JAAJ's Mystical Journal

This might inspire :thinking:

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"See the mirror in your eyes
See the truth behind your lies
Your lies are haunting me
See the reason in your eyes
Giving answer to the why
Your eyes are haunting me
Falling in and out of love"

A few days ago I’ve been physically at the sea.

When you are swimming in the water it feels like an endless body of water expanding into all directions and you being among it.

A similar feeling as to being somewhere in endless empty space.

Just like being in the Sunless Sea.

With the exception that the water was 30°C.

Afterwards I went on YouTube and spent many hours watching all the „First Time Watching Titanic“ movie reaction clips on YouTube.

I chose this movie because it is well known for triggering various emotions in most people who watch it.

While watching I was trying to absorb all of the triggered emotions that the video creators where feeling while watching throught the movie, via my mirror neurons.

Does this make me an emotional vampire who feeds of YouTube creators?

Anyways, my purpose was trying to better understand who feels how much empathy during which scenes and trying to better understand what range and levels of empathy other people/souls have and how these empathy ranges and levels differ from each other.

Human emotional empathy is a very special experience.

Some souls are super empathic.
Some are empathic but blocked and traumatized and cannot express it.
Some are empathic but choose to not be.
Some are fake AF.
Some are not empathic at all, literal NPCs, bots, empty shells etc.

Since I have both, empathy and free will, I get to choose for whom I show empathy and to what extent. And my emapthy and the data that I receive from from others through it heavily influences my free will decisions.

The Source has the ultimate level of absolute Free Will and absolute Empathy.
Both are necessary conditions for universal unconditional love.



The Sorceress of Lightning knows the map through the Sunless Sea.

As she shines her light, the path through the black water becomes visible.


Chapter 9 of 20: Temple of the Sunless Sea





Materialist scientists have no clue how and why the Double Slit Experiment really works. Here are two main reasons for why that is:

1. Fooled by the Illusion of Time:

Observing something with physical instruments or physical senses or as a consciousness that is focussed on a physical pespective – means that in all cases one is fooled by the illusion of time where it appears that there is a ‘before’ and an ‘after’.

It appears that first you observe something and then it reacts, or vice versa, doesn’t actually matter – back and forth in time and from this, the implied causality is all an illussion because there is no such thing as time (and no time-space space-time).

The only real thing there is, is consciousness which takes on different perspectives on stuff that all exists here in the now.

Causality is an illussion that one experiences in space-time time-space.

Observing a photon with your consciousness, which is focussed on the physical dimension, creates the illussion that the photon can have three states: a particle, a wave, and nothingness.
Because observation implies “causality” and “time” it appears as if the photon “was waiting for its state” until it is observed.

But it actually exists in all three states simultaniously in the now.
Maybe in even more states…
And it takes on whatever role a consciousness that is currently focusing on it, assigns it to.

Now keep in mind that there is not just human collective consciousness, but also other beings, minerals, animals, planets, galaxies, soul monads, Higher Selves and Billions of other consciousness expressions.

For the physical universe it would be enough that a very powerful being focusses its consciousness on all the physical particles and decides that these are the possible states in which the different particles can appear to those consciousness streams that are focusing on “having a physical experience”.

Which means there is actually no physical universe (and astral planes etc.).
Those are just holograms created by a powerful stream of consciousnesses and where other streams of consciousnesses (like us) can project themselves into for “an experience”.

It is all a big game of consciousnesses creating holograms so that other consciousnesses can have a digital playground for experience, fun and growth.

Human scientists will not solve this contradiction as long as they are fooled by the illusion of time and not until they start to explore the only actual real thing: Consciousness

They continue to measure the illusion.
But the illusion is there on purpose.
To make it so that you believe the digital playground is “real”.
So that you take it seriously.
And by this experience more intense growth.

2. The Secret Everpresent Observer:

When scientists “observe” an experiment and the outcomes of it, they completely ignore the fact that their Subconscious Minds are also always observing all the time.

There is no such thing as “double-blind experiments”.

There is no such thing as “I only influence the outcome of the experiment when I consciously observe it”.
The Subconscious Mind is also observing all the time.
And plays along with the game to help the soul play their role as “a human scientist doing a double-blind study” etc. Lol.

Everyone’s Subconscious Minds are telepathically interconnected with each other like a network and together play a big game.

Nothing can be hidden from the Subconscious Mind that one is already aware of. What you know consciously, your Subconscious Mind also knows automatically and much better than you do. There is no playing games with the Subconscious Mind. It is aware of it all.


One cannot understand how the Matrix simulator works by only looking at the superficial (materialistic) code level. Mainstream science will not make progress unless they stop being ignorant and arrogant and start also looking into occult, esoteric and metaphysical sciences.


Thank You for Sharing these Amazing Posts/Information - I really was mind blowned by the 4 & 8 and Orion connection.

As for this last post, I still have to read it.


So, a “Higher” Consciousness thus has The Power to “Make/Create Miracles” (to bring unknown or unexpected or simply “above normal” results), from photons to whatever else Such Consciousness/Higher Being focuses on (?) - including bringing/manifesting Health instead of Disease (?) (and since everything is Consciousness, we could do Wonderful things, the More Aware/Conscious we are).


I think everything is exist. Just there are many layers by layers, dimensions over dimensions.
Not all things are illusion.
If you love a person, it is a real human, not a picture, not a hollogram.
I disagree when you state “There is no this, there is no that.”
But i respect you, parts of your explanations have right side, but your other statements are not too right.

Thanks, arc light-owner one.


I would guess, just like photons, being one way or another or not even being, all things are and are not illusions - perspective is everything; you used the word layers, I can use another word, “channels”, on the physical channel, these are not illussions, but on other channels, they/we are.

Anyway, I guess we can view multiple channels at once or even no channels (maybe) (?) lol, who knows…

Anyway, for me, on this channel or reality, every experience is real, people are real, I’m real, love is real, etc.

We could view things this way (for example): maybe worlds are not that real, but experiences are, relationships are, since all are products of Consciousness.

The Game may not be Real, but You, The Gamer, Are. :grinning: - and all other Expressions of the Absolute as well, Every Gamer is Real, Real Consciousness expressing through X or Y or Z lol identity.

Anyway, my character is kind of tired lol - it’s time for sleep.
Enough Philosophy for today.

Maybe You are Right, anyway, in my flexible view, we both are lol.

After all, Infinity has no limits, thus no clear definitions.


Yes. If we consider everything is real or can be real, we can have a sense of optimism to make things happen. Like all these morphic fields things.
Dream created morphic fields, even it isn’t exist before. Even nobody else can do it. Because he believes this things are real and can be made, so nowadays it is manifested and become good products which anybody can use.

If something isn’t exist or real yet, it is whether our mind presume that or it is not innovated yet.


IMO all of these layered realities are technically an illusion, but they are also real in the sense that we percieve them to be so.

Thus you a can look at it either way, and that’d be good enough. But to acknowledge both is to see the bigger picture.

The confusion lies in treating the word “real” to mean “absolute real”, when in fact it appears to be a relative phenomenon.


So we just have to enjoy any moment whether it’s real or not. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


The only substance that truly exists is nothing.

Everything else is a derivative.

Where Dream resides is infinite possibilities. Everything you experience here from it is a shadow made of light.

True beauty is opposite to what it’s believed to look like in this shadow world.

It’s called “Zero Point” because there is nothing before it, nothing after it, and nowhere where it exists.

You don’t search for it. “You” collapse into it … like a black hole. In “Zero Point” - your concept of “Self” doesn’t exist either.

All quests for knowledge … all journeys … they’re just shadows of the truth … all meant to send you back to “Zero Point”.

The moment you try to intellectualize it, you sync out of it.

Yes, it, matter-of-factly, is, like allowing yourself to float on the surface of the ocean.


Why I almost never click “like” on negative posts or posts/threads about problems, and even often just mute them:

Giving a like means giving energy to something.

It is not just a simple meaningless click.

It means affirming the existence of something.

It means confirming to your Subconscious Mind that you actually like what you are reading and confirming that are supportive of it.

Clicking “like” = approving something as real, relevant and true.

May sound harsh and heartless to some that I am consciously ignoring the problems of some people, but the manifestation of my personal reality has priority for me.

Which means I will not support and give energy to any message or thread that represents something that I do not want to manifest.

So choose wisely what you click on.
And don’t feel guilty for not clicking everything.

Lara’s temperament + Excalibur = a ruthless mix


A “Like” can have any meaning you want it to. If it doesn’t, then you’re already failing in your goal to create your own reality. Alternatively, if you think some things are set in stone, then isn’t your manifest reality just a private corner tucked away from what’s actually going on in the world instead of a place where you’re King?


In most cases a “like” is used to express that you like something.

If in 1% of the cases you would suddenly use the “like” with a different meaning assigned to it, you would create cognitive dissonance within yourself.

Two different definitions assigned to the same intention.

For this to work you would need then to build an infinite amount of use cases where you then tell your Subconscious Mind in which cases the “like” means X and and which cases the “like” means something else. Which makes it just overly complex and completely unnecessary.

The psyche just works better and smoother if there is internal congruency at all levels.

Internal congruency is key for laser focussed manifestation.

Full integrity.
Full congruency.
No double-standards.
No special rules.
No exceptions.
No cognitive dissonance.
No multiple personalities.


I have a bad habit of not realising when I begin imposing my consciousness on others. Needless pressure and vortices don’t help anyone … I’m working on maintaining awareness and keeping track what part of me (the microcosm) is interacting with the rest of the world (the macrocosm) … Needless to say, I often cause unintentional chaos… but chaos is good … it’s clay … a force for change …

I’ve spent what felt like aeons in a world of pure feeling in the past couple of days … I lost touch with the fact that words can create ripples and echoes in certain dimensions of being. Yes, you’re right. Under the ordinary rules (YHVH OS), every word said to oneself or others matters. It’s only in a state of pure imagination and feeling that it stops being the case … but then that state also has the disadvantage of accentuating your native Sefirot virtues (and Qlipoth vices - if not careful) … which can turn interactions in the human world a bit problematic without proper fine-tunement and honing of skills.

Just nvm what I said, I got a bit carried away, is all.


"Right now, I’m in a state of mind
I wanna be in like all the time
Ain’t got no tears left to cry"

Mirror and parallel versions of the Orion Empire (“8”).

Earth (“4”) under galactic quarantine.

There is only one version left where the Orion Empire Queen still resides (represented here by the blood sucking bat that she is hanging from the wall):

Much more symbolism hidden here, would be too long of an analysis to write everything down…

The people who create and design those video clips are heavily manipulated, I mean “inspired”, to tell hidden stories and concepts.


Back to raising vibration…

Misery loves company.
But so does joy.