JAAJ's Mystical Journal

has sex with everyone
don’t you see that? this is unacceptable :confounded:

And I am asking to explain your point of view.
I don’t see why this is “unacceptable”.

wdym? the answer is very obvious
i don’t think i need to explain the reason why this is unacceptable

has sex with everyone bro
do i really need to explain why this is gross and disgusting and unacceptable ?

would you have sex with everyone you saw on the street? and your family, your friends,your teacher ,your neighbor,your coworker,your boss? and everyone in this website?

the answer is no of course

how you don’t see?

pm me if you really want to discuss this with me, this thread is about JAAJ’s note
hope she/he won’t mind

Not with everyone, but with those who I would find attractive - yes.

JAAJ’s point is that these alien societies are so evolved, that they operate under a different set of values when they don’t have to deal with lack and limitations, unlike us humans.
Forming monogamous attachments is driven by insecurity and fear of abandonment.

And yeah, sorry for spamming @JAAJ


Please don’t take this statement too literal.

Also, you are judging from a homo sapiens perspective and experience.

Unfortunantely, the human sexual experience is extremely limited, crippled and full of traumas.

Most humans are not sexually attractive to each other in the first place, not just because of genetics but also because of unhealthy lifestyle and deep traumas. If it would not be for strong biological urges and desparation our species would have long been gone.

Furthermore, most humans do not understand what sex really is and thus experience sex not as an energetic exchange but primarily as a mechanical biological act where the reptile brain makes all the decisions.

Of course that same reptile brain is also programmed in a way where it triggers sexual attraction only with individuals where the passing on of genes makes sense.
In the physical homo sapiens body and physical procreation being tied to sex, the physical genes have a strong influence of whom we find attractive and whom we find repelling.
It is a biological function to ensure that genes are transferred to the next generation in a certain optimized way.
None of these physical procreational rules exist on the astral planes and neither are they tied to sexuality (energy exchange)!

To all of this, we humans have then also added all the trauma, shame, guilt, societal and religious constructs etc. on top of it, distorting the nature of sex even more.

Judging higher concepts like sex from a physical human perspective is like trying to understand a 16-dimensional world with a 3-dimensional brain. It gives one a tiny fragment of the whole picture and that fragment will be heavily distorted and misunderstood.

Sexual energy is life force energy and a major building block of all of creation. Even all those Deity beings have in most cases a gender and are sexual beings with their own sexual expression (but most religious folks on our planet act as if these beings are all asexual “because there is no sex in the higher realms”). Nothing could be further from the truth and most of humanity is highly sexually repressed and traumatized.


its an eternity equation.
boredom fosters creativity
boredom is entropic as it decays it returns to non existence
creativity makes more
the eternity is this entropy collapsing and the will of the wielder imposing his order to create and make new, and continue the cycle.
its one eternity equation.
The balance keeps it running, if you tip more on one side, you ‘use up resources’ or ‘forget resources are around’


Thank you very much for your input and perspective. I will meditate on this and do my best to understand this conceptually.

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Okay, here is what I understood from this:

Boredom = stagnation = passiveness = entropy = death

Process of actively creating = moving things = proactive = negentropic = life

Both of these forces are together in an equation, meaning that the value on the left is always as high as it is on the right:
→ The more you are bored, the more you will be pushed to create and come into movement again.
→ The more you create, the quicker the game gets boring again.

Therefore, both values on both sides of the equation run up and down from low to high = running in cycles = the cycles of creation = a constant eternal process, therefore an “eternity equation”.

Because it is an eternal equation, balance on both sides is always enforced per its nature, because that’s how equations work.

I don’t get the final part yet, what is meant by “use up resources” and “forget about resources”.
Maybe it means “use up resources” = “allow entropy to happen and waste resources” and “forget about resources around” = “be reminded that there are resources available to be used now and that you have to use them and create”?

Thank you.


If we consider the universe has finite resources
or rather a self contained amount dimensionally.
Use up resources… means you use up matter to create till there is no more
or use up life force or energy till there is a burn out.
Forget about resources means you get lost in nihilism and become unaware that there are resources.
For the observer, when he stops observing, it stops existing for him.


This was a theme in third season of Star Trek Discovery.

Doesn’t this point to a deeper problem? It seems every evolved species wants to connect. And they have achieved it. And it’s all rainbows and sunshine for them. But what about the darkness?

Everyone is connected when feeling high, but it’s only you when in deep pain and suffering…

I think everybody wants to connect in some way, since we aren’t separated in the first place.

Beings in lower states aren’t capable or at least don’t feel capable of doing so, hence they go for alternatives, some being pretty destructive.

From all people I’ve met, no matter how brutal or “hard” I could usually feel a sense of vulnerability, desire to genuinely connect. But they wouldn’t know how so. They want it desperately but are also afraid of it.

The amount of connection you can experience directly correlates with your spiritual health, vibration, however you call it. If somebody is still deeply traumatized, he won’t be able to connect to himself or others, till he has healed to a certain level.

Think of our conversation yesterday. Tesseract, CEVs, aliens…

I see it as our both individual parts of source moving/thinking/merging on some level in synchronicity to produce the same expression into the physical world.

For us to do this, or even grasp the concepts of it, we’d have to have at least some level of awareness, which is proceeded by being healthy to a certain degree.



thx for sharing
now I don’t like dolphins anymore :joy:

my uncle trap me into a toilet without light and didn’t let me out when i was young just bc i don’t eat vegetables or didn’t finish my meal
now i’m always forcing myself finish my meal , snack and drink when i’m full
not bc fear or childhood trauma it’s bc i will feel bad if i didn’t finish my food
i even forced my young brother to finish his food before when he didn’t finish
(and of course unlike my uncle i didn’t trap my lil bro into dark toilet haha)

now i will stop foring myself and others to finish food when me or them did not finish
and Imma tell lil bro i won’t force him to finish his meal anymore

my uncle is actually a good person and i already forgive him
(don’t mind broken english :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

Have you questioned yourself, “why do I feel bad if I don’t finish my meal?”?

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I did not question myself ever again after I grew up
cuz i thought it was “the correct answer” since i been told when i was a child
wasting food is bad , food is limited on the planet and a lot of people are starving on a daily basis

there’s a Chinese poem called Pity the Farmers by Li Shen
This Chinese poem expresses the hard work of farmers and hopes that people can cherish food
and i been taught this in school when i was young
I didn’t doubt the answer was correct or not after i saw JAAJs post

and sometimes i will even think
" that animal or plant’s death / sacrifice will be meaningless if I dont finish the meal and waste it"

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