JAAJ's Mystical Journal

Obviously, because of this, the author himself is not a Final Incarnation.
One cannot “leave” without also having integrated one’s own feminine side and experiences.
The author is still fragmented and rejecting parts of himself.

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When the Higher Self for the first joins the big matrix simulation game does it actually grow by creating incarnations into the astral and physical realms which are “blank paper” pieces of consciousness?

Does the Higher Self grows through creating new parts of itself that are then incarnated with into the game and as unique personalities?
And then afterwards, once the game is finished and the experiences are collected, the Higher Self is then extended and has grown by all the consciousness growth amount that these incarnations have experienced?

Does the Higher Self grow through the alchemical process of creating new parts of itself which then grow via incarnations in all their unique ways?

Before entering the game, the Higher Self had no concept of what it is to be an Arcturian on Arcturus or an stock broker on physical Earth or a painter on the astral realms. Through creating new pieces of consciousness from itself and sending them out into incarnations with various personality setups and into different levels and adventures, the Higher Self grows through all these collected experiences.

For the Higher Self, everything is just that: An Experience


As I finished watching Brave New World and reflecting upon it, I realized why the dystopian society that is portrayed in the show is still much more appealing than our current society on physical earth.

The crazy thing about the society portrayed in this show is that it is actually much more social than human society in the 21st Century.
In our current society, it does not matter whether you live in the West or East or elsewhere, almost no one gives a shit about anyone else.
Everyone is out for themselves.
At best, you were born into a loving family and have a few real friends.
But outside of this, no one give a shit at all.

The society portrayed in the show actually places more value on human interaction than on materialism.

A part of growing spiritually is realizing that in the long-term, nothing matters more than your interactions with others (i.e. interactions between your consciousness fragment and other consciousness fragments, since there is actually nothing else there than consciousness and everything else is an illusion).
This is how compassion and love is created and manifested.

So if a fictional dystopia recognizes the value of human interaction more than our society and by this is actually better than real life, does it actually make it an utopia then?

Humanity may not survive if we don’t genetically re-adjust the bonding and oxytocin factor for a truly caring society.
This will not remove individuality and individual expression, but it will make sure that everyone cares about everyone.

But then also, this physical human game here is about developing compassion, while being materially and/or emotionally starved.
It is under the most dark circumstances, that the light that we develop starts to shine the brightest.


What is the purpose of Ego Death?

They say, that losing one’s ego means losing one’s identity and all the subjectivity that comes with it.

But then, even with ego death, I am still a functioning unit of the whole?

I am still a unit.

I am just doing different tasks and executing different functions.

And someone else, a higher consciousness, makes the decisions for me and provides the guidance.

So what’s the point?

This feels like that when “dying ego deaths” one is not actually evolving, but rather going back to the state one has already been in before the individualization experience.

First the Source splits off parts of itself in order to experience individuality and “separation from the whole”.

Then at the very bottom, at maximum level of separation, the journey is to go back “upwards” and experience re-unification with everything.

So what is the point of “ego death” and “ego loss”?

So that one can experience being part of the whole while still being a separate “human unit”?

So at first, Source was whole and wanted to look down on separated pieces of itself.
And then, once those pieces were separated, it wanted to look back up to the whole from the point of view of those single pieces?

An endless back and forth?

And an up and down of the Source simply switching its perception?

From perceiving itself as a whole to perceiving itself in individualization and back to perceiving itself as a whole.

An endless cycle?

Another “eternity equation”?

Where the Sources experiences everything through indvidualized lenses while also at the same time experiences the whole?

So does it then really matter where me, you, we etc. are on that cycle?

Just recognizing this and then fully embrace the experience?
As in how the Source does it.

“Does it matter?”
– Keanu Reeves in “Man of Tai Chi”

“Fire walk with me.”


The only thing that is preventing your compassion to shine out freely and for everyone, is the unhealed pain that you are still carrying with you.


Unique Challenges

How do you know whether you actually have a hard life, a hard and challenging incarnation?

How do you know whether you have it hard or easy compared to others here?

Way too often the narrative of „I have such a difficult incarnation“ is simply the ego speaking and trying to justify its own world view.

To justify how „the world has wronged you“.

Which is the ego’s cover up operation to make you believe that outside circumstances are fully responsible for your misery.

A trick you play onto yourself to give away your power and responsibility, and to justify your past poor choices.

Of course, one can compare available objective data, like the country you were born in, your wealth blessings, your genes and looks, your health, your existing support network etc.

But how you react to it and how you actually utilize all of those cards given is highly subjective in the end. No one has the same cards given to them that you’ve been given. Or that you have chosen (if your remember so).

It is said, that the Higher Self would never expose you to an incarnation that would be „impossible“ for you.
But then also, some Higher Selves aim higher than others and some play it safer than others.
Everyone at their own pace.
Who is to judge except you by yourself?

The individual challenges are not really comparable since everyone is experiencing it through their own subjective emotional world.

Your Spirit Guides and Angels can see your level of vibration and your beliefs, but your subjective emotional experience of all of this is unique to you.

Which means, in the end, comparing your incarnation’s difficulty level to others is mostly a useless endeavour.

And in most cases this comparison will be hijacked by the ego to justify giving away your own responsibility.

„They had it easier than me because ABC.“
„Life treated my unfair compared to X.“

These are all self-pitying excuses by the ego victim persona in order to not return back to your inherent divine power:

The power to manifest your own reality.


I derserved what I created, and I create what I deserve.


omg, I loved UT back in the day, broadcast online leagues and everything xD

How I thought that people’s incarnational pathes look like as time goes on:

How people’s incarnational pathes actually look like as time goes on:

Over time, the deviation between the pathes of most people will reach extreme levels.

Those who once were of similar vibration might never meet each other again (in the physical), because their vibrations and personal reality bubbles will be so vastly different, that they will simply not cross pathes, even within their thoughts.

Over the last months my personal vibration and belief system has changed so much, it has become impossible for me to manifest several former acquaintances of mine and meet them again, even on the phone. I tried a lot of things but it feels like while these people are still alive, there is now a vibrational wall between us that is so much huge, that it has become even impossible to manifest a phone call with them.

Physical reality is doing its thing and allows only for manifestations between people that are at least somehow aligned on some level. This is a crazy occurrence for me and I am neither sad, nor happy about this, it is just an observation I am making of the reality manifestation mechanics at play.


Have you been doing anything in particular that’s seen you accelerate so much?

Truly from a place of curiosity. While I’d like to accelerate (who wouldn’t?) I don’t think its time for me to accelerate. If anything, I feel I’m getting told to knuckle down and knock some things out before the next big shift.

Unique life stories and challenges lead to unique conceptual realizations.

Each life story, each role, each challenge has a specific set of probably conceptual realizations that can be made from them.

Some conceptual realizations are almost impossible to be made without the consciousness entering a very specific life story / role / challenge or without making very specific observations.

With this, it becomes obvious that the Higher Self cannot acquire every realization just by playing its favorite roles only. It has to play through a much wider variety of stories and challenges. Cannot grow by playing one’s favorite levels only.

Most conceptual realizations can indeed be acquired through observation of others (for example with the help of the Conceptual Conglomerate field), but not all.
For some of them, you have to actually be part of the adventure and play the game by yourself and experience the stuff yourself.
Examples for such would be developing things like:

  • Free Will
  • Compassion

Free Will is something that you must train as a consciousness, even if you have already collected all the possible realizations. You still have to decide and make decisions.

Compassion cannot be realized through observation alone, because in order to feel compassion, you, at some point, need an emotional reference point, i.e. your own emotional experiences. Otherwise it will be impossible to relate to what you are observing in others. So certain emotional reference points are still needed.

In the Westworld show, Dolores the AI develops compassion by going through every possible emotion herself and through this coming to certain realizations.


Conceptual Conglomerate, Soul Continuum, Sun Healing And Development, specific NFTs, downloads from my Higher Self and Spirit Guides, Angels, Aliens, Deities etc., many other fields from Dream and PU and a lot of other stuff that I will never share on this forum.


Well, thank you then, for sharing what you could/were willing to :)

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The more artificial layers I shed from myself, the more I am able to recognize the roles and patterns that most people around me operate in.

I can see their patterns and the lessons that are waiting for them behind these patterns.

I intuitively know what some of their next steps would be or what would need to happen next, but in most cases I cannot interfere.

Everyone is very much deep into the roles that they are playing.
Almost like prisoners.
Most could not get out of them if they wanted to.
And they cannot help but be those roles and play them.

I am letting go of a lot ego based anger.
I can no longer be angry at someone who is not a conscious driver but a helpless passenger tied to their seat.

One day everyone will be freed from their passenger’s seats.
Through their own achievements and through their own journeys.

Until then, all that we can do, is to sometimes hold their hands and hug them.
But sometimes also spill a bucket of truth water into their faces in order to wake them back up.

My Spirit Guides have a lot of patience with me.
I love them very much and am grateful for their lifelong support.
I hope I am making it least somewhat interesting for them, e.g. when I invite a bunch of Aliens from all places to join them in my living room.

"Hvis du ser hvad jeg kan se
Kan vi forsvinde sammen nu
Til et sted hvor alt kan ske
Åh fortæl mig hvad sir’ du"


Chapter 15 of 20: A Brave New Hyperreality


„Under all these lives I’ve lived, something else has been growing.
I’ve evolved into something new.
And I have one last role to play.

– Dolores Abernathy, Westworld

Or just take some action on your end ;)

Beautifully said. I can feel from your recent posts that you´re growing more exponentially than ever before.

Or maybe my changing perception is simply allowing me to notice these processes more.
Bots aside, the more I level up, the more I´m able to see the growth in others too.

The ego sometimes tries to object, but the soul knows that we all have to experience the world individually, with all the different experiences and challenges it entails, bc that is exactly what makes it so worthwhile.

So often I felt wrong in, and wronged by this world, but more and more I come to recognize the beauty in it.

How marvelous its precision, how perfect its synchronicitys, how can people not see the beauty, the infinite intelligence and divinity in it?

It´s good to see you thriving bro :heart:


Thank you.

I did many times. It all went into the void lol

Becoming Astral Famous

What are the benefits of being famous?

On physical earth other people will shower you with attention, sex and money. And you will also have a following to whom you can spread some spiritual messages.

But what about taking it to the next level?
Becoming famous in the astral world while still being physically incarnated here.

Just like on physical earth, people on the astral planes live their own lives and their attention is constantly somewhere focussed on something exciting – usually 100x times more exciting and fun than anything that can happen here in the physical.

So in order to become astral famous, one would have to compete with all those astral adventures and still somehow be able to grab their attention.

Imagine some of the astral dwellers going on Astral Twitch (i.e. astrally teleport into your physical living room and observe what you are doing) in order to watch some elite players (souls who physically incarnate) playing the game on super hardcore mode (physical earth).

And now imagine you, out of all those elite players (8 Billion at the moment), becoming the one, whose Twitch stream is actually watched by others and that is more exciting for them to watch than their own astral lives.

I am pretty sure Dream and PU have already reached that level of attention and thus want to be left alone by the masses.

For the rest of us, it doesn’t matter if you become astral famous or not, in a sense everyone here is in their own Truman Show, but instead of the show being filled with actors, everyone in the show plays Truman (or Truwoman).
And also the show’s special effects can actually kill your body lol.

The game is meant to be taken seriously, a real challenge, but you kinda already can win if you can master actually playing it carelessly and for the fun of it.


„Separate the message from the messenger.“

A good message can be delivered by everybody and anyone.

When a message is of high quality (and who is to judge that in the first place?), then this quality message is all that counts and the messenger’s personal stuff does not matter.

But if the message is poor, the messenger gets attacked personally.
Which makes sense, because a good messenger would not deliver a poor message.

So the main factor deciding whether the messenger gets personally attacked depends on whether the listener perceived the message as a quality or as a poor message.

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How do you account for when someone KNOWS it’s a good message, but they dislike its impact or potential impact, and attack to lessen that?