JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 šŸ¤

Ya know I always thought if my vibration was high so would my self esteem since I wouldnā€™t care about too much about myself or the world. Guess I gotta do more self healing.


Adding this to my arsenal :mechanical_arm:


Thanks for recommending free stack, Sir @JAAJ
the intricate and nuance behind it is truly appreciated!

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This has likely been asked beforeā€¦ but can this stack be played over deveral tiems of the day?

Or interupted by say, a meeting at work?

Would it still work?

Or what if you HAVE to miss a day? Or get sidetracked? Do we start the series again?


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Yes, as long as you donā€™t feel overwhelmed.

Yes, no problem with that.


One missed day is no problem. No need to restart the whole series.
With one missed you will barely lose your built-up momentum.

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Would I be able to have a stack play at the lowest volume and still recieve the effects of the fields?
Maybe asked already, but anyone have good experiences having it playing during the night?
Also, isnā€™t subconscious limits dissolver in PONR, because why use both?

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Hereā€™s something you guys might find useful. I just found out you can have YouTube videos playing in the background on your phone which makes listening to this stack a lot easier. I like to use the Brave browser because thereā€™s no commercials when you watch YouTube.


Brave browser has that built in feature, hence why you are able to use it.

You canā€™t just play videos in the background, at least not on iPhone (safari)

Android users have plenty of options (APKs)

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Good for you WP! :slight_smile:
Mazel Tov


Hey @JAAJ and @everyone have you tried the new ā€œVibrational raiserā€ and ā€œunconditional love infusionā€ from the new album? How do they compare to the OG raise your vibrational state and unconditional you?


I have used them only once so far and cannot give any feedback yet.

I didnā€™t really know where to put this but I think it fits in here. Really comforting and inspirational video- and if you have a lot of time Matt Kahn in general is awesome for self love


Something related ā€“ on the absolute importance of Self Love and Self Worth:


I just rewatched Crazy Rich Asians.
A lot to learn about Self Worth from this movie.
In plain sight and in some not so obvious ways.

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I havenā€™t been here long since March. I listened to many fields before I came across the forum and learned that the less the better. However, there is plenty of it in this stack. Will it be ok for a beginner?

Will this stack be ok then? I skinned him a bit. What do you think?
and this is my second self-esteem stack.

From all the fields there are, nothing is able to shift my internal state and external reality to the better, like the Trauma Healing/Self Love ones.

IĀ“ve spend over 6 months with the self love stack before IĀ“ve dropped it.
And while it raised my baseline and helped me change for the better, I can now see how much there still is to heal.

Whenever you are unable to manifest something, go listen to this stack, before you buy all kind of fancy manifestation fields.

The same goes for the intercessions I believe. People are complaining that angels or ETs wonĀ“t help them with certain tasks/topics, but how are others supposed to help you, if you donĀ“t even subconsciously allow it yourself?

You are the only one who can make that choice, and it needs to be backed up by genuine self love.

Anyways, I am going back to looping this, until I live the life I deserve.


What was ur stack?


I have just started the multi stage stack but I havent noticed any results. Should it be Allright if I just keep listening and wait for the results to come or should I do something else to accelerate them?

maybe remove certain fields for now and put in your conscious attention on what it is youā€™ll like to heal.

Use what can best assist you.

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If you write ā€œI just startedā€ it sounds like you havenā€™t spent much time with it yet. When exactly did you start?
I used it for about 6-8 weeks every day and noticed a big shift after that time. I wouldnā€™t expect immediate results if you just started.

Actually, the less pressure you put on yourself to notice a result or change, the better.
Iā€™d recommend to keep going and listen daily. If you can, also take some time to meditate with the fields and send love and healing to the parts of you that are lacking, forgive yourself and also let go of any regrets, self-doubts or worries. It can be a slow but very rewarding process.

I personally combined the stack with practices that made me feel good: traveling, walks in nature, meditation, listening to positive & upbeat music, cooking delicious soul food, working out, writing a gratitude journal, positive affirmations, and spending time with people I love and who always make me laugh. Also trying out new things. If you donā€™t break your habits and go out of your comfort zone, change is harder to happen and there is less new inspiration in your life. If you can, set some goals for the week ahead that are a bit of a challenge but doable to achieve. This creates an added feeling of accomplishment!

I started listening in February and feel so much lighter and happier now!

Good luck on your journey!