Is there an aphrodisiac field?

Is there such a thing? like an environment field I would use on a Friday night with a SO. Either aphrodisiac (sexual) or something antidepressant that makes both of us unwind and chilling lovingly?

Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna is a good field to listen on Friday.

Though it’s not environmental field.


Kamadeva Rati Homam

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Try GOAT scent, it is a pheremone field. I read that pheremones like androstenol can have an anti depressant effect on your partner and arouses sexual feelings


Quantum Love Album (songs 1-4). I used this before a first date to get my jitters out. I think it worked too well. He tried to get handsy. Works better in your scenario

Maybe quite literally, Lucky in Loving Relationships.

  • Kisspeptin
  • Enigma of Black Martian Jing
  • Serotonin
  • Oxytocine
  • Endorphine A & B
  • Stress Relief
  • Blueprint of Love NFT

I think you can loop them all except for Kisspeptin.



Yes. Friday is the day of shukra ( venus) getting blessing from goddess Lakshmi will not only bless you with wealth. But beauty and sensuality.

Wearing anything pink during that day is also considered good. Especially if it made from silk.


i being a male…well. perhaps under jacket ;). thanks for the genious input!

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Yes, because Kisspeptin can induce palpitations and it would be better to limit the listening, it is very strong.

These are ritual and invocation fields?

The Kamadeva Rati Homam audio is a vibrational experience, designed to invoke the blessings of Kamadeva and Rati, enhancing love and intimacy between couples. It helps improve relationships, attract suitable partners, and increase physical attraction and marital bliss. Use the kamadeva homam to aid in removing obstacles in love life, boost confidence and attractiveness, and promote overall well-being. Enjoying this can vibrationally guide you to experience these benefits, fostering deeper emotional bonds and relationship success.

Looks like a relationship field

The Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna is a significant spiritual ritual dedicated to invoking the blessings of the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi, known as Ashta Lakshmi. This yagna is believed to bring a multitude of benefits and advantages to the participants and their families.
The Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna is considered a powerful and auspicious ritual that brings comprehensive benefits, encompassing material, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.
Enjoy the power and energy and of course the blessings, this is built with love respect and gratitude.

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Captain never gave any description of Kamadeva Rati Homam, what you are seeking is literally in the name of the field, you have to try and see.

Kisspeptin can help with that. But if you feel that you have no sexual desire it is because you are probably not naturally producing enough hormones perhaps due to a nutritional lack or other problem, if that is the case no field will be able to give you the desired effect. You must improves nutrition, I recommend Maca root, take it for a few weeks and improve your nutrition in general and a little daily exercise.

Maca can also improve mood, give you more energy and it’s also cheap

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