JAAJ's Mystical Journal

Just because I am human and in a human body, does not mean that I identify as being part of humanity.

No species is entitled to my energy and my attention just because “we are sitting in the same boat” or “have similar physical genes”.

Humans in general have no sense of cooperating and working together and only do so because they are forced by their physical genes as a surivival and procreation mechanism.

If you remove this mechanism, there would be no “humanity” anymore.

“Humanity” is a societal construct enforced primarily by these genetic mechanisms.
These physical genes mechanism is what keeps the humanity construct together and from falling apart.
The need for suriving in an entropic environment.
I guess it is all by design so that the souls who incarnate as humans actually learn COOPERATION in the first place!
First because out of physical necessity, and later on, as the species progresses, out of actual understanding and compassion for each other.

While for my current incarnational fragment, freedom comes with getting rid of as many of those social contracts as possible.

If given the choice of joining “a better” species and society, I would do so instantly and with zero hesitation.

Just because I have empathy and can feel what others are feeling does not mean that I choose to actually do so.

Having a skill does not mean that I have to use it.
Being someone does not mean that I am part of those who are similar.

Just because one has learned the “Lesson of Cooperation” does not mean that you now have to cooperate with those who are unwilling to cooperate.

I have Free Will.

I choose to go where I am treated best.
Where I am welcome.
And where other souls share similar values as I do.

This planet will never by my home.
There is infinite life out there and infinite other possibilities.

The work, my personal work on my soul, needs to be done either way, but I get to choose with whom I share the fruits.

Life and its possibilities and variations are infinite.
Humanity is just a level in the game.
Out of the infinite amount of levels.
So don’t take the level personal :slight_smile:


Sailor Moon Love Mudra:

SM Love Mudra 2

SM Love Mudra

Sailor Mars Kuji-in (九字印) – Rin 臨, Dokkoin:

Sailor Mars KUJI IN

Sailor Mars


Sailor Mars Ofuda:

:crescent_moon: :fire:

On the Mechanics of Morphic Fields & Physical Changes

  1. A morphic field is a blueprint of Information that tells energy and matter how to behave and in what patterns to arrange themselves.

  2. The physical body and the astral energy bodies are sustained by their own respective morphic fields.

  3. The physical body is additionally sustained and defined by the physical genes.

  4. For the physical body, the genes alone are not enough to provide the whole blueprint of the physical body. There is also always an additional morphic field at play, that gives the body’s cells further instructions. For example, this physical body morphic field tells each cell in the body where it is located in relation to all the other cells.
    That’s how a cell knows whether it is a lip cell in your mouth or a bone cell in your knee or a brain cell in your head – and behaves accordingly.
    That’s how all cells in the body are always in communication which each other.
    One could say this morphic field of the physical body is an additional layer of what makes up the “body’s intelligence”.

But then, there is even more important and much stronger factor at play!

The factor that tells the morphic fields how to behave in the first place.

And this factor, is a “Consciousness” factor.
(Because consciousness is the only real thing and creates everything.)

Or to be more exact: the Subconscious Mind of the respective individual.

These morphic fields that sustain the various bodies (energetic, astral, physical etc.) are directly under the dominion of and directly influenced by the Subconscious Mind :sparkles:

The Subconscious Mind is a part of your Total Consciousness, i.e. the real you.
It is the part of your consciousness that processes and stores most of the information and experiences and that also uploads everything into your Higher Self in real-time all-the-time.

It also directly manifests your personal reality (!).

For controlling physical changes, the Subconscious Mind can directly influence the morphic field of the physical body.
The Subconscious Mind can, just like external experiences can activate certain phenotypes of your DNA (epigenetics), this can do so as well – and by this change your physical appearance.

An external morphic field (like a Sapien Medicine morphic field) is able to directly work on the physical body’s own morphic field and influence it and trigger physical Body reactions.

For example, a Sapien Med morphic field for testosterone production is able to directly trigger the testosterone production instruction in the physical body’s own morphic field. The external field triggers the body’s moprhic field and the body’s morphic field triggers the physical production of testosterone.

All of this works for as long the Subconscious Mind is okay with the external influence and for as long as the Subconscious Mind does not have a different opinion on something.

This “different opinion”, in most cases, is nothing else than surpressed trauma, core beliefs of unworthiness and self-sabotage safety mechanisms (!).

An external morphic field can try to influence the Subconscious Mind to change its opinion about something, but it cannot force it into this change and the Subconscious Mind ultimatively has its own free will and decision making process.

In a conflict of interest between an external morphic field and the Subconscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind always wins in the longterm.

For example, in most cases physical healing fields will work for most people because what the external healing morphic fields aim at doing, is directly aligned with what the Subconscious Mind also wants: you having a healthy physical body. The Subconscious Mind sees no threat or conflict of interest between the external instruction and its own interest of keeping your body healthy.

The same applies to brain fields that enhance the physical brain. The Subconscious Mind wants, in most cases to fully allow these morphic fields to influence you and make the changes because it is in the interest of the Subconscious Mind for you to be smarter and more efficient as a Waking Consciousness on the physical plane. Being smarter increases your survival chances, which the Subconscious Mind has a strong interest in.

But when it comes to special physical changes like enhancing looks, height, weight and similar ones, i.e. changes that are often overlayered by heavy subconscious trauma, then there often are subconscious blocks blocking the execution of the field.

Because if there is a trauma, the Subconscious Mind will block the external morphic field from properly working on enhancing your Looks, height, weight etc.

That’s why most people get results from physical healing fields easily, while many often struggle with getting results related to things like height and facial Looks.

These physical attributes are often heavily connected to deep seated beliefs about one’s self worth.

Therefore, to enable results in these areas too, the traumas associated with these negative beliefs need to be healed first and deep seated core beliefs of unworthiness needs to be replaced with enough self esteem and worthiness in order to also make the Subconscious Mind allow for changes to happen in these critical physical areas too.

  • He who controls the genes, controls the main blueprint of the physical body.
  • He who controls the morphic fields, controls which genetic phenotypes are going to be physically activated.
  • He who cooperates with the Subconscious Mind, can change the morphic fields.

Morphic field instruction for a physical change + Subconscious Mind has agreed to this change = realization of this physical change

As you may have noticed, I didn’t even mention the ego as a factor here.
This is because I don’t believe it is an important factor at all.
The ego is mostly a layer of your Waking Consciousness.
Which may heavily influence how you behave in your daily activities but that has barely any influence when it comes to how well fields will work for you.
This is all my personal opinion and experience.
The ego can sometimes stand in the way of some of the fields being processed properly but in the end the Subconscious Mind makes the ultimate decision and overrides everything in the longterm.
The ego also changes when you change your core identity, so there is no need to fight it or dissolve it (more on this later). And of course, NPC’s never change their identities, so they are very much stuck with always having the same ego construct lol.


The Trauma of Personal Fragmentation and the Longing for Home

Arc Light made me realize that my chase after popularity and recognition is not a self-love issue.

It is the main issue for most people on Earth and also was an issue for me in the past, but not anymore.

There were much deeper levels hidden underneath.

Neither is it an astrological natal chart issue and personality issue.

Instead, it is more of a memory issue.
The memory of the bliss I once have experienced and now my current personal struggle as a Soul of being disconnected from the Group Consciousness of my home alien race.

A race with a Group Consciousnes is one where MANY interconnected souls are sharing MANY bodies at the SAME TIME. Everyone has an individualized consciousness AND is part of the collective consciousness AT THE SAME TIME.

This is very difficult to unnderstand for the regular human mind because the human mind and identity is completely based upon the experience of occupying one single body at one time and being separate from other souls and other bodies.

However, there are civilications out there who live like this (as a Group Consciousness) and experience ultimate collective bliss and belonging with each other at all times.

There is a layer in my Subconscious Mind where the chase for popularity is the hidden longing of my sould for being recognized by everyone else as being part of the whole collective.

It is the chase for the end of being a fragment and for becoming a connected piece of the whole puzzle picture.

The chase for popularity appears to be an ego thing on the surface but is actually a deep level soul thing.

This whole incarnation is a deep traumatic experience for my Soul.
Being fragmented in this way is not my natural state and a real challenge for me.
This longing for re-establishing this state back is ultra strong.
It was just mostly surpressed throughout my whole life.
It is the longing of my inner child for experiencing the state again that I experienced when being part of my home Group Consciousness collective.

Gaia can never be my home because it is a traumatized and fragmented planet.
And I do not identify with humanity as a whole because most human souls do not want to change anything about their current state of fragmentation and want to continue to play the game as it is.

Which is why me and humanity do not really share these specific core values at all.
I am a foreigner here in the most literal sense.

Most humans want to remain individual pieces of consciousness in individual bodies and isolated from other pieces of consciousness. There is no real desire for merging with the whole and experiencing being something more than their current identities.

Most humans choose to remain fragmented this way.

Fragmented at the cost of not having to experience the higher levels of bliss of being MORE WHOLE BEYOND one current identity.
But yes, it is possible to become MORE WHOLE than your current self!
This happens by becoming more than you are and connecting your consciousness with other parts of creation.

While trauma means fragmentation of consciousness, “becoming whole” means merging pieces of consciousness together – and this process can go on and on until the very top of merging with everything at the Source level.

Humanity can never give me what my soul truly seeks.
And I also think there are too many souls incarnated here that come from non-Group-Consciousness alien societies and to whom being part of a Group-Consciousness would be a totally foreign concept in the first place.
So I have to give up the idealistic dream of my naive young self of ever hoping that “we can all be one humanity”.
And instead I have to work towards merging back with my home group consciousness.

Humanity on Earth is like a hotel where all the different souls from all across the universe come together in order to stay here for a while for some special experiences and then move on.
During this process, the crazy mix of all those different souls may burn down the whole hotel building.
Or they may learn to live peacefully together where everyone stays in their own hotel rooms and does their own thing without disturbing the others in their rooms – and only meet from time to time in the hotel cantine for some joint projects.
But all of those guests can never end up all together in the same bed and hugging each other.


"The soul seeks completion."

There is never a state where completion has actually been reached, I am coming to believe.

The soul seeking completion is in reality a never ending process.

You as a soul will always want to become more and more “complete”.

But it is not just a “chasing of the carrot on the stick”.

Because the drive for seeking completion comes from WITHIN you and not from an outside trigger.

A process of constant EXPANSION and SELF-EXPRESSION.

The expansion part happens through the collection of EXPERIENCES and CONCEPTUAL REALIZATIONS, i.e. Growth of Consciousness.

The self-expression part of the soul happens through making a creative imprint on its surrounding and manifesting what it wants to see manifested.
It is a process of creation and bringing things into existence.

This self-expression only leads to fullfillment and a sense of completion, when it is the soul’s authentic self expression.
So it cannot be faked or distorted if a sense of actual completion shall be reached.
Because the Source already decided that expressing itself through you in this very particular way is the most satisfying way of expressing its higest level of glory and creativity.

You are the Source’s artwork and as an artwork you are the most beautiful when you express yourself in the most “you” way as the Source envisioned you to be.

Therefore, being as much “you” as you can, will lead to the most fullfillment and the most sense of achieved completion.

This process, all together, also called “life”, never ends and goes on forever.
It is the process of life itself.

You are the most beautiful and the most alive when you express yourself in the most authentic way possible.

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"so NERV wants 3rd impact to cure the human disease
and my lame ass dad is trying to revive his bullshit dream
and i’m caught in the middle with a penguin and redhead
and a milf that drinks too much and i think i’d rather be dead
but before i depart, let me impart some knowledge
because i’ve seen all this shit and i ain’t even hit college
if you want to live a quiet life and hold onto your balls
the only thing you have to do is never answer when your dad calls
ever since then, i’ve been too fucked up to think
i got so many problems and i’m not even old enough to drink
but no one understands the kind of shit that i go through
like jacking off to comatose girls in hospital rooms
oh yeah, and there’s also this thing i have to do on wednesdays
where i save the earth from crazy fucking angels from outer space
and redeem humankind and let everyone decide what they want to be
and all i get is “congratulations”? are you fucking kidding me?
i’m so sick of everyone talkin to me like i’m a kid
i lost my mom when i was 2 and turned out better than asuka did
even so my life just keeps tumbling down and tumbling down
and i seem to be the only one that can pilot this eva now
oh and i just found out this fucking robot is my mother
and i’m the only one that can drive it because of the link we have with each other
and it’s all so fucked up i just wanted to jet out of this place
and i would have except i became a god of time and space

and my dad just died trying to bring my mom back
i’ve got a happy family after all, how sweet is that?
but i’d still like to say a few words i’ve written down
to this fuckhead who obviously doesn’t want me around
let me compose myself here at the end of the world
surrounded by tang, rei’s giant head, and this fucking turd
that i just tried to strangle because like i said, i’m fucked up
but she’s fucked up too, so i guess that’s good enough

all i ever wanted for myself was a normal life
just fallin asleep alone with my headphones in every night
i never asked to be pulled into this shit, you had to fuck with me
and call me out of nowhere and tell me to be what i didn’t want to be
and then when i was hesitant you had to be a prick
and tell me to go home, you didn’t need me, you fuckin dick
but i got in that fuckin robot and i rolled over your plan
look at me now dad, your little pussy’s grown into a man
not only that, i got a fuckin harem of my own
even if one of them’s 30, one’s a bitch, and one’s a clone
and they all choose my dick over 3rd impact, your plan bombed
guess you should have been a better dad and not sacrificed mom
you should have seen how this would end when that first angel fell
you deserved to lose, i hope kaworu buttfucks you in hell
but don’t fret, i’ll be chillin in a sea of orange sizzurp
with this hot ass bitch and a vacation much deserved"




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"Yeah, you better know where you’re going
You’re a wanderer, just like me
Yeah, you better know where you’re going
You’re a wanderer, just like me"

Glastonbury is indeed a very special and uplifting place.

Not necessarily in terms of the “amount of Chi” or “high Bovis units”, but primarily in terms of being a place of higher vibration than most places and in terms of the places potential of the activation of various Chakras.
A focus on the Crown Chakra will get you a lot of downloads there.
The energy at the top of the Glastonbury Tor hill is also very special and feels like it is overseen by the Angelic Forces themselves.

It seems there are many factors that determine the overall “Energy of a Place”:

Factors as per the location itself:

  • The physical dirtyness or cleanliness of the place. Pollution is entropy and attracts lower energies. Cleanliness and natural order and beauty / coherence / negentropy attracts higher energies.

  • The place’s Chi / Orgone / Life Force levels (amount of energy)

  • The places’s DOR (Death Orgone) / radiation levels

  • The vibration of the Chi itself (how uplifting or downpulling the energy is)

  • The place’s local egregore morphic field that is fueled by the collective consciousness of people living there or thinking about that place, including everyone’s energies who has his identity setup linked to that place. For example, a German in Germany will feel different than a French in Germany and different than a German in France or a French in France, because of the different links inside their personal identity setups.

Factors as per time:

  • Physical astronomical influences as per the current location of the Sun, the Moon and other planets. But also Galaxy-wise and higher up the scale.

  • Astrological influences (time-wise)

Factors as per the person visiting the place:

  • The person’s natal chart setup and/or current astrological chart setup

  • The person’s astrological lines at that location as per astrocartography

  • The subjective experience of the person who is experiencing the respective place (as per the person’s own vibration and Subconscious Mind perception filters).

  • The “soul type” of the person, i.e. “a Human”, “a Star Seed” etc.

  • The person’s current identity / game character setup (see above), as the identity is a set of links to various other morphic fields. For example “a German” will have “being German” inside his identity setup and by this automatically connect to all the “German morphic links and egregors”. So the identifications of a person and their identity setup matter a lot!

  • The person’s own energy levels and energy body capacities and capabilities

  • One’s personal soul preferences (e.g. feeling like an “Alien on Earth” or feeling like “a part of Humanity” etc. can have a big influence on the experience

  • Whether the person grounds itself through the Root (Gaia) or through the Crown Chakra (Helios).

All of these factors (there are probably more) coming together define how a particular person experiences the “energy” of a particular place.

Also, here is a picture of JAAJ’s Astral Crystal Palace (game players with character level 777+ are welcome):


Press ESC to begin

Alter your reality. Forever.

Vandora, Goddess of Lightning:

The Blessing:


The Phoenix Rod:


The Phoenix Rod Crystalized:

1 Like

"I hear your voice on the wind
And I here you call out my name

Listen my child, you say to me
I am the voice of your history
Be not afraid, come follow me
Answer my call and I’ll set you free"

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice, I will remain

I am the voice in the fields when the summer’s gone
The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow
Ne’er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long
I am the force that in springtime will grow

I am the voice of the past that will always be
Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields
I am the voice of the future
Bring me your peace
Bring me your peace and my wounds, they will heal

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice

I am the voice in the past that will always be
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice of the future
I am the voice

I am the voice
I am the voice
I am the voice"


The Mechanics of Gratitude

I am grateful for the mechanics of the Concept of Gratitude.

The concept of gratitude feels like a cheat code that the Source itself has installed for itself into the game (and the rest of existence) in order to increase its own fun and gameplay flow.

Most people do not understand the concept of gratitude because they think that gratitude is something that they “give out to someone or something” and these people’s NPC ego refuses to “give out something for nothing”, LOL.

But this is because they do not see the bigger picture and the actual mechanics behind it.

Gratitude is not primarily about “giving” and “receiving”, but about Manifestation.

It is a manifestation mechanic.

The “giving” and “receiving” are just visible symptoms of this manifestation mechanic.

Most people hold back their gratitude, because to them it seems that their external circumstances “have not yet earned” to receive their gratitude.
These people assume that they would be giving something out and sell themselves (actually their ego) under value.
Because when “you give out more than what you take in, you are a sell-out”, right?


Because this logic is build on wrong assumptions about gratitude.
Wrong assumptions where the ego thinks it only wins when it gives out less than it receives.

However, gratitude is not something “that one gives out”, but rather quite the opposite:

It is a CONSCIOUS REFLECTION of one’s own Inner State of Having.

So with “Gratitude”, one is actually going INSIDE and then consciously REFLECTING about what you ALREADY HAVE or what you COULD MANIFEST TO EXPERIENCE.

And what happens when you go inside and reflect on it?
You create a force directed outwards into the universe.


Because ALL manifestation is the Consciousness (you) mirroring itself back to itself.

This outwards directed force is not the gratitude itself but a CONSEQUENCE of the gratitude that you create inside of you.

This outwards directed force that is created BY gratitude creates a VORTEX OF NEGENTROPY and this vortex then PULLS more negentropic stuff into your life.

Anything negentropic, as abstract as it sounds, will materialize as a Blessing.

Because what we game players consider “blessings” is nothing more than an increase in negentropy in our life experience on all its different levels.

The more negetropic stuff comes into your life and happens in it, the easier your life (your personal game experience) becomes and the more “blessed” you will feel.

This vortex is negentropic because you are accessing the infinite pool of creative opportunities from the very source itself, i.e. from your own Consciousness (the real you), which is part of the All-That-Is-Source.

This is what spiritual teacher mean when they say “you have everything inside of you already” lol. (I know it doesn’t help when they say it in this abstract ways as souls like me always first need to understand the mechanic behind something before they can apply it :roll_eyes:, but that’s why most spiritual teachers out there are not actual teachers but just blind repetitors).

So how do most people self-sabotage their own blessings:

They choose stubbornness and “holding on” to something that should instead flow freely, and by this, they effectively block themselves off from the flow of life and from Higher Powers helping them out. Self-Sabotage at its finest!

This happens because most people are in “NPC Mode”, i.e. “Reaction Mode”.
When someone reacts to an external circumstances, they are not going inside and are not reflecting on what good things they already have or could potentially manifest.

Even worse, they are brainwashed that “gratitude is only something to be given out on special occassions” and AFTER the external circumstances “have earned to receive their gratitude”. :laughing:
Do you see the twisted logic in that and the mindfuck that people play onto themselves?

Everyone “big gangsta boss” and ungrateful for stuff, until shit hits the fan and then they wonder why Angels & Co. are not helping them out with their ego-based entropic delussions.

The good thing about gratitude is that it is something that everyone can do at any time. Even the most lost souls can “go inside themselves” and become grateful for something and this act can pull even the most lost soul with the heaviest negative Karma out of their self-created hell of misery.
In fact, it is one of the very few ropes that these souls have to actually and effectively pull themselves out of a swamp like this.

Even animals feel a basic emotion of relief and gratitude when someone gives them food and helps them in their struggle against entropy (the struggle for physical survial).

Being grateful is a manifestation tool.
Everyone heard it a Million times already.
But maybe with the explanation of the mechanic behind it, it now makes more sense to people.

And if you want to go on to the next meta level and amplify the whole mechanic of gratitude by the potency of itself, i.e. Gratitude squared, then apply this mechanic onto itself:

"I am grateful for the mechanics of the Concept of Gratitude."

Or in other words, be grateful that this mechanic is there in the first place and works for you! :sun_with_face:


What is “Wasted Time”?

The concept of “wasted time” is part of the physical space-time experience.

Because obviously you can only waste a resource (time) in a place where this resource is “limited”.

99.9% of the things we do during our physical incarnation could very well be considered “wasted time”, especially after listening to some entrepreneurs or motivational speakers on YouTube lmao.

What are the activities usually considered as being “time wastes”?

  • Watching TV and streaming services
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Body care routines
  • Cleaning the house
  • Aimless social media and internet browsing
  • Cooking
  • Grocery shopping
  • Taking out the trash
  • Sitting at school and being brainwashed by idiots
  • Putting cloth on and off
  • Playing video games
  • Jerking off to porn
  • pointless chatter with people
  • Working a soul crushing job
  • Commuting to work
  • Participating in societal obligations
  • Shopping as a cope
  • Coping behaviors in general
    …and many other things.

What is usually considered not as “wasted time”:

  • When learning something new
  • When making a new experience
  • When making love with someone (bliss)
  • Sharing time and experiences with other souls inside of meaningful relationships
  • When having soul-joying fun that makes your heart sing (could be a favorite hobby, or inventing something that makes the world a better place etc.)

All of these things combined that are wasting our time and with that we are wasting our time, they do make the time-usage during the physical incarnation extremely inefficient, or don’t they?

So 99.9% of the time here is wasted.

Or isn’t it?

When it’s your first physical incarnation, most of the things that most consider “a time waste” are actually completely new and valuable experiences.

And even if you have made the same experience already many times, the next iteration still adds a little bit of additional experience information to the data base of your Higher Self.

So either way, regardless of how much time is wasted or perceived as being wasted, the whole system still moves forward and develops further.

Either way, new conceptual realizations are being made, even if the realization is that “I’ve had enough of this particular experience and decide to move on”.

This meta level of realizations is as important as the direct realizations themselves!

Realizing that you have realized something enough times, is as equally important.

All conceptual realizations matter!

And while a lot of stuff that we humans do here on the physical are considered time wastes, in the background they are all just building up to bigger realizations, that each soul will sooner or later make.

You can also still come back again and again to the physical, as annoying as the process is lol, but everyone has to decide upon their own ROI in the end and whether an incarnation is worth it for them or not.

FOMO and resentment only happen when people think that this is the only life they have and that they have wasted their only available time inside of it.

But enlightment happens, when you have wasted all your life time, realized that you have wasted it and then experience zero FOMO and resentment. But instead just gratitude to that whatever has happened, has led you here to this wisdom.



is there anything or anyone on the astral plane that can help us remove all brainwashing from society
will my higher self help me?

1 Like

Yes, your Higher Self and higher beings on the astral planes will help you when you proactively ask them.


And how to ask to be heard ?

Yeah, it is a challenge while you are still here in the physical.

Learning to listen to your own inner voice and the Higher Self connection fields are probably your best bet here.


I wish there was easier way to be able to receive higher guidance and answers


It is part of the incarnational challenge. Hence the whole thing with “forgetting about your whole past and who you are are” when you incarnate here.


Yes but people who are psychic or are into deep meditation can receive answers/guidance . So then they have a cheat code … not fair lol

Have you looked at the Esoteric Arts Guild releases? That’s what we do.

Apologies @JAAJ :slight_smile:


Thanks @Rosechalice and @JAAJ. I know what you both mean. I was just chatting on.

This thread of yours is great JAAJ