Is there any realistic way to increase height for atleast an inch after puberty?

I am really in desperation to increase my height. Is there any way to increase height after puberty for just an inch? Can listening to HGH frequency will help in gaining height?



use this. it will help you grow taller even if you are done with puberty


Maitreya claims her energy will re-open growth plates. I am not sure about that, though what I can say is that I noticed some of the same feelings in my legs, like when I was younger and having growth spurts, after listening to this and some of her other audios.

Also, have overall found her work to be effective to some degree (as have others).


There’s also a field from Dream named Grow taller 2.0. It’s experimental though, so it may not work for you.


QI uploaded a new one today…


Listening to HGH field will make your bones thicker not longer. Use height booster ver 2 It may help(as it is supposed to reopen eliphyseal plates)


5’7 to 5’9-5’10. Age of increase 26-28 roughly.
Initially quadible integrity. 2cm increase, but i guess it just straightened my posture. Dunno whether I grew for sure.
Subliminal frequency wizard and sapien medicine height field.
Also I heard Various other subliminals for height, I don’t remember exactly.
Currently subliminal from Luminalplay.
Gains were made when I heard for height exclusively. Not any other fields.
I wasn’t too much into measuring growth after sometime. Kinda became detached I should say.
I hear on and off. Few months I hear, Then I don’t hear for height at all.
You have to find out what works for you.
The main purpose of me sharing it here is, it is possible. You can grow.
Good luck. Just be detached. Don’t measure everyday.


Citation needed. Neither the Youtube description, nor the Patreon description mentions re-opening growth plates. Thus, anyone post-puberty is going to see a minimal increase, or as likely no increase at all.

The description itself says, “the growth plates may still have a small amount of room for growth sometimes.”

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that quadible field looks good, I might combine with sapiens


Yea. I tried it for a year but didn’t grow at all :frowning:

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I tried Quadible and Sapien for a year but sitll no any height increase

Was using multiple boosters too. Though I don’t stick with it for longer time.

You have to let go to get it. Try hearing it without bothering about results or increase. Don’t hear anything if you don’t feel like it. Don’t measure at all.

My post was to just give you faith and confidence that you can increase.

And links that I have shared may or may not work for you. Go by intuition.

I’m still obsessed with losing weight. So most of fields and subliminal for losing weight don’t work for me. But when I least care about it, I lose few kgs. So you have to find the sweet spot of enjoying it without worrying much about it.


Have you tried these?

Could potentially add a few inches… Also, adding Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Removal before the stack.

An idea could also be using one of those Fat to Stem Cell audios and then using the Grow Taller 2.0 audio straight after. No idea, untested, but could be synergistic.


Thankyou so much :slight_smile:

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guys I’ve gained half a inch from quadibles new height vid in two days, did measurements at same time at night , that shit works fast


How many times did you listen mate?

That’s a lot.
I will try it.
I’m 1.68m, need some centimeters.

how is it going now?

does Frequency Wizard work?

I was playing frequency wizard along with sapien field… so dont really know whether it works alone.