has a lot of studies supporting their effectiveness. Now, to make something clear…

I’m not talking about the people in this forum. We are here in the forum because we are on the path. We are working on ourselves. We are pushing forward. And sure, astral projection can be very helpful for them. Meditation is as well. And I hope those on here are doing the inner work. Because while we are not all on psychs, we have something most people don’t. We have eachother, we our guidance, we have our ears. And there is power in collective spiritual growth. I just wish we could see eachother more and talk more directly because there is more power in us all being the same flow learning from eachother and growing from eachother.


These are then clearly medical cases, right?
As mentioned above, if there is a clear medical case, then all possible safe methods should be used of course…
I just feel like a lot of people are not medical cases and just want to experience quick highs at the expense of their health.

When I was at my lowest, at 16, and wanted to kill myself, it was esoteric stuff and astral projection that gave me that push and momentum. And purpose. And a higher perspective. When “there is nothing left and nothing to lose”, one will not fear leaving the physical body at all. It won’t even be perceived “as a risk” in the first place. Astral projection can be a 180° instant life shift on all levels, turning someone suicidal into someone “who sees” and chooses to live life to the fullest.


I agree with you here. The world is far better than it has ever been. Yet people are still very unhappy. Big part of this is our bodies not catching up to modern changes. For one, the internet has inflated our egos to an extent of constant self judgement. We are overreacting to things that are not actually threats (being judged, people having different opinions, ext…) as if they are real threats. The constant influx of conflciting information in the internet. Life no longer being just about having enough food to eat and now people trying to search for meaning. Man, there’s a lot.

People are definitely hurting and there is a collective growth of hate and depression (covid really effed us up) expanding everywhere. It’s been like this for years and now with the growing divide between left and right, men and women… it’s just getting mind numbingly hard for lots of people.

Like yo that is almost funny to me, we are getting extremely divided on politics and then… I notice a division growing between men and women :grin: It’s not even funny but I almost got to laugh at it. The collective madness is something else eh.

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I 100% agree with this

I’m glad you found this my man. That is beautiful to read. I hope what you wrote inspires someone to fully go into that path.


Even then. Most people wouldn’t know how to use them.

Myself included, fields are very complex.

I’ve spent like 6 years using them before I got an small glimpse on how am I supposed to work on some stuff, and even then, things are not simple.

Hey @HiMynameIs
Just wondering how your trip went?
I hope you had a nice experience and all went well for you :pray:t3: :raised_hands:t3:

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I think we have become physically comfortable. And obviously not the entire world (yet?).

But mentally…I think as we are the captain of our own ships, we can mentally design problems in even the most utopian world. Which is certainly an interesting phenomenon. Perhaps a course in mental mastery would help.

Didn’t end up doing it in the end, will see in the future.

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Have you done it?

If not then you wouldnt know.

Respectfully ;)

But i agree with Sammy its not something to take lightly, specially if you are just starting the healing or ascending path.

But i also recommend it like Sammy Sam if you happen to hear about it around you more than you looking out for it, it shows when you are ready and in need of it.

I did quite a lot of things of this nature in the past and i loved every single one of them every time.

Id go once a year or 1.5 year to keep pushing and bringing things to the surface to heal, release and or confront, but then Sapien Med happened and i kinda stopped not because i didnt believe in them anymore but because i was so enamored with all the fields like in a candy shop time went by and i didnt join any again.

2 or 3 years into SM i saw an invitation on FB from someone i did the Buffo Alvarius one with (which I LOVED) so i decided to jump in…

Let me tell you out of all different psychedelics id done the number one experience for me was that one so i was thrilled to do it once more, i thought i would feel it more and deeper and i was so eager thinking 3 years of fields ha! Its gonna be a hell of an experience.

Fast forward to that day aaaand.


Like i didnt feel absolutely anything i was so mad haha and the 2 shamans (i did it privately just with them in a very nice jungle -sh secluded area)

Pics to add drama to the story :joy:

Exactly here is where we did it

The 2 Shamans were like whats going on?? They gave me a second dose and still nothing of like the experiences i had in the 2 previous times.

I did understand something beautiful that day but it was more connected through reasonings inside of me than the thing’s effect.

So i went home with a bittersweet feeling not gonna lie and i remember i shared that with Dream (specially because i kept pestering him to make that field) and … i can tell he giggled at me :unamused::rofl:

He said something like "see? You dont need that anymore, the fields put you (as in you and you and me, everyone) in a higher place, path, faster.

“We’ve surpassed those psychedelics long time ago”

So, that was the end of my psychedelics journey lol

I would still go to a one last Ayahuasca tho, just to see what i feel but so far no one ive heard about to happen has pulled me in, maybe id just waste my time again.

If you are starting your journey and come across them and feel the pull. Do it. Then continue the journey with SM, but if you are already very into these fields, meh you wont notice much. Dont waste your time.


Somebody thought it a great idea to put a stone jaguar or whatever behind some trees and bushes in a jungle…

This happened to me too. I’m not sure that finding out clarity through logic or what have you after doing drugs isn’t related.


Do I understand you correctly? You are basically saying that and agreeing with me that if you have access to Dream’s fields that then you don’t need to try any of those chemicals stuff? It that is what you are saying then I fully agree. Fields will give you much more and will give it to you much faster and will be safe at the same time.

And now when speaking about transformative life experiences, I also believe that regardsless of whether someone knows about fields or not, they should stay away from chemicals and focus on astral projection. For comparison of life changing potential here is how I would draw the hierarchy:

Someone trying drugs/shrooms/psychedilics/ = like someone in the medieval ages suddenly having access to a colorful printed magazine :exploding_head:

Someone working with fields for the first time = like someone doing a LoA money meditation and finding a 500 € bill the next day on the ground :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Someone astral projecting = like jumping out of space shuttle with a parachute and seeing Earth so far from above that you can see its spherical shape, while also seeing some UFOs hovering around :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

Lol calm down bro

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everybody that has never tried it, is against it.

the people that have tried it, can see the benefits of it


Yeah, sure, the streets are full of those ‘truth seekers.’

Essentially, you’re ingesting a drug from a dealer you don’t know, whatever he puts inside. It could be simple MDMA if he’s honest (and no dealer is honest because his job is to exploit addiction and depravity), or worse, he could mix it up with bad chemicals, antagonistic drugs, or whatever.

You’re citing studies conducted by experts, not yourself, in laboratories where people were participating in an experiment. It’s far from your local drug dealer.

Maybe I didn’t introduce myself; part of my job is to work in the police on drug dealing. So, from naive and first-time users to long-time users, every day there are deaths from overdose. Also, death is not the worst: rape, PTSD, violence, etc.

So every day, I’m wondering if people deserve their situation while continuing to do my job. Now, I don’t blame all drugs; I know that psychedelics have been used for a long time in ritualistic settings, but it’s important to consider that using them carries risks.

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You would be surprised :wink:

Some sellers are definitely honest, they exist. And the ones that aren’t, risk losing good customers because nobody likes them.

You can very well test your substances from the comfort of your home.

Having an expert can help. But some people are also capable of introspection. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence on the internet

Those are probably the hard drugs, man. I doubt someone on MDMA is capable of inflicting pain to another organism :sweat_smile:

Driving carries risks too, how do you manage to prevent them as much as you can? By doing research, learning, observing, having direct personal experience, and making your own judgment.

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Well, when i’m speaking about MDMA, i’m speaking about hard drugs in general, cause obviously most of them are mix with amphetamines or the new synthetic drugs which are worst than everything.

I dont believe drugs can expand your mind. Only LSD or mushrooms in some situations could be interesting but thats all.
All those hallucinations or whatever luminous revelation you gets are driven by the ego and astralities.

When i’m speaking about “you” dont take it personaly