Is there a way to rid oneself of psychic abilities?

You solved my inner dilema lol. Thank you


Thank you lol
This is probably why I don’t watch many movies
I’ll keep making threads like this :ok_woman:t2:

I really wanted to make one for titanic, interstellar and inception…



You can create the threads, it can lead to some interesting discussions…
I would say in category rabbit hole and just make it clear in the post you’re talking about a “movie world” that the writes created :)

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Yeah, I would definitely differ:


I understood the movie this way:

She was traumatized in the first place.
Because of this, despite knowing what will happen in the future, she willingly and consciously entered the relationship with the other scientist, had the child with him together etc.
She knew the whole time and still did it, because the coping was more important to her than the chance of making a new choice out of free will.

The whole situation was an opportunity for her to develop free will by making a new choice. But she fails. That’s why the whole movie is rather depressing to watch and is held is such colors…

Of course there are also other intepretations of this movie. This is just what I was reading out of it.


“Is there a way to rid oneself of psychic abilities?”

Probably not because as souls we are psychic by nature.
But what can happen and what one could do is to ask the Higher Self to filter out certain levels of perception for you – in the same way the Higher Self is already filtering out stuff in your incarnation that would potentially harm you or lead to choices that would deviate too far away from your life plan.

There is also the collective incarnational amnesia which is another filter and part of the physical incarnation game. I.e. not remembering where you came from, your other incarnations and their knowledge etc.

So the Higher Self, and even the Subconcious Mind, could definitely create another filter layer for one’s perception if one really wanted.


I think psychic abilities are the true default mode of humans, so it’s impossible to truly be “rid” of them. However, you could probably reduce your sensitivity and block them off by a few methods:

Lowering your vibration (not necessarily a bad thing, as long as it’s still relatively high)


Distracting oneself with non spiritual activities and hobbies. Like gaming, cooking, working out, etc

@MonkeyOwl @JAAJ ok actually lets say in theory:
that the movie was based off of our current reality.
Because time isn’t nonlinear or since the future is not set in one possibility (think: so many different gumballs yet only one gumball machine) ….
Does that mean the movie actually doesnt make sense?


is it possible that: she chose to go down such a path because of Divine Will? Is this always a possibility to consider?
Like She just knew she was supposed to? Ie those with blessed supernatural healing abilities; they are able to use them on others, but nonetheless always make sure it’s always in line with what the higher ups say.


Abilities, psychic or not - are not necessarily divine, or inherent to human beings, or even necessary for spiritual progress. A lot of times, they can be distractions to spiritual progress - especially if one gets hung up on them. Enlightened sages frequently warn that Siddhis (psychic powers) can deter one from true spiritual progress (although in Tantra we view them as signposts that indicate we are making progress - signposts that we see, acknowledge and move on). They are useful skills, if used correctly, but like everything else, have pros and cons.


A double edged sword!! :crossed_swords:
Very true. Thanks as always Mao


Whats your take on the movie lol @Maoshan_Wanderer


Loved it!! One of the few “spiritual” movies in the last decade.

Incidentally, Ted Chiang, the writer whose work is the basis for this movie, is a Daoist and is a student of one of my teachers, Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson. Just felt like his spiritual side was reflected beautifully in the movie.


What is divine will? :)

It’s possible…
It’s also possible that though she knew the outcome, she still felt like it was the right path/decision for her and she chose to pursue it.

We may perceive something as “bad” because it’s painful or traumatic, from a higher perspective it may be the best possible outcome.
It’s more about how the person perceives the events that happen, rather than what actually happens. It’s possible to be accepting of and in peace with something that’s a tragic event. It’s possible that she had come to terms with that future and accepted it with love on a level, even before it happened.

I watched the movie a long time ago, so I don’t remember how her feelings around this are portrayed.


I think it’s a bit like this… it’s not the perfect picture, imagine the paths sort of intertwining a bit more.
And basically how thick the branch is, is the likelihood of “you going down that path” or basically that future happening.

In some cases there may be one very thick branch and many thin ones, in other cases they’re more even.
Those with psychic abilities can pick up things from down the line on a path.
(But yes disclaimer - it’s just how I think it is / what makes sense to me :D)


amazing. we need more movies from him lol.

Oh, and what about Christopher Nolan, the dude who created interstellar and inception? I feel like he’s also into this! His movies are very profound lol

Actually he’s the reason how I got introduced to lucid dreaming, well at least I think lol:
I remember watching that movie years ago, and then few months later, in a dream I realized I was dreaming
So like the movie, I followed Decaprio’s instructions. Just actively engage and focus on the thought and watch it grow- or at least that’s what I thought in the dream- anyways I didn’t really know there was an actual term for it back then , nonetheless I tried following Decaprio’s instructions (yes, lol I was consciously aware I was recalling a movie character’s instructions in my sleep state haha). I imagined whatever I wanted, but I guess since it was my first time, all I remember is opening a door facing a stone wall lol. I remember being like “damnit, now what”. Kept trying but the end.

anyways fast forward maybe week or night later, and I remember “flying”. But I knew if I overthought it, started doubting, I’d fall.
And so of course I fell lol

so yeah I’ve always wondered if Nolan was a seeker himself, seems like it haha. Especially with interstellar


Yes you can… our will power is the strongest tool we have… to let go of your higher powers, focus on all Earthly things, esp.your outer senses. Drown yourself in food, drink, internet, tv…

Do know that you’re willingly shutting down a birth right, a gift from your true source. You choose to stay limited to the body, convining your limitless soul… basically torturing it… and that will show in your current life* and depending on how bad you make your life, by shutting this all down… several future lives too… in which you’d need to work hard to regain the tools you now throw away.

  • Which will also make you feel lousy, depressed, gives room to illness, and will make you easy prey to those that leach energy on the other side.

Sorry, cannot paint better picture with them tools…

Yes, and I think pretty much every movie that is out there, doesn’t make sense from a “time travel” perspective because they always need to adjust the plot for the common watcher who sees time as linear or as linear parallel timelines or as branches of a tree.
However time (or space/time time/space) is not linear at all and that can probably only be understood conceptually but not with regular 3d world logic…


I like this


So wait a minute
@JAAJ you brought up how she chose to go along with it.

But how do you apply said to the following:
When i am about to pull a tarot and i already know which one its going to be; its a premonition.

Wouldnt that technically be- this? This as in the movie, as in the chic and her premonition of what was bound to occur.

Doesnt that mean then, premonition isnt avoidable or a hypothetical scenario, its a divine message from above regarding the unescapable; divine will
Perhaps You can delay its outcome but it doesnt mean you can escape its “wrath”

Ie the lady.
how she chose to go down on her path; knowing she would have a daughter but yet knowing the child would still die early on ; there really was no other way around it; and instead of the lady relenting, she chose to honor it. Why? because maybe, just maybe
she knew even if she tried to escape fate’s clutches, she could only outrun it for so long; it would eventually appear in some shape, in some form because
The inevitable is simply that: inevitable.

So maybe it wasnt just a premonition but more than that since it included that; the inevetible- divine will- something
We can only outrun for so long (like how man sometimes tries do for death).

Sometimes premonitions can allow us to alter course- like a warning if you do this then expect that

But some - and i think in her case and my case of pulling the tarot- you honor it because you just know its a comandment , something much higher than yourself and it comes from above. Divine will. Or what i can better term as “hukam” (i think divine will is the translation of that; look it up because its very difficult hard to translate it - particularly since translations are meant to be constrained to a few words, typically)

I could have chosen to not pull that tarot
but eventually said tarot would show up again
Maybe in a few days or even a few years ; but that’s irrelevant since time is of no constraint to the universe

And because time isnt a constraint in the way the universe works


It was a premonition of what would eventually need to occur and pass (for the chic in the movie)

so what im asking:

whats the term for all this

when you are able to foresee a future- a future you know will eventually need to play out , & you understand you cannot change its outcome- all you can do is surrender.

Like the type where one cannot alter the course. For instance, not this example; when you are able to see a scenario of what will happen if you go down that path)

The following is probably not the ultimate truth, just some thoughts on the topic, so take it with a grain of spiritual salt:

“Time” only exists as an illusion created by the collective consciousness / the collective focus of consciousness to a certain perception.
That’s how the great physical simulator works.
All the beings (humans, aliens, Higher Selves and many more) who are participating in the game agreed to focus a certain part of their consciousness on this and so the construct of time appears as part of the game.
It is all illusion on purpose.

That’s also the reason why you forget where you came from before incarnating.
You wouldn’t take this physical plane and suvival game serious if you would knew all the time that it is all fake and artificial and if you would be able to perceive the higher dimensions, your parallel incarnations etc. at the same time as well.

Beyond that, time does not exists at all and because consciousness can choose its perceptions more freely, time becomes like a totally fluid and flexible concept: infinite possible timelines, infinite possible variations of space-time, infinite probable versions of everything etc. It really hard to convey this is 3d physical brain language. Astral projection is the best way to experience this, but might be difficult to remember when returning back to the physical body, because there will be no human words to describe the experience properly.

From a 3d point of view it appears as if time would be the 4th dimensions.
But from a higher dimensional point of view it is exposed as just another layer of the same artifical “game on paper”.

Psychic skills allow for the consciousness to switch away from the limited perceptions of the physical 3d brain to other things, tapping into more complec concepts, knowledge, information, other possible timelines etc.

Tarot cards are just a physical tool to help you tap into your own psychic skills and switch your awareness away from the data that the physical 3d brain is already providing.