Jojo's Brain Journal

Speaking of this, Manhattan Method will be my next insight to write about. That will be the next one to discuss. Later, when I get home.



It is real that Manhattan Method can subtly triggers abilities that other wiring brain fields do after a certain period of time. So yeah, good choice.


Finally the guide I wanted
Thanks Infinite Jojo! :ok_hand:


You were the first person to ask, so thank you as well!


Look forward to read that. Btw, your explanation is very easy to understand the concepts. Thanks @Jojo

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Next, we discuss the Manhattan Method:

Manhattan Method is obviously known as the first brain field to get. The one that can turn the large majority of people into a genius given the time and effort to reach those higher levels of circuitry formation. (Mental health problems and disorders may be an exception.)

But with this field… Basically, everything you can think of as a trait for intelligence (outside of psychic abilities, yet it does actually have psychic abilities.) gets a boost. All the basics get growth, and you can feel it as it’s happening, from the temporal lobe to the frontal lobe to the parietal lobe, etc.

It works on:

Processing Speed
Working Memory
Spatial Reasoning
Pattern Recognition
Perceptual Reasoning
Fluid Reasoning
Focus and Concentration
and more…

This is the field that you want to get if your goal is to become a genius. It has all of the mental operations required to allow your brain to thrive in the world from an intelligence standpoint and to bring you to the realm of unlimited potential. Once you see the power of this field for yourself, there’s no looking back in terms of intelligence. You simply know it’s time for you to grow. Not to mention the music literally makes you feel like a main character. :rofl:

As you grow with this one, you’ll realize that you do care about becoming smarter, then you’ll realize that you are smarter, that the world around you is more fun because things are easier, and then one day you’ll realize that you aren’t smart lol. It’s a common trend and it showed up that way for me as well. The dunning-Kruger effect.

I can’t wait to show my mental operations lol. Once I get to that specific section in the 6 months results December thread, it may shock many. Still shocks me every day.

This field changed so much for me in this short time. I’ve been in the forum for a little over 3 months, yet I’ve grown in at least 40 IQ points from this field ALONE.


yep, i just read that, am that quick

So true, you like hold up, wait, that cant be right because this, and that cant be right because of this.

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Aiming for my first 10 hr day with MM.


You know one thing I’ve noticed.

It’s that in the music, you can kind of hear the purpose of the field.

The following will be simplified as per usual, but as always, it will give something to look forward to.

Mathematical madness sounds and feels (auditorily and sensationally) like math.

Conceptual Conglomerate’s music feels like many different thoughts are being gathered all around your brain and that they’re being organized.

Drops of memory sounds like working memory manipulation and transmutation into the long term memory is being fascilitated.

Key to babel sounds like music you ponder the abstract linguistical and literacy contexts.

Cyber brain sounds like your reality is changing into a group of differently processed thought patterns through energy leading to what we call “AI merging.”

Manhattan Method sounds like you’re being brought into geniushood.

Brain key and snapping literally sound like your brain is being both charged and stuffed with an energy wave of vitamins, etc.

Speed reading also sounds like highly and quickly processed information is being ran through.


The arts also show similar patterns and I think it gives me insights.

Dreamweaver is a literal genius. His art can even tell you what the field will do, the music can even give you a glimpse of what to expect.

You just have to see a little bit more deeply…

I’m not saying (Oh there’s a brain in the picture, it will make my brain bigger 😵‍💫.)

Nah… Search for those patterns. Or you can just notice them when the field makes you smarter lol.

Sometimes I’ve uncovered a field through it’s wallpaper and music, and then I’ve asked for clarification to see if my intuition matches the inference. :slight_smile:


I can hear voices in MMM


That’s very interesting! I can visualize numbers and geometric patterns in MMM.

If I close my eyes while listening it’s like my brain begins absorbing the information. I think I had a glimpse of some of the mental operations being performed while meditating a couple months ago, but I’m not sure.

I remember getting MMM for the frontal lobe growth with math as a bonus, but then I stsrted realizing the importance of MMM, and now the thread is scattered with my realizations.

There is more, but I don’t want to take away from other people enjoying the discovery of these new psychic abilities. It would be cool to see someone freak out about these. :star_struck:


This is resemblant of the phenomenon where people tend to look like their names.

When we’ve used a certain field for while, we can’t imagine its art and music being any different, so these attributes become an intrinsic part of its identity, like how a name becomes a part of someone we know.

Thus, much like people we know well will appear to look like their name, a field we know well can appear to have music that sounds like its function.

Though I’m not saying Dream doesn’t select music and create artwork geared toward the field’s goals. He evidently does.

Just that there might be another influence at play here.


That’s cool. Been running MM and SB (along with WM) for past 4+ hours now. With a small 15 min break where I looped BK, SS, and ABP in parallel.

I definitely feel my brain getting work but it’s nothing debilitating. I think being in sessions with clients helps distract me and somewhat move and distribute the field energy so it feels like less of a strain.

Now as I sit down and type this out, I could feel more of the mild pressure in the brain. Mostly behind the eyes and frontal lobe. Maybe I’ll do some hexa looping with MMM in there. Maybe…

But I will say the one drawback I experience is it certainly takes mental energy which has consumed most of my attention beyond my day to day work.

I’ll perhaps move this to brain guild or private message so as to not take up your thread. I think that SB field has me sharing more lol.


Yes, indeed I thought of that being a possibility as well.

But then I started noticing it with new fields and experiencing it with things I hadn’t felt before. It was a few huge steps outside of familiarity.

I guess it could be subjective, but if I’m having those realizations then it works for me. Hopefully, if someone else tries it out they will uncover that stuff as well.

If not, it’s just trying a more in-depth perception which I think would be beneficial either way as it leads to more understandings. Thanks for the perspective.

But now that I think about it @Matt1 I think CC may simply be finding newer patterns as I focus on the energy embedded within the fields. It may simply be a meditative analysis leading to the decoding of more details about the chosen field.

Another sign that psychic abilities truly set us apart.


The most important thread


Thank you, I’m honored.


Now we speak on brain circuits:

Philip expressed this in previous threads like The Guide to NextGen intelligence fields or Brain fields cheat sheet, but to reiterate, and maybe even simplify in order to help people understand the advanced brain fields (Brain fields starting from the Manhattan Method and later.) better, they should think in terms of circuitry.

Basically, whenever you continuously do a certain activity, your brain becomes structured in a way that makes the habit easy and almost unconscious. This is circuitry.

When you put on a shirt, you don’t even have to think about it, you just put on that shirt. When you pour a bowl of cereal, you automatically know how to do it. It takes 0 effort. That is because your brain is wired in a way through your experience continuously doing the same task over and over until it’s something you just “know” without even trying. This is circuitry, even if it’s an easy task. (Hope you got the joke :rofl:)

The advanced brain fields are not like permanent brain enhancement in which it “electrically stimulates” a certain brain region like the prefrontal cortex by increasing neurons in a certain area. Basically at this point, the newer brain fields have circuits that connect all over the brain. These circuits can be very skinny, like a thread of hair, yet that thread of hair can contain multiple millions of neurons (maybe even billions) and those neurons can have a thousand (give or take) synaptic connections EACH.

This is why you may randomly begin performing a new mental operation while listening to certain brain fields because you are doing a specific cognitive task “energetically” hundreds to thousands of times, and in turn, you can display these cognitive abilities in your lives without trying.

Fields like Cyber Brain, Conceptual Conglomerate, Wholistic Thinking, and others, may not induce a lot of autism symptoms because they are not stimulating a certain area, they are creating circuits all over your brain, and as stated earlier, these circuits can be so small that you don’t even feel it, yet over time the tasks that they allot will reveal themselves in your consciousness.

Your frontal can connect to your hippocampus, to your parietal lobe, to your temporal lobe, to your thalamus, to your amygdala, to your basal ganglia, and more just to create a circuit for “pattern recognition”. These circuits from the newer advanced brain fields connect all over the brain in very complex ways. I myself don’t know everything there is about them.

Circuits also take longer to build than simply growing a lobe or something. So expect certain fields to take a littttttle bit more time, but the payoff will be amazing if you stay the course.


Next I will discuss Genes (very much prevalent to Advantageous Brain Plan) and how they correlate to intelligence in various factors.

Genes alone can shoot you up many intelligence points.

Good thing for us, we can get the most efficient ones possible. Let’s discuss those next.


Even though it doesn’t have the specific wiring abilities that the other fields have but the fact that it essentially does some of what the other field does is insane, with even more greater features to explore.

I can see why Doc said if if you were to get a field, CC would be it. Loved how you broke it down.


Jojo please could you write the abbreviations of the brain fields? Thank you

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