Kamadeva Rati Homam

yeh ouchy lol so many times i left and didnt tell her goodbye lol


One last time he left and he didn’t say goodbye




I will try

its not like she will care

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Mission Kamadeva; Beginnnn!


yeah, I’m in good hands now!

almost in the moment of readiness xd

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wine_glass:

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Uffff, right in the feels, I felt exactly the same, I once thought to my self while I was breaking down in tears that she won’t even care if I dropped dead right now, she doesn’t give a flying f*ck about me and it hurt even more, like putting salt on a wound.

that’s why we are going to level up

we will connect to their soul
look them in the eyes

gently smile

speak from our heart

radiate some light from our eyes into theirs.

match their heart’s heartbeat

speak in their tone

match their energy

be their support

be their source of love

without which they cannot live without

expect nothing in return

don’t do it to other ones

just them

be okay if they make love with other people

still do it

at the end love will win

whether on the physical or just emotional level

in closeness or distance

forever or for five minutes

during a wedding or a breakup

in bed or in toilet

in times of despair and in times of happiness

when you’re both favored by the god and when you’re both favored by the devil

in war and in peace

in heaven and in hell

drunk or sober

through text or in person

and most importantly

through extension of our own self love

and help of kamadeva rati’s homam with all this ;)


I kinda did this in the beginning, I did not expect much but I guess I let my guard down much and fell for the illusions and poof got myself broken.


Yeah i know that feeling


Better to let go of who you think you love and let this bring actual love.


Be a little patient, you should get the download link within 60 minutes.

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Lol must be mistake but it funny :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Haha, the download link came after a little while!

Appreciate the help.


I don’t know, this made me feel more anxious and overly attached with someone, or like I have a grudge against that person for not fulfilling my expectation.

Must be the detox or negative energy being removed… definitely feeling irritated.

I don’t ask for much in a relationship, just a partner that has my back and I have their back, seems to be a foreign concept for some people which is probably this pattern of mine which consist of anger + frustration that is rising up…

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Seems like a nice beginning :slight_smile:


This is amazing. I bought it on a whim as I was feeling my marriage needed some extra help. It’s been a couple of weeks of daily listening and it’s really worked. Smoothed our relations/less arguments, more love, more harmony and happiness. It’s great :yellow_heart:


Does this help to get married? :)

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Remember to give a bit more specific detail in your question if you don’t want to end up reinventing the wheel. After re-reading the description of this field, it appears that it will also help you in your current situation. I don’t think you can go wrong with either this or Matchmaker. If you are on Patreon you also might take a look at Lucky Flows (Patreon Shop)

The level of relationship is the crux of the matter here. With any field that doesn’t specifically concern only marriage you will have to signify your intent when you interact with it.


You’re the right person to ask- I just bought Kamadeva Rati Homam (yay!) and I was wondering overall too is it better to hear all these audios with headphones or without? I know the FAQs says use earbuds but then I read a description somewhere that said no earphones and just use speakers, so I’m confused.

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