Ive been warned off Morphic Fields

I done myself some damage lately using subliminals… and i went to see a healer who i trust and know first hand he knows his stuff…

He told me any producer of subliminals AND morphic fields could only make them safe if they had spent a long time with the person who is going to use the fields and personalised it to their very specific set of circumstances.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this??

I also wonder what fields dont interfere with your own energy, like the intercession ones come to mind/


This has nothing to do with morphic fields but I highly recommended you to make and use your own subliminals, if you believe what this healer is saying. I was inspired by a forum user here and made my own subs, my scripts and my own voice. Although it has just been several days the results are pretty amazing, gonna made a post about it after I have concrete conclusion of longer term usage as the post that inspired me no longer exists.


My first thoughts are, where do they base that information on? On which grounds? Are they knowledgeable on both subliminals and fields? If they are, for how long?


Very interesting indeed… i will be very much interested in reading your views on them… i was using Moza Morph and i have to say, i had none of these problems before using her audio - i genuinely thin it is harmful. I think for someone like me though, sometimes self acceptance is the greatest improvement, not eternally seeking this better version of myself. the PERFECT me, is 80% perfect and accepted and loved for the other 20%… thats true perfection :)

@Nice2knowU … he speaks to guides and other beings… im not 100% convinced by it all, but a lot of the stuff thats happened with him lead to me believing what he said.


I can agree with subliminal but here you can see thousands of reviews, and experiences of people only experiencing life changing effects and massive benefits, I will say most creation are positive here, and mostly enhance your energy and benefit you there could be certain audios that do alchemical process, that may not integrate well with you since your energy could be different but that is why you test out and see what fields you resonate the most, I would go with aura repair, or soul core, the new chakra series, since they work on your energy system but most audios here integrate with its intelligence on what you need the most.

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Not everyone is prepared for fields.

My brother had to drop them because of panic attacks. He is not comfortable with change at all, which is a problem because most fields promote changes.

I’d say at least you have to be open to changes for fields to work with you and for you synergically.


You’re worried about your well being I guess but try to stay levelheaded. What helped you in the past what did not? Only you can say that for 100%.
It seems the subs caused you damage not the fields. I mean I’m pretty sure that healer doesn’t know the work of captain so he speaks in general terms from what he believes is right.
So look at your experiences too. If I remember right I saw some posts here and there from you where you said the fields helped you.


I do agree with this to a degree. Not every field is good for everyone. Just like not everyone should wear every gemstone or practice every mantra, chant, prayer, etc, you have to have some caution and understand what is good for you and also what’s generally good for everyone. That’s why you go slow, pay attention. Something like grounding is very, very safe. Other things? May mess you up if you’re not compatible or ready for it. It can be a gamble, but sometimes the risk is worth it. Just have to count the costs, weigh and contemplate, or ask for guidance.

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Thankyou everyone for your advice and guidance

I just want to state… i never felt anything uneasy while using Captains fields… i ventured elsewhere and the boosters available dont have the class of protection they claim they do, ir at least thats my interpretation…

For me, Captain is safe and there is a reason he is known as The Man!

On the other hand, i do feel like my heart is to be my main source of most things i was looking to fields for, including unravelling limiting beliefs etc x


I do.

I agree.


I have personally allowed myself to experience each condition
In each field set I make.

To gain a deep and thorough understanding internally of the human body and its workings.

I know what I do.

I cannot speak for the wide range of others things that claim the same name and apparently exist now.


Thankyou so much for this reply.

Can i ask an obvious and maybe stupid question, is captain nemo who we refer tomas captain?

The same person as dreamweaver?

With love

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