Journey #1 - Fitness Edition

Haha the audio is only 2 mins long, need that full spectrum light.


Imagine how strong it is, it only lasts 2 mins ;)


arent you afraid of sarms side effects ? I suppose biceps + mbl surpass the effects and are safer

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Cardarine and Stenabolic are not SARMs, they are to help with burning fat.
Also, they help with endurance, physical exercise.

I don’t listen to any SARMs audios, you’re right, the muscle building part is covered by Biceps and MBL.


Day 6:

Full Spectrum Light x5

Tonic No. 31 x4

The Quintessence of Marrow x3

HGH v2 x1

Stenabolic x3, x3, x3 (approximately every 6-8hrs)

Cardarine x3, x3 (approximately every 12 hrs)

20E Pepper x3, x3 (approximately every 12 hrs)

Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation x5

Muscles Beyond Limits x4

The Furnace x3

Gila Monster’s Drool x3

Oxidized Fat x3

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I didnt know that, my bad

I love this style of journey diary.

Could you add more? Muscle tone, strenght, etc. ?

Im curious. Thank you, great day !

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Well, it’s still early days, about one week so far.

I do notice a slight decrease in body fat in some areas, and some muscles may have increased in size slightly.

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Looking forward to hear more :muscle:

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I am following along… I don’t need to lose any weight/fat - goal is maintain the current level of fitness. Completed Day 2 stack and certainly notice better stamina when working out…


Nice, how many times did you listen to Hardcore?
I accidentally fell asleep with that one on Day 2.

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But what about before and after pictures? You take them?

I did 5 times!! That is the only change I made (reduced Hardcore). And added Super Metabolism Boost (twice).


Finished Day-2. Certainly feel the lifts getting better. Also, it is kinda fun to build a new stack everyday…keeps it interesting :slight_smile:


Day 7:
Not in the particular order I listened to them.
Update: Starting to see slightly more muscle definition, slightly reduced body fat, some muscles look bigger.

Full Spectrum Light x4

Tonic No. 31 x4

Creatine Synthesis x3

The Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath x4

HGH v2 x1

Stenabolic x3, x3, x3 (approximately every 6-8hrs)

Cardarine x3, x3 (approximately every 12 hrs)

20E Pepper x3, x3 (approximately every 12 hrs)

Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation x4

Muscles Beyond Limits x4

Myofascial Release x4

Hardcore x5

Automated Cycling x1

The Furnace x3

Gila Monster’s Drool x3

Oxidized Fat x3

Muscle Recovery Ver 2.0 x3

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Yes, I have taken pictures before I started the journey. WIll take pictures every 1-2 weeks.

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Would you say rotating audios day to day could be more beneficial ? Maybe reduce point of diminishing returns ?

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I forgot to mention in the daily lists, I listen to Food Charger and Enhancer before and during meals.

Then my after meal stack is:

Increased Nutrient Absorption x4
The Iron Gullet x3
HGF x3

I also sometimes listen to Smart Stem Cells while sleeping.



I checked my weight today.

Current Weight = Starting Weight on Day 1 + 0.6kg

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I’m not concerned, it probably just means I have gained more muscle mass than fat lost.

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For workout audios, that is probably true. For say, other spiritual audios, may not be the case.