JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 🤍

See the very first post.


So true, and it takes a certain level of healing to even realize that. Much love and appreciation to @JAAJ for making this helpful stack and many other stacks. Very well compiled brother :heartpulse:

I’ve just started following this stack tonight and will stay consistent, the only thing I did differently was playing these first:
The Kinetic Quasi Crystal x1
The Torsion Field x1
Detoxed Plasmatron x1
The Alchemical Blueprint of the Past x1.5

I always play those first three before stacks for better integration and keeping the fields working in your energy system/aura. And playing Kinetic Quasi beforehand allows only one listen of the fields after it to be effective/enough sometimes even half a listen.
Learned that from the experience of my bro @King_A :call_me_hand:

I started crying while playing Alchemical Blueprint of the Past and Amygdala Healing, always good to release things and purge through tears :sob: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I was thinking of my partner and missing them at the same time lol


In those four fields there are also some features for self-respect?

Which four fields?


  • Alchemical Revision of Childhood
  • Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
  • Alchemical Revision of Trauma
  • Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)

Sorry to diverge, are these on Patreon or can be purchased? Apologies if I missed any related posts/threads.


I don’t know. More likely is that self-respect is a consequence of the healed trauma and inner child which these fields work on.

There is a separate extra field for self respect by the way.

Alchemical Revision and Wonder yes, Patreon


This one is on Patreon.

The other two not yet according to my knowledge.

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Also Wonder

I don’t know him, could you tell me? Thank you

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Added to free and paid stack:

  • Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter

I listened to it separately

Going to try the paid stack from tomorrow, feels like I’ve been neglecting this for random vanity shit like muscle and beyond etc

Could probably squeeze in one or three health fields though like plasma flaunt+plasma brain+teeth

Is this still up to date btw, or would you add something else to this stack today @JAAJ ?

I feel like I’d want to add in blueprint of life and blueprint of the past too


My last update on the stack was on 19th Nov 2022.

If you feel it being too long, let yourself be guided by intuition.

These additions will probably help a lot.

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Oh, this will definitely not be too long, probably cuts my average stack by 50% - will be good for my brain to get a break with a baby stack like this


How come there is no SLD?

Oh, I threw in 2x pure magnetic heart coherence, that field is one of very few fields i actually feel resonates with my energy so much, since i’m not energy sensitive

I feel like neither of these fields are physical, hopefully I can add some vanity stuff like MBL and face sculptur in the evening when this is done, gotta look pretty when selfloving

Also, just the name of most of these fields makes my stomach turn and i feel resistance right away - that alone shows how important it is that I deal with all the trauma and shit that I kept inside me since I was like 10 years old. Think I been to 6 funerals before I hit 28, 3 of them being the closest family possible, the other 3 friends/fiance

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Physical fields in the stacks are:

  • Amygdala Healing
  • All Purpose Anxiety Removal
  • The Outlook Retrainer
  • The Crucible of Stored Trauma

I now see that I also need to add Depression BeGone to the stacks.

Could be a type of subconscious self-sabotage where the subconscious mind uses the ego as a tool of resistance.
A strong indicator of trauma, so pay special attention to the trauma healing fields.

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Cool - some day I’ll learn to read the descriptions of the fields I purchase.

Crucible of stored trauma - I have it but it might not be needed for me as I’ve not really had much physical trauma, however an extreme amount of psychological - and If i’m not mistaken, crucible of stored trauma is mostly aimed towards physical?

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